The designs were created to the following widths:
- Mobile: 375px
- Desktop: 1440px
- Red: hsl(1, 90%, 64%)
- Blue: hsl(219, 85%, 26%)
- White: hsl(0, 0%, 100%)
- Very light grayish blue: hsl(210, 60%, 98%)
- Light grayish blue 1: hsl(211, 68%, 94%)
- Light grayish blue 2: hsl(205, 33%, 90%)
- Grayish blue: hsl(219, 14%, 63%)
- Dark grayish blue: hsl(219, 12%, 42%)
- Very dark blue: hsl(224, 21%, 14%)
- Font size (paragraph): 16px
- Family: Plus Jakarta Sans
- Weights: 500, 800