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  • The SaaSyML NMF App for the OPS-SAT spacecraft.
  • The app uses ML to train AI models.
  • Via API requests, training data can be sent by experimenters or fetched from the spacecraft's OBSW datapool.

Table of Content


The OPS-SAT spacecraft has accomplished many firsts in space powered by open source and rapid prototyping, from the first securities trade to pioneering the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) frameworks for on-board Machine Learning (ML) training and inferences with payload and telemetry data. The SaaSyML app presented in this project is an effort to consolidate the broad interest in running ML experiments on a spacecraft. Experimenters can use SaaSyML to subscribe to a stream of hand-picked in-flight data which are persisted as training data in an on-board database. Once enough training data is collected, users can trigger pre-implemented ML training algorithms to produce prediction models. This model can then be used to run predictions / inferences with new data inputs. SaaSyML is a Software as a Service (SaaS) app by design that is openly accessible to experiments through an Application Programming Interface (API), either from the ground station via telecommand or from their own apps running on the spacecraft. Traditional SaaS is a way of delivering an application's capabilities over the Internet — as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining their own software, users become clients who can remotely access the functionalities they need from existing third-party hosted software thus avoiding the complexities and costs of developing, hosting, and maintaining their own systems. The Web's "as-a-Service" ecosystem has rapidly matured in recent years with the developments of options such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Everything as a Service (XaaS). As a technology demonstrator, the SaaSyML experiment proposes to introduce this approach to software in the space segment thus contributing the concept of Satellite Platform as a Service (SaaS) to the ``as-a-Service".



  • Java 8
  • Maven 3.X.X

Tested environment on Windows 10:

Apache Maven 3.8.1 
Java version: 1.8.0_291, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

Tested environment on Ubuntu 18.04.5 on Windows WSL:

Apache Maven 3.8.4 
Java version: 1.8.0_312, vendor: Private Build
Default locale: en, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

Quick Install

  1. Clone the SaaSyML App and NMF repositories under the same parent directory:

    $ git clone
    $ git clone
  2. Compile the nanosat mo framework

    $ cd opssat-saasy-ml-nanosat-mo-framework/
    $ mvn install
    $ cd sdk/sdk-package/
    $ mvn install
  3. Check athat the sdk/sdk-package/pom.xml copy instruction to match the local environment's file system:

    <!-- SaaSyML: resource and config files -->
    <copy todir="${esa.nmf.sdk.assembly.outputdir}/home/saasy-ml">
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources/space-common"/>
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources/space-app-root"/>
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/../../../opssat-saasy-ml/src/saasy-ml-app/conf"/>
    <!-- SaaSyML: create plugins directory and copy the plugin archives into it -->
    <mkdir dir="${esa.nmf.sdk.assembly.outputdir}/home/saasy-ml/plugins"/>
    <copy todir="${esa.nmf.sdk.assembly.outputdir}/home/saasy-ml/plugins">
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/../../../opssat-saasy-ml/src/saasy-ml-app/plugins">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
        <include name="*.zip"/>

    And add SaaSy-ML as dependency:

    <!-- SaaSyML-->
  4. Create the build and run files of SaaSy ML

    $ cd ../../../opssat-saasy-ml/src/saasy-ml-app

    Copy build.bat.template to a new build.bat file and run.bat.template to a new run.bat and modify the <FULL_PATH> in both files to match the environment.

    :: Set variables
    SET PROJECT_DIR=<FULL_PATH>\opssat-saasy-ml\src\saasy-ml-app
    SET NMF_SDK_PACKAGE_DIR=<FULL_PATH>\opssat-saasy-ml-nmf\sdk\sdk-package
  5. Modify the con/ file to set the desired app configurations.

  6. Execute ./build.bat to build all the Apps or ./build.bat 1 to build the Apps and execute the Supervisor and CTT, or ./run.bat to only execute the Supervisor and CTT, or ./run.bat 1 to remove the Database and execute the Supervisor and CTT.

Run App

  • Paste the URI given by the Supervisor into the Communication Settings field of the CTT.
  • Click the Fetch information button.
  • Click the Connect to Selected Provider button.
  • A new tab appears: nanosat-mo-supervisor.
  • Select the saasy-ml app under the Apps Launcher Servce table.
  • Click the runApp button.

Known Issue

Note: examples in this section are in PowerShell.

Situation: The App did not shutdown gracefully despite terminating the Supervisor and the CTT. Problem: Attempting to repeat installation step #3 to redeploy the app will result in a locked file error, e.g.:

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.0:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) on project package: Error copying artifact from C:\Users\honeycrisp\.m2\repository\com\tanagraspace\nmf\apps\saasy-ml\2.1.0-SNAPSHOT\saasy-ml-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to C:\Users\honeycrisp\Dev\Tanagra\ESA\opssat\saasy-ml\opssat-saasy-ml-nmf\sdk\sdk-package\target\nmf-sdk-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT\home\nmf\lib\saasy-ml-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar: C:\Users\honeycrisp\Dev\Tanagra\ESA\opssat\saasy-ml\opssat-saasy-ml-nmf\sdk\sdk-package\target\nmf-sdk-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT\home\nmf\lib\saasy-ml-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. -> [Help 1]

In this case, use the jps command to identify the process id of the culprit process (i.e. the SaaSyMLApp java process):

> jps
55880 org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.6.400.v20210924-0641.jar
95404 SaaSyMLApp
150140 Jps

Force kill the process, e.g. in Windows Terminal:

> taskkill /F /PID 95404
SUCCESS: The process with PID 95404 has been terminated.

Check that the process was indeed killed:

> jps
111924 Jps
55880 org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.6.400.v20210924-0641.jar

Now the App can be redeployed.

Training Data Types

Training data are stored into the database as Strings. This is so that different data types can be persisted. A data_type column records the parameter's type with an integer id representing a specific type.

Id MAL Type Java Type
2 Boolean Boolean
3 Duration double
4 Float Float
5 Double Double
7 Octet Byte
8 UOctet short
9 Short Short
10 UShort int
11 Integer Integer
12 UInteger long
13 Long Long
14 ULong java.math.BigInteger
16 Time long
17 FineTime long

Early versions of this service will treat all stored parameter values as doubles when training the models. As a reference, see HelperAttributes.attribute2double(Attribute in) in package


Ad-hoc documentation of the app's API endpoints.

Subscribe to a training data feed

Use an API platform like Postman to make an POST request to the following endpoint:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "iterations": 10,
    "interval": 2,
    "params": ["GNC_0005", "GNC_0011", "GNC_0007"]

IMPORTANT: The iterations parameter is used to signal when to stop the feed, i.e. as soon as the total count of fetched data stored in the database is equal or greater to iterations (this includes counting data fetched during past requests).

Sample payload with label values (expected output) provided by the client:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "iterations": 10,
    "interval": 2,
    "labels": {
        "0": true,
        "1": false,
        "2": false
    "params": ["GNC_0005", "GNC_0011", "GNC_0007"]

Sample payload with label values calculated by a plugin with given fetched parameters:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "iterations": 10,
    "interval": 2,
    "labelsPlugin": "",
    "params": ["CADC0884", "CADC0886", "CADC0888", "CADC0890", "CADC0892", "CADC0894"]

Make several of these requests with different values for expId, datasetId, interval, and params. The fetched values will persist in a sqlite database file configured in the file. To auto-trigger training the model(s) as soon as the target dataset iterations has been met:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "iterations": 10,
    "interval": 2,
    "labels": {
        "0": false,
        "1": true,
        "2": false
    "params": ["GNC_0005", "GNC_0011", "GNC_0007"],
    "training": [
            "type": "classifier",
            "algorithm": "LogisticRegressionDCD",
            "thread" : false
            "type": "classifier",
            "algorithm": "AROW"

Note that the thread attribute in the training is optional. It allows to train the models with threads for multi-core.

Unsubscribe to a training data feed

Unsubscribe to the data feed with a POST request to the following endpoint:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1

Download the training data

Download the training data with a POST request to the following endpoint:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1

Send training data

In some cases, clients generate their own training data to send to the app to train a model:


Sample payload, note that:

  • The training parameter is optional and used to auto-trigger training the model(s).
  • The timestamps are optional and will be generated if not included.
    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "data": [
                "name": "PARAM_10",
                "value": "1001",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "PARAM_20",
                "value": "2001",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "PARAM_30",
                "value": "3001",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "PARAM_10",
                "value": "1002",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "PARAM_20",
                "value": "2002",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "PARAM_30",
                "value": "3002",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "PARAM_10",
                "value": "1003",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
                "name": "PARAM_20",
                "value": "2003",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
                "name": "PARAM_30",
                "value": "3003",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
    "training": [
            "type": "classifier",
            "algorithm": "LogisticRegressionDCD"
            "type": "classifier",
            "algorithm": "AROW"

Sample payload with label values (expected output) provided by the client:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "labels": {
        "0": false,
        "1": false,
        "2": true
    "data": [
                "name": "PARAM_10",
                "value": "1001",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "PARAM_20",
                "value": "2001",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "PARAM_30",
                "value": "3001",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "PARAM_10",
                "value": "1002",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "PARAM_20",
                "value": "2002",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "PARAM_30",
                "value": "3002",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "PARAM_10",
                "value": "1003",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
                "name": "PARAM_20",
                "value": "2003",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
                "name": "PARAM_30",
                "value": "3003",
                "dataType": 11,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
    "training": [
            "type": "classifier",
            "algorithm": "LogisticRegressionDCD"
            "type": "classifier",
            "algorithm": "AROW"

Sample payload with the label extension provided by the client:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 2,
    "labelsPlugin": "",
    "data": [
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.0",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656803525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.1",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656804525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.2",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656805525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.2",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656806525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.3",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656807525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.4",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656808525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.5",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656809525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.6",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656810525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.7",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656811525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.8",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656812525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "0.9",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656813525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "1.0",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656814525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "1.1",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656815525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "1.2",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656816525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "1.3",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656817525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "1.4",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656818525000
                "name": "CADC0894",
                "value": "1.5",
                "dataType": 4,
                "timestamp": 1656819525000

Delete data

Make a POST request to the following endpoint:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1

Train a classification or regression model

Make a POST request to the following endpoints:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1

Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "algorithm": "AROW"

Perform clustering

Make a POST request to the following endpoints:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "clusterNumber": 2

Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "algorithm": "GMeans",
    "clusterNumber": 2

TODO: filter out parameters from training.

Fetch Models Metadata

To fetch which trained models are available for a given experiment and dataset pair, make a POST request to the following endpoint:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "formatToInference": true

Note that the formatToInference attribute is optional. It formats a valid output for inference.


Inferences can be made using input values directly provided by the experiment or by creating and subscribing to a datapool parameter feed. The latter will store the inference results in the app's database.

Input provided by experimenters

Make a POST request to the following endpoint:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "data": [
                "name": "GNC_0005",
                "value": "1001",
                "dataType": 11
                "name": "GNC_0011",
                "value": "2001",
                "dataType": 11
                "name": "GNC_0007",
                "value": "3001",
                "dataType": 11
                "name": "GNC_0005",
                "value": "1002",
                "dataType": 11
                "name": "GNC_0011",
                "value": "2002",
                "dataType": 11
                "name": "GNC_0007",
                "value": "3002",
                "dataType": 11
    "models": [
            "filepath": "<FULL-PATH-OF-SERIALIZED-THE-MODEL>",
            "type": "Classifier",
            "thread" : true
            "filepath": "<FULL-PATH-OF-SERIALIZED-THE-MODEL>",
            "type": "Classifier"


Input from datapool parameter feed

Make a POST request to the following endpoint:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 3,
    "iterations": 10,
    "interval": 2,
    "params": ["CADC0884", "CADC0886", "CADC0888", "CADC0890", "CADC0892", "CADC0894"],
    "models": [
            "filepath": "<FULL-PATH-OF-SERIALIZED-MODEL>",
            "type": "Classifier",
            "thread" : true
            "filepath": "<FULL-PATH-OF-SERIALIZED-MODEL>",
            "type": "Classifier"

Unsubscribe to the inference feed with a POST request to the following endpoint:


Sample payload:

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 3

Clustering Inference

Request for clustering inference does not require inference data. The response of clustering inference contains the cluster assignment for observation in the train data set.

    "expId": 123,
    "datasetId": 1,
    "models": [
            "filepath": "<FULL-PATH-OF-SERIALIZED-MODEL>",
            "type": "Cluster",
            "thread" : true
            "filepath": "<FULL-PATH-OF-SERIALIZED-MODEL>",
            "type": "Cluster"
