Notes based on a reading of Emmanuel Paradis' R for Beginners
- R is a language
- Only objects in active memory are manipulated, not the data on the disk
- Objects have attributes that specify what kind of data is represented
- 2 intrinsic attributes of all objects
- mode and length
- 2 intrinsic attributes of all objects
- a function is always written with parentheses, even if the are empty; e.g.
- A function without parentheses will display the content of the function
- A value must be assigned to an object or it will not be stored in memory
lists the objects in memory- Use the up arrow to scroll through previous commands
- Regular sequences
- The
operator seq()
- The
- The on-line help can be accessed from within R with the use of
; e.g.?lm
are equivalent- These commands only search packages that are loaded in memory. To search all packages, set
try.all.packages = TRUE
- For a more detailed desciption of what the is contained in the help documentation, see page 7 of
- Basic read in is
- Saving data
writes an objet in a file- Can record a group of objects by making them into a 'workspace' with
save(x, y, z, file= "xyz.RData")
- Single brackets
- For example, to select the third value of vector x
- For example, to select the third value of vector x
- Vector: one dimensional sequence of data elements
- Matrix: a two-dimensional collection of data elements
- e.g.
- Data frame: A two-dimensional collection of data elements where vectors must be of the same length but may be of different class
- List: A collection of data elements that may be of different classes and lengths