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1、Is there a problem with the DeletePayloadFile method in Vineyard. I imitated the idea of SpillFor and sequentially called DeletePayloadFile to delete files in the SSD. The first file can be successfully deleted. But the second file will report the following error.
2、At the same time, I also noticed that there is a comment in v6d/Vineyard/src/server/til/ the deletion error. Is it because the first deletion actually had an error and was just revoked, resulting in the failure of the second deletion.
1、Is there a problem with the DeletePayloadFile method in Vineyard. I imitated the idea of SpillFor and sequentially called DeletePayloadFile to delete files in the SSD. The first file can be successfully deleted. But the second file will report the following error.
2、At the same time, I also noticed that there is a comment in v6d/Vineyard/src/server/til/ the deletion error. Is it because the first deletion actually had an error and was just revoked, resulting in the failure of the second deletion.
*** Aborted at 1733034785 (unix time) try "date -d @1733034785" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @ 0x0 (unknown)
*** SIGSEGV (@0x0) received by PID 13 (TID 0x7f0279faa700) from PID 0; stack trace: ***
@ 0x7f02ed8ce5d6 google::(anonymous namespace)::FailureSignalHandler()
@ 0x7f02ed857420 (unknown)
@ 0x7f02ed3571fe __libc_malloc
@ 0x7f02ed6c5b39 operator new()
@ 0x5647ff60775b ZN5arrow2fs23FileSystemFromUriOrPathERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKNS_2io9IOContextEPS6.localalias
@ 0x5647ff60786c arrow::fs::FileSystemFromUriOrPath()
@ 0x5647ff225d56 vineyard::io::FileIOAdaptor::FileIOAdaptor()
@ 0x5647ff119a4b vineyard::detail::ColdObjectTracker<>::DeletePayloadFileNew()
@ 0x5647ff152cb4 vineyard::detail::ColdObjectTracker<>::LRU::oldObjectUnref()
@ 0x5647ff15363c vineyard::detail::ColdObjectTracker<>::LRU::EliminateFor()
@ 0x5647ff15de50 vineyard::detail::ColdObjectTracker<>::AllocateMemoryWithSpillAndEliminate()
@ 0x5647ff142cff vineyard::BulkStore::Create()
@ 0x5647ff104c33 vineyard::SocketConnection::doCreateBuffer()
@ 0x5647ff101dc7 vineyard::SocketConnection::processMessage()
@ 0x5647ff1026fc _ZN5boost4asio6detail7read_opINS0_19basic_stream_socketINS0_7generic15stream_protocolENS0_15any_io_executorEEENS0_17mutable_buffers_1EPKNS0_14mutable_bufferENS1_14transfer_all_tEZN8vineyard16SocketConnection10doReadBodyEvEUlNS_6system10error_codeEmE_EclESG_mi
@ 0x5647ff10d0c7 _ZN5boost4asio6detail23reactive_socket_recv_opINS0_17mutable_buffers_1ENS1_7read_opINS0_19basic_stream_socketINS0_7generic15stream_protocolENS0_15any_io_executorEEES3_PKNS0_14mutable_bufferENS1_14transfer_all_tEZN8vineyard16SocketConnection10doReadBodyEvEUlNS_6system10error_codeEmE_EES8_E11do_completeEPvPNS1_19scheduler_operationERKSH_m
@ 0x5647ff0cd648 boost::asio::detail::scheduler::run()
@ 0x5647ff1713e4 boost::asio::io_context::run()
@ 0x7f02ed6f1de4 (unknown)
@ 0x7f02ed84b609 start_thread
@ 0x7f02ed3dc133 clone
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