diff --git a/packages/server/.env.example b/packages/server/.env.example
index 2e59ee13f..23dcc8cd8 100644
--- a/packages/server/.env.example
+++ b/packages/server/.env.example
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ API_DOMAIN=http://localhost:8080
diff --git a/packages/server/__tests__/db/db.test.js b/packages/server/__tests__/db/db.test.js
index fedb7b15b..390d0a673 100644
--- a/packages/server/__tests__/db/db.test.js
+++ b/packages/server/__tests__/db/db.test.js
@@ -368,6 +368,16 @@ describe('db', () => {
             const result = await db.getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId: fixtures.users.staffUser.tenant_id });
+        it('shows forecasted grants', async () => {
+            const grantId = '444819';
+            const result = await db.getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId: fixtures.users.staffUser.tenant_id, showForecastedGrants: true });
+            expect(result.grant_id).to.eq('444819');
+        });
+        it('hides forecasted grants', async () => {
+            const grantId = '444819';
+            const result = await db.getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId: fixtures.users.staffUser.tenant_id, showForecastedGrants: false });
+            expect(result).to.be.null;
+        });
     context('getGrantsAssignedAgency', () => {
@@ -386,6 +396,49 @@ describe('db', () => {
+    context('getGrant', () => {
+        it('gets forecasted grant', async () => {
+            const result = await db.getGrant({ grantId: fixtures.grants.forecastedGrant.grant_id, showForecastedGrants: true });
+            expect(result.grant_id).to.equal(fixtures.grants.forecastedGrant.grant_id);
+        });
+        it('hides forecasted grant', async () => {
+            const result = await db.getGrant({ grantId: fixtures.grants.forecastedGrant.grant_id, showForecastedGrants: false });
+            console.log('marissasss');
+            console.log(result);
+            expect(result).to.be.null;
+        });
+    });
+    context('getGrantsNew', () => {
+        it('gets forecasted grants', async () => {
+            const result = await db.getGrantsNew(
+                {},
+                { currentPage: 1, perPage: 10, isLengthAware: true },
+                { orderBy: 'open_date', orderDesc: 'true' },
+                fixtures.tenants.SBA.id,
+                fixtures.agencies.accountancy.id,
+                false,
+                true,
+            );
+            const forecastedGrant = result.data.filter((grant) => grant.opportunity_status === 'forecasted');
+            expect(forecastedGrant.length).to.equal(1);
+        });
+        it('hides forecasted grants', async () => {
+            const result = await db.getGrantsNew(
+                { bill: 'Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act' },
+                { currentPage: 1, perPage: 10, isLengthAware: true },
+                { orderBy: 'open_date', orderDesc: 'true' },
+                fixtures.tenants.SBA.id,
+                fixtures.agencies.accountancy.id,
+                false,
+                false,
+            );
+            const forecastedGrant = result.data.filter((grant) => grant.opportunity_status === 'forecasted');
+            expect(forecastedGrant.length).to.equal(0);
+        });
+    });
     context('getGrants with various filters', () => {
             filters: {
diff --git a/packages/server/__tests__/db/seeds/fixtures.js b/packages/server/__tests__/db/seeds/fixtures.js
index ed2a65fee..2c755f9eb 100644
--- a/packages/server/__tests__/db/seeds/fixtures.js
+++ b/packages/server/__tests__/db/seeds/fixtures.js
@@ -122,6 +122,48 @@ const agencyEligibilityCodes = {
 const grants = {
+    forecastedGrant: {
+        status: 'inbox',
+        grant_id: '444819',
+        grant_number: '29-468',
+        agency_code: 'NSF',
+        award_ceiling: '6500',
+        cost_sharing: 'No',
+        title: 'Forecasted Grant',
+        cfda_list: '47.050',
+        open_date: '2100-06-21',
+        close_date: '2200-11-03',
+        notes: 'auto-inserted by script',
+        search_terms: '[in title/desc]+',
+        reviewer_name: 'none',
+        opportunity_category: 'Discretionary',
+        description: 'Grant that is forecasted',
+        eligibility_codes: '25',
+        opportunity_status: 'forecasted',
+        raw_body_json: {
+            opportunity: {
+                id: '444819',
+                number: '29-468',
+                title: 'Forecasted Grant',
+                description: 'Grant that is forecasted',
+                category: { name: 'Discretionary' },
+                milestones: { post_date: '2100-06-21', close: { date: '2200-11-03' } },
+            },
+            agency: { code: 'NSF' },
+            cost_sharing_or_matching_requirement: false,
+            cfda_numbers: ['47.050'],
+            eligible_applicants: [{ code: '25' }],
+            funding_activity: { categories: [{ code: 'ISS', name: 'Income Security and Social Services' }] },
+            award: { ceiling: '6500' },
+            bill: 'Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)',
+            funding_instrument_types: [{ code: 'CA' }, { code: 'G' }, { code: 'PC' }],
+        },
+        funding_instrument_codes: 'CA G PC',
+        bill: 'Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)',
+        funding_activity_category_codes: 'ISS',
+        created_at: '2024-08-11 11:30:38.89828-07',
+        updated_at: '2024-08-11 12:30:39.531-07',
+    },
     earFellowship: {
         status: 'inbox',
         grant_id: '335255',
diff --git a/packages/server/src/db/index.js b/packages/server/src/db/index.js
index b0cff8338..df1af67c8 100755
--- a/packages/server/src/db/index.js
+++ b/packages/server/src/db/index.js
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ function addCsvData(qb) {
     tenantId: number
     agencyId: number
-async function getGrantsNew(filters, paginationParams, orderingParams, tenantId, agencyId, toCsv) {
+async function getGrantsNew(filters, paginationParams, orderingParams, tenantId, agencyId, toCsv, showForecastedGrants = false) {
     const errors = validateSearchFilters(filters);
     if (errors.length > 0) {
         throw new Error(`Invalid filters: ${errors.join(', ')}`);
@@ -751,6 +751,7 @@ async function getGrantsNew(filters, paginationParams, orderingParams, tenantId,
             WHEN grants.archive_date <= now() THEN 'archived'
             WHEN grants.close_date <= now() THEN 'closed'
+            WHEN grants.open_date > now() THEN 'forecasted'
             ELSE 'posted'
             END as opportunity_status
@@ -758,6 +759,11 @@ async function getGrantsNew(filters, paginationParams, orderingParams, tenantId,
             NULLIF(grants.award_ceiling, 0) as award_ceiling
         .modify((qb) => grantsQuery(qb, filters, agencyId, orderingParams, paginationParams))
+        .modify((qb) => {
+            if (!showForecastedGrants) {
+                qb.whereNot({ opportunity_status: 'forecasted' });
+            }
+        })
             count(*) OVER() AS full_count
@@ -841,7 +847,7 @@ async function enhanceGrantData(tenantId, data) {
 async function getGrants({
-    currentPage, perPage, tenantId, filters, orderBy, searchTerm, orderDesc,
+    currentPage, perPage, tenantId, filters, orderBy, searchTerm, orderDesc, showForecastedGrants,
 } = {}) {
     const data = await knex(TABLES.grants)
         .modify((queryBuilder) => {
@@ -852,6 +858,9 @@ async function getGrants({
                         .orWhere(`${TABLES.grants}.title`, '~*', searchTerm),
+            if (!showForecastedGrants) {
+                queryBuilder.andWhereNot(`${TABLES.grants}.opportunity_status`, 'forecasted');
+            }
             if (filters) {
                 if (filters.interestedByUser || filters.positiveInterest || filters.result || filters.rejected || filters.interestedByAgency) {
                     queryBuilder.join(TABLES.grants_interested, `${TABLES.grants}.grant_id`, `${TABLES.grants_interested}.grant_id`)
@@ -1002,17 +1011,27 @@ async function getGrants({
     return { data: dataWithAgency, pagination };
-async function getGrant({ grantId }) {
+async function getGrant({ grantId, showForecastedGrants }) {
     const results = await knex.table(TABLES.grants)
-        .where({ grant_id: grantId });
-    return results[0];
+        .where({ grant_id: grantId })
+        .modify((queryBuilder) => {
+            if (!showForecastedGrants) {
+                queryBuilder.whereNot({ opportunity_status: 'forecasted' });
+            }
+        });
+    return results.length ? results[0] : null;
-async function getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId }) {
+async function getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId, showForecastedGrants }) {
     const results = await knex.table(TABLES.grants)
-        .where({ grant_id: grantId });
+        .where({ grant_id: grantId })
+        .modify((queryBuilder) => {
+            if (!showForecastedGrants) {
+                queryBuilder.whereNot({ opportunity_status: 'forecasted' });
+            }
+        });
     const enhancedResults = await enhanceGrantData(tenantId, results);
     return enhancedResults.length ? enhancedResults[0] : null;
diff --git a/packages/server/src/lib/email.js b/packages/server/src/lib/email.js
index 88331428c..6776c2d83 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/lib/email.js
+++ b/packages/server/src/lib/email.js
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ async function sendGrantAssignedEmails({ grantId, agencyIds, userId }) {
             i. Send email
     try {
-        const grant = await db.getGrant({ grantId });
+        const grant = await db.getGrant({ grantId, showForecastedGrants: process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true' });
         const grantDetail = await buildGrantDetail(grant, notificationType.grantAssignment);
         const agencies = await db.getAgenciesByIds(agencyIds);
         await asyncBatch(
@@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ async function getAndSendGrantForSavedSearch({
+        process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true',
     return sendGrantDigestEmail({
diff --git a/packages/server/src/routes/grants.js b/packages/server/src/routes/grants.js
index d7577e00e..97456340e 100755
--- a/packages/server/src/routes/grants.js
+++ b/packages/server/src/routes/grants.js
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ router.get('/', requireUser, async (req, res) => {
         orderBy: req.query.orderBy,
         orderDesc: req.query.orderDesc,
+        showForecastedGrants: process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true',
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ router.get('/next', requireUser, async (req, res) => {
+        process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true',
     return res.json(grants);
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ router.get('/next', requireUser, async (req, res) => {
 router.get('/:grantId/grantDetails', requireUser, async (req, res) => {
     const { grantId } = req.params;
     const { user } = req.session;
-    const response = await db.getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId: user.tenant_id });
+    const response = await db.getSingleGrantDetails({ grantId, tenantId: user.tenant_id, showForecastedGrants: process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true' });
@@ -128,6 +130,7 @@ router.get('/exportCSVNew', requireUser, async (req, res) => {
+        process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true',
     // Generate CSV
@@ -214,6 +217,7 @@ router.get('/exportCSV', requireUser, async (req, res) => {
             opportunityStatuses: parseCollectionQueryParam(req, 'opportunityStatuses'),
             opportunityCategories: parseCollectionQueryParam(req, 'opportunityCategories'),
+        showForecastedGrants: process.env.SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS === 'true',
     // Generate CSV
diff --git a/terraform/prod.tfvars b/terraform/prod.tfvars
index c6255dc75..f7f8b0ecf 100644
--- a/terraform/prod.tfvars
+++ b/terraform/prod.tfvars
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ api_log_retention_in_days              = 30
 api_container_environment = {
+  SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS         = false
 // Postgres
diff --git a/terraform/staging.tfvars b/terraform/staging.tfvars
index 69284a8de..592d61c22 100644
--- a/terraform/staging.tfvars
+++ b/terraform/staging.tfvars
@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@ api_enable_saved_search_grants_digest  = true
 api_enable_grant_digest_scheduled_task = true
 api_log_retention_in_days              = 14
 api_container_environment = {
+  SHOW_FORECASTED_GRANTS         = true
 // Postgres