- Fixed: screen freezes when you try to print a file and your z offset is set outside range of 0 or -20.
File system overhaul:
- Supports gcode, stl, and hex files.
- Supports local and usb mounted filesystems.
- Sort by a-z, size, date, or file type.
- Copy, move, or delete multiple files and folders at once.
- Displays storage capacity used and total.
- Meta data analysis performed when new file is selected for faster loading of file view.
Reset connection screens now show connection status to printer's motor and temperature controls.
Filament change will now push material through the nozzle before starting the retraction move. This mitigates filaments that get stuck and can't be pulled out easily.
Added gcode command, 'F3000', to Raise Z option in motor controls so it would rise at an acceptable speed.
Fixed Network Title. It used to say Wizards
Fixed the Error box starting up with a solid White image.
Fixed up and down buttons getting stuck on the File Screen
Fixed Keyboard bug that would keep the keyboard up when an error occured.
Tool monitor will now show one decimal place. Graphical errors occured when showing two or more decimal places
- Fixed touch screen support for HDMI-powered C2 screens.
Motor control screen redesign.
Custom preheat settings.
Added 0.05mm increment to Z Offset Wizard.
Z Offset Wizard measures z offset from corner for accuracy.
Added confirmation screens to Reset Eeprom, shut down, reboot, reset connection, and delete files and folders
Added more custom settings to Slicer Wizard: brim, build plate rafts, non-build plate rafts, temperature, and fans on.
Installing dual extruders do not crash the screen.
Error message no longer displays "printing" when screen disconnects from motor contorls while printing. It will display real error message.
- Installation of RoboLCD does not ignore the new onboard webcam option created in 1.8.0.
- New option: see the status of the onboard webcam: on or off; toggle its state (R2 only).
Print Tuning responsive redesign.
Motors can be disengaged under Utilities>>Options>>Motors Offset.
Reset connection to printer controls at any time through Utilities>>Options>>Connection.
Firmware Update has been moved to Utilities>>Options.
Printer Status screen responsive redesign.
Support for Error Messages .
Quick access to temperature controls and motor controls through printer status screen .
Printing progress bar with elapsed time and remaining added to printer status screen.
New Fine Tune Z offset wizard: calibrate your z offset to the hundredth of a mm. Can also be used to level your bed.
New Bed Level Calibration wizard: guides you on how to level your R2's bed.(R2 only)
Various language edits.
Filament Load/Change will not mess with temperature while printing, and will set the E-Steps back to normal.
Onboard sliced files do not have missing meta data.
Restarting octoprint no longer hangs when webcam is on.
Hotspot mode retry button does not freeze screen.
Removed connection delays between Octoprint and Mainboard.
Adjust Z offset decimal styling error in wizard.
Backing out of filament wizards does not freeze screen.
QR code is bounded within blue boxes.
- Update notification notifies users when OS updates are available
- Screen styling is now compatible with R2 model
New file options available: add, move, traverse and delete folders; move and delete files.
USB storage directory is mounted in the File's list. All new file options are available within the USB folder.
Shortcut button added to Motor Control (top right): it will home all axes and move the bed up to the nozzle.
Support for filament sensor
- R2 z offset wizard centers xy correctly
- R2 update screen no longer displays available C2 updates
Folder support
All usb files get dropped into a USB folder
Scroll button can now be held down for faster scroll
Slicing Wizard
ZOffset is now a z-home offset instead of a z-probe offset. This generates more consistent and reliable z offsets.
Filament sensor no longer halts rendering of printer dashboard
Fixed print error when printing from z offset warning popup
- Fixed issue where screen appears unresponsive when user pushes the update button: added a Popup that notifies user of background activity.
##1.3.1 (2017-2-4)
###Bug Fixes
Fixed issue with detecting R2 Bed
Fixed issue where R2 bed disconnect freezes screen
Added heated bed warning to avoid burns during z offset wizard
Fans turn off after print is done
##1.3.0 (2017-2-3)
Update Firmware from the Screen
Display more gcode metadata: estimated time, z offset, infill, layer height, and layer count
System Menu: Poweroff, Reboot and Restart Octoprint
Options Menu: Unmount USB and Edit EEPROM settings
Control temperature for dual extruders and heated bed (if applicable)
Saves wifi password(s)
Print tuning: fan speed, feed rate, and flow rate
Z Offset wizard safeguard: turns off extruder before initiation to avoid melted beds
Progress bar added for mounting usb files
###Bug Fixes
Mounting USB can now handle 35+ gcode files
Cannot update OS with no internet connection
Mounting USB no longer causes loading delays
##1.2.3 (2017-1-13)
- Utilities-->Update is aware of any RoboOS updates without the need to upgrade RoboLCD source code
##1.2.2 (2017-1-4)
- RoboOS Update available through Utilities --> Update (RoboOS 1.0.4)
###Bug Fixes
mainboard firmware (RoboOS 1.0.4)
RoboOS does not time out when you unplug usb while printer is off (RoboOS 1.0.4)
RoboTheme is updateable via webapp software update (RoboOS 1.0.4)
##1.2.1 (2016-12-23)
###Bug Fixes
removed update screen's call to action button that would break the screen; replaced it with version number
filament wizard now retracts after its finished
filament loading wizard stops extruding after exiting it
fixed z offset wizard misreading when using blue tape on bed
##1.2.0 (2016-12-15)
- Utilities are now displayed as icons
###Bug Fixes
Incompatibilities with Octoprint 1.3.0 that caused screen to break are now fixed: manually moving the axises no longer freeze the screen
USB dismounts no longer freeze the screen
##1.1.0 (2016-11-18)
Flash the current z offset before printing and display a warning if the offset is 10.00
Alert user when printer is disconnected due to a mainboard firmware flash
Mintemp warning in Motor Control when you try to manually extrude or retract
###Bug Fixes
no temperature is entered in temp control screen will no longer crash the screen
max temp and decimal place limit on temp control screen
keyboard no longer has two l's
z offset wizard no longer needs to be run twice to read the correct offset
back button in z offset wizard no longer jumps around wizard
load filament wizard will stop extruding after you press the back button
files list will no longer duplicate files loaded from usb stick
##1.0.2 (2016-11-09)
###Bug Fixes
- fixed update url
##1.0.1 (2016-11-09)
###Bug Fixes
- fixed plugin version issue where software update thought current version was 0.3.0
##1.0.0 (2016-11-09)
New screen aesthetic
Production ready application
##0.3.0 (2016-08-24)
File and Utilities List are not controlled with buttons for precision
Wifi status is printed to screen under See my IP Address
Printer status screen visually enhanced. New buttons, larger extruder temp text, larger tab text etc
More user friendly keyboard for inputting wifi password
###Bug Fixes
Incorrect static ip when in hotspot mode
Changed AP mode to Hotspot (confusing for users who are not familiar with word AP)
Start wifi hotspot button blends with background_normal
Asynchronous behavior with Start/Pause button and other devices
Non uniform filename format
Crashes when trying to read stl file metadata
##0.2.1 (2016-08-9)
- Added plugin to Software Update check
##0.2.0 (2016-08-08)
- Updated aesthetic direction
##0.1.3 (2016-08-05)
- Running python setup.py install would not copy over .kv files over to installation directory
##0.1.2 (2016-08-05)
- proper version listed in setup.py
##0.1.1 (2016-08-05)
- Kivy app dynamicaly becomes aware of /path/to/RoboLCD/lcd/ . Fixes issue of hardcoded directory paths for custom .kv and Icons files, and kivy app's inability to find these files on different installation paths.
##0.1.0 (2016-08-05)
- See local file list
- Start, pause, and cancel print file
- Connect to Wifi
- Start Hotspot
- Display IP Address and Hostname
- Display QR Code