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188 lines (157 loc) · 6.69 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (157 loc) · 6.69 KB


The server that collects metrics from short-lived applications or legacy applications like PHP, which cannot keep the state.

This tool supports all types of metrics, including counters, gauges, and histograms. It is similar to Pushgateway but with broader support for metric types.

Run server

go run main.go

Server options

go run main.go -h
    	enable debug log level
  -extra-labels string
    	coma separated metrics extra labels (extra-labels=label1:value2,label2:value2)
  -extra-labels-file-path string
    	read file with key=value labels (same as the java properties format)
  -loki-address string
    	loki https endpoint
  -loki-ca-path string
    	path to loki ca certificate
  -loki-cert-path string
    	path to loki certificate
  -loki-key-path string
    	path to loki key
    	enable clean up metric via metric-ttl time after creation
  -metric-ttl duration
    	enable metric clean up via specified amount of time from http endpoint (default 24h0m0s)
  -opensearch-bulk-period duration
    	bulk push period (default 5s)
  -opensearch-bulk-size-bytes int
    	bulk buffer size in bytes (default 20000)
  -pyroscope-url string
    	pyroscope profiler address, e.g http://localhost:4040
  -remote string
    	send metrics to global metrics-server via UDP (remote=
  -scylladb-hosts string
    	comma separated scylladb hosts
  -scylladb-table string
    	scylladb table to write raw data (default "tracking.metrics")
  -shutdown-delay duration
    	delay for graceful shutdown in case of kill signal or shutdown metric was received
  -socket string
    	prometheus exporter tcp socket (default ":9099")
  -udp string
    	collector udp socket (default ":9999")
  -uds string
    	path to collector unix domain socket file (default "./metric-server.sock")
  -uds-pool string
    	comma separated list of unix domain sockets

Env variables


OpenSearch usage

go build metrics-server && METRICS_SERVER_SEARCH_URL=https://localhost:9200 METRICS_SERVER_SEARCH_USER=admin METRICS_SERVER_SEARCH_PASSWORD=admin ./metrics-server -opensearch-bulk-period=5s --opensearch-bulk-size-bytes=1000000

Run go client

cd client
go run main.go

Run php client

cd client
php client.php

Send metric using netcat via UDS

cd client
cat metrics.json | nc -U ../metric-server.sock -w 1

Send loki events using netcat via UDS

cd client
cat loki.json | nc -U ../metric-server.sock -w 1

Send metric using netcat via UDP

cd client
cat metrics.json | nc -u 9999 -w 1

Send metric via socat to metrics-server on Alpine Linux

apk update
apk add socat
echo '{"name":"metric","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"event","value":1.0}' | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/metrics-server/metrics-server.sock

Graceful shutdown metrics server to use in cronjobs (-shutdown-delay option must be >30s)

echo '{"name":"shuthdown","op":"shutdown","value":0}' | nc -U ../metric-server.sock -w 1

Collect metrics via metrics router

go run main.go -shutdown-delay 30s -uds ./metric-server-global.sock &
go run main.go -shutdown-delay 30s -remote -udp ":9998" -socket ":9098" -extra-labels app:marketing-cron,instance:$(hostname) &
cd client
go run main.go

Get metrics

curl -s localhost:9099/metrics

Metric message format

{"name":"metric_name","help":"metric description","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"inc","value":1.0}

For gauges

{"name":"metric_name","help":"metric description","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"set","value":1.0}


with bucket width:


exponential min/max buckets: {"name":"metric_request_duration_ms_minmax","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"obs","buckets":10,"bucket_min":1.0,"bucket_max":70.0,"value":20.0}

exponential factor buckets: {"name":"metric_request_duration_ms_factor","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"obs","buckets":10,"bucket_factor":10.1,"value":1.0}

custom buckets: {"name":"metric_request_duration_ms_custom","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"obs","bucket_custom":[1.0, 2.0, 5.5, 7, 10, 50],"value":20.0}

Bucket params:

  • buckets - creates specified number of buckets. Default value is 20
  • bucket_width - bucket width where the lowest bucket has an upper bound of 0. Default value is 10


  • Metric can be registered only once and with only one set of labels. For example, sending these will throw an error:
{"name":"metric_name","help":"metric description","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1"},"op":"inc","value":1.0}
{"name":"metric_name","help":"metric description","labels":{"label1":"labelvalue1","label2":"labelvalue2"},"op":"inc","value":1.0}



docker run  --rm --name some-scylla -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 -p 9042:9042 -p 9160:9160 -p 10000:10000 --hostname some-scylla -it scylladb/scylla
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 --name metabase --hostname metabase -it metabase/metabase
CREATE KEYSPACE tracking WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor' : 1};
use tracking;
CREATE TABLE metrics (
                                name text,
                                labels frozen<map<text, text>>,
                                timestamp timestamp,
                                value double,
                                primary key((name), timestamp))
       AND COMPACTION = {'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy',
           'base_time_seconds': 3600,
           'max_sstable_age_days': 1};
CREATE INDEX on metrics (FULL(labels));
INSERT INTO tracking.metrics ("name","labels","timestamp","value") VALUES ('metric_raw',{'status':'success'},'2022-09-30 08:07+0000',1.0);
INSERT INTO tracking.metrics ("name","labels","timestamp","value") VALUES ('metric_raw',{'status':'failed'},'2022-09-30 08:08+0000',1.0);
INSERT INTO tracking.metrics ("name","labels","timestamp","value") VALUES ('metric_raw',{'status':'skipped','job':'k8s'},'2022-09-30 08:09+0000',1.0);
SELECT * FROM tracking.metrics where name = 'metric_raw' and labels = {'status': 'success'} and timestamp<'2022-10-14 08:07:00';