- Add destroyOnClose. #72 @Rohanhacker
- Remove ReactNative support, please use https://github.com/react-component/m-dialog instead.
- Support React 16.
Notable change: Close animation won't trigger when dialog unmounting after React 16, see facebook/react#10826
- fixed: RN modal support landscape orientation, react-component#64
- remove rc-dialog/lib/Modal's entry prop, add animationType prop
- add rc-dialog/lib/Modal to support react-native
- use getContainerRenderMixin from 'rc-util'
- new html structure and class
- disable window scroll when show
- add maskClosable
- separate close and header
- only support react 0.14
- refactor to clean api. remove onShow onBeforeClose
use rc-animate & rc-align
support esc to close
add renderToBody props
make dialog render to body and use dom-align to align
support es6 and react 0.13
#3 support closable requestClose onBeforeClose