Cloudformation scripts to deploy Kubernetes cluster on AWS, everything is TLS and secured. The only public components are the kubernetes services that get exposed via Elastic Load Balancers via service type LoadBalancer
There are two different CloudFormation templates, network-template, k8s-template.
- CoreOS (Stable) for k8s master and nodes
- OpsWorks to manage bastion instance running Amazon Linux
The network template is designed to provide a set of VPC's, subnets, and internet gateways to provide a basic "shell" to deploy AWS infrastructure into. This base architecture is modeled after the NIST Template by only allowing access via a bastion instance. Access to the bastion instance is provided via OpsWorks to manage individual user keys on the box.
The k8s template is used to deploy a kubernetes cluster into the network-template or your own existing infrastructure. This is important as the k8s template was designed to not force users into any base infrastructure. All that is required to deploy the k8s template is a VPC, and a route table. The template creates it's own subnets and permissions, but everything else is left up to the user.
NOTE: The network template provided is NOT required to use the k8s template.
Modify SAN for certs by changing DNS entry in openssl.cnf to match requirements (If required)
Generate RootCA:
Generate API Server Certs:
Generate Worker Certs:
Create ssh keypair for cluster management (All servers behind bastion will use this key)
Login to AWS console and run getting starting wizard for OpsWorks. This creates the needed roles to create the OpsStack for our deployment
Create the base stack (
) by navigating to AWS CloudFormation screen, and uploading file, then executing -
Update the ignition configs (
) with certs generated in previous steps -
Transpile configs and copy into template (See Generate ignition config))
Create the Kubernetes stack (
) by navigating to the AWS CloudFormation screen, and uploading file, then executing. NOTE: The table to use can be found named:Route Table for Private Networks
NOTE: Only generate the RootCA once! If RootCA is regenerated, will need to re-create all certs.
First download the container linux config transpiler to your local machine (See releases here: ct transpiler)
# Transpile the ignition config, then copy into the `k8s-template.yaml` to UserData section of InstanceController
$ rm ignition.json && ct --in-file controller.yaml > ignition.json --platform ec2
# Transpile the ignition config, then copy into the `k8s-template.yaml` to UserData section of LaunchConfigurationWorker
$ rm ignition.json && ct --in-file node.yaml > ignition.json --platform ec2
Use the following command to create the stack without needing to use the AWS Web UI:
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name sloka-k8s --template-body file://k8s-template.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ApplicationVPC,ParameterValue=vpc-45097a3c ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue=sloka-k8s ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=sloka-virginia ParameterKey=RouteTableNAT,ParameterValue=rtb-e7cbc79f --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
$ export kubever=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')
$ kubectl apply -f "$kubever"
$ kubectl create -f
This is a bug in the current 1.7 release where the RBAC role is not properly defined.
Edit the role and add list
and watch
to the endpoints
$ kubectl edit clusterrole system:node
Use the certs created in the generate certs section to configure local kubectl. Create a user / role here.
$ kubectl config set-cluster aws --server=https://[name matching cert SAN from above]:9443 --certificate-authority=${CA_CERT}
$ kubectl config set-credentials aws-admin --certificate-authority=${CA_CERT} --client-key=${ADMIN_KEY} --client-certificate=${ADMIN_CERT}
$ kubectl config set-context aws-admin --cluster=aws --user=default-admin
$ kubectl config use-context aws-admin
NOTE: Since access to the k8s api will be via the bastion box, can setup a hosts entry in your system hosts file (e.g. /etc/hosts) which points to localhost but matches a SAN created above. This is also why port 9443 is used.
Here I added kubernetes
to my local hosts file.
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost kubernetes
To access the k8s api via kubectl
use the following command to create a persistent tunnel:
ssh -L 9443: ec2-user@[BastionIPAddress] -N
- Login to AWS console and choose OpsWorks
- Select Stack
- On left menu choose
- Top right button choose
- Select IAM users who need access and choose
- Verify status by refreshing
NOTE: Users must have uploaded keys to their profile via OpsWorks. The nice part is no shared keys and access can be controlled centrally.