Often, when recording, engineers might want to record both the parent and the children generated during the run. This pre-load library intercepts the calls to 'fork()' and calls the LiveRecorder API to record the child.
You will need to have the LiveRecorder library in order to be able to use this utility.
In order to be able to use the library it needs to be compiled with the following command:
gcc -I /<path>/<to>/<undodb-xxxx>/undolr -L /<path>/<to>/<undodb-xxxx>/undolr -shared -fPIC follow_fork.c -o libfollowfork.so -l:libundolr_pic_x64.a -std=c99 -ldl
In order to use the library you'll need to do the following:
LD_PRELOAD=<path_to>/libfollowfork.so <app to record> <args....>