UTC Library LibLab Development Environment
- Install VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
- Install Vagrant https://www.vagrantup.com/
- Install Git https://git-scm.com/ (we will use git bash - use CTRL+SHIFT+INS to paste OR right-click)
- From home directory (~/ in git bash shell), clone the liblab code (git clone https://github.com/utclibrary/liblab.git)
- Clone this repo (git clone https://github.com/utclibrary/liblab-dev-env )
- cd liblab-dev-env
- download and rename DBs from Synology > plibmysql21 > daily LuptonDB, Login, DBofDBs, and Dates (.sql) to this folder
- vagrant up
- go to OR localhost:8080 (in web browser)
- ~/liblab/ is root for html
- To stop: vagrant halt
- To restart: vagrant up > vagrant provision
- You may also vagrant destroy to completely rebuild the server