Share Ideas and Suggestions
Share an idea/make a suggestion.
- Usage:
[p]idea <content>
- Slash Usage:
/idea <content>
- Aliases:
- Cooldown:
10000 per 1.0 second
- Checks:
bot_has_server_permissions and server_only
Display your current profile stats for suggestions and votes.
- Usage:
[p]ideastats [member]
- Slash Usage:
/ideastats [member]
- Checks:
Approve an idea/suggestion.
- Usage:
[p]approve <number> [reason]
- Slash Usage:
/approve <number> [reason]
- Restricted to:
- Checks:
Reject an idea/suggestion.
- Usage:
[p]reject <number> [reason]
- Slash Usage:
/reject <number> [reason]
- Restricted to:
- Checks:
View the list of who has upvoted and who has downvoted a suggestion.
- Usage:
[p]viewvotes <number>
- Slash Usage:
/viewvotes <number>
- Restricted to:
- Checks:
Refresh the buttons on a suggestion if it gets stuck.
- Usage:
[p]refresh <number>
- Slash Usage:
/refresh <number>
- Checks:
Manage IdeaBoard settings
- Usage:
- Restricted to:
- Aliases:
View the numbers of suggestions who's message no longer exists.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset showstale
Add/remove a role to the approver role list
- Usage:
[p]ideaset approverole <role>
Set the LevelUp integration minimum level required to vote and suggest.
to_vote: Minimum level required to vote.
to_suggest: Minimum level required to suggest.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset minlevel <to_vote> <to_suggest>
Set the downvote emoji
- Usage:
[p]ideaset downvoteemoji <emoji>
- Aliases:
downvote and down
Toggle showing vote counts on suggestions
- Usage:
[p]ideaset togglevotecount
- Aliases:
Cleanup the config.
- Remove suggestions who's message no longer exists.
- Remove profiles of users who have left the server.
- Remove votes from users who have left the server.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset cleanup
Add/remove a role to/from the role blacklist
- Usage:
[p]ideaset roleblacklist <role>
- Aliases:
blacklistrole and rolebl
Toggle DMing users the results of suggestions they made
- Usage:
[p]ideaset toggledm
- Aliases:
Set the ArkTools integration minimum playtime required to vote and suggest.
to_vote: Minimum playtime in hours required to vote.
to_suggest: Minimum playtime in hours required to suggest.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset minplaytime <to_vote> <to_suggest>
Set the approved, rejected, or pending channels for IdeaBoard
- Usage:
[p]ideaset channel <channel> <channel_type>
Set the base cooldown for making suggestions
- Usage:
[p]ideaset cooldown <cooldown>
- Aliases:
View insights about the server's suggestions.
The number of top users to display for each section.- Usage:
[p]ideaset insights [amount=3]
Add/remove a role to the suggest role whitelist
- Usage:
[p]ideaset suggestrole <role>
View IdeaBoard settings
- Usage:
[p]ideaset view
Set the suggestion cooldown for a specific role
To remove a role cooldown, specify 0 as the cooldown.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset rolecooldown <role> <cooldown>
- Aliases:
Set the minimum time a user must be in the server to vote and suggest.
to_vote: Minimum time in hours required to vote.
to_suggest: Minimum time in hours required to suggest.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset jointime <to_vote> <to_suggest>
Toggle opening a discussion thread for each suggestion
- Usage:
[p]ideaset discussions
- Aliases:
threads and discussion
Reset a user's stats
- Usage:
[p]ideaset resetuser <member>
Add/remove a role to the voting role whitelist
- Usage:
[p]ideaset voterole <role>
Add/remove a user to/from the user blacklist
- Usage:
[p]ideaset userblacklist <member>
- Aliases:
blacklistuser and userbl
Toggle deleting discussion threads when a suggestion is approved/denied
- Usage:
[p]ideaset deletethreads
- Aliases:
delete and delthreads
Toggle allowing anonymous suggestions
- Usage:
[p]ideaset toggleanonymous
- Aliases:
toggleanon, anonymous, and anon
Set the minimum account age required to vote and suggest.
to_vote: Minimum age in hours required to vote.
to_suggest: Minimum age in hours required to suggest.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset accountage <to_vote> <to_suggest>
Reset all user stats
- Usage:
[p]ideaset resetall
Set the upvote emoji
- Usage:
[p]ideaset upvoteemoji <emoji>
- Aliases:
upvote and up
Toggle reveal suggestion author on approval
Approved suggestions are ALWAYS revealed regardless of this setting.
- Usage:
[p]ideaset togglereveal
- Aliases: