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Use Custom Event Alarm

Jeff Zhu edited this page May 15, 2017 · 10 revisions

The project saturn-integrate define the event interface in ReportAlarmService. You can dependency saturn-integrate, and implements ReportAlarmService with your report event alarm framework. The detail interfaces, please see it's javadoc. Haha...

Now, The project saturn-console has use it, The implements class is ReportAlarmServiceImpl, please do coding to it.

The interfaces:

  • allShardingError

    The NamespaceShardingService execute allSharding error

  • dashboardContainerInstancesMismatch

    Dashboard refresh data, find the container instances is mismatch

  • dashboardAbnormalJob

    Dashboard refresh data, find the abnormal job

  • dashboardTimeout4AlarmJob

    Dashboard refresh data, find that the job is timeout

  • raise

    Raise customized alarm by job.