There are 4 catkin packages contained in this repo. Each of these packages performs a specific purpose in the ROS structure, which are covered below
: core code that talks to motor drivers and listens to commandsosr_interfaces
: custom message definitionsosr_bringup
: configuration and launch files for starting the roverled_screen
: code to communicate to the Arduino Uno to run the LED screen
Please refer to the docstrings wihin each file to gain understanding of the internals as that is the most up-to-date and complete source of information.
: copy of the roboclaw python library, API to the roboclaw controllers. ROS
: ROS node that wraps around and abstracts the roboclaw library. Takes in commands and reports state of each
: ROS node that controls the rover, taking in high-level commands and calculating motor commands which are sent
Note that a positive angular twist corresponds to a positive turning radius and turning left while driving forward.
Contains custom message definitions used for the rover. Please refer to the message definitions for details and units.
The osr_bringup package contains the launch file necessary to start all the ROS nodes, as well as the operating parameters for the robot.
ROS nodes for interfacing with the screen.