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Matic-Jagar setup


  • Go 13.x+
  • Grafana 6.7+
  • InfluxDB 1.7+
  • Prometheus 2.x+

Prerequisite installation

There are two ways of installing the prerequisits:-

  1. Installation script
  2. Manual installation

Either of the two methods can be used to install the required prerequisites. It is not necessary to do both.

1) Installation script

  • Script downloads and installs grafana, prometheus, influxdb and node exporter.
  • It also downloads go if it's not already installed.
  • This script takes sentry-1 and/or sentry-2 env variables and writes them to prometheus.yml file for gathering prometheus metrics emitted from the respective nodes.
  • Export the env variables using the following commands:
cd $HOME
export SENTRY1="<sentry-1-IP>" # ex:- export SENTRY1="" 
export SENTRY2="<sentry-2-IP>" # ex:- export SENTRY2="143.185.336.95"
  • If you don't have any sentries or have one, you can skip this or export only one IP address.
  • Note: By default prometheus metrics are enabled on your nodes on port 26660. If you have changed the prometheus port on your node please edit the ~/prometheus.yml and enter your custom port. Please ensure your firewall on sentries enables you to access port 26660.
  • You can find the script here
  • Execute the script using the following command:
curl -s -L | bash

Source your .bashrc after executing the script for the env variables to take effect.

source ~/.bashrc

Note: This script installs the prerequistes and enables them to run on their default ports ie. Grafana by default runs on port 3000, InfluxDb by default runs on port 8086, Prometheus by default runs on port 9090 and Node Exporter by default runs on port 9100. If you want to change the default ports please follow these instructions.

You can view the logs by executing the following commands:

journalctl -u grafana-server -f

journalctl -u influxdb -f

journalctl -u prometheus.service -f

journalctl -u node_exporter.service -f

2) Manual installation

To manually install the prerequistes please follow this guide.

Install and configure the tool

There are two ways of installing the tool:-

  1. Installation script
  2. Manual installation

Either of the two methods can be used to install the tool. It is not necessary to do both.

1) Installation script

  • It clones and sets up the monitoring tool as a system service.
  • Please export the following env variables first as they will be used to initialize the config.toml file for the tool.
cd $HOME
export ETH_RPC_ENDPOINT="<infura-endpoint>" # Ex- export ETH_RPC_ENDPOINT=""
export BOR_EXTERNAL_RPC="http://<sentry-ip>:8545" # Ex - export BOR_EXTERNAL_RPC=""
export HEIMDALL_EXTERNAL_RPC="http://<sentry-ip>:26657" # Ex - export HEIMDALL_EXTERNAL_RPC=""
export VAL_HEX_ADDRESS="<hex-address>" # Ex - export VAL_HEX_ADDRESS="E4B8E9225842401AD16D4D826732953DAF07C7E2". You can get it by running this cmd on validator- heimdallcli status | jq .validator_info.address
export SIGNER_ADDRESS="0xE4b8e9222705621aD16d4d826732953DAf07C7E2" # Ex- export SIGNER_ADDRESS="0xE4b8e9222705621aD16d4d826732953DAf07C7E2"
export VALIDATOR_NAME="moniker" # Your validator moniker
export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<id> # Ex - export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=22828812
export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="<token>" # Ex - TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="1117273891:AAEtr3ZU5x4JRj5YSF5LBeu1fPF0T4xj-UI"
  • Note: If you don't want telegram notifications you can skip exporting TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID and TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN but the rest are mandatory.
  • You can find the tool installation script here.
  • Run the script using the following command
curl -s -L | bash

Note: Please note that it is assumed that the tool is being installed on the validator node itself. If you are deploying this tool on a separate server please edit the config.toml file present in ~/.matic-jagar/config/ with your validator IP address in place of localhost. Ensure the server has the right firewall rules to facilitate communication between validator and monitoring server.

You can check the logs of tool using:

journalctl -u matic_jagar.service -f

2) Manual installation

git clone

cd matic-jagar

git pull origin main 

mkdir -p  ~/.matic-jagar/config/

cp example.config.toml ~/.matic-jagar/config/config.toml

Edit the config.toml with your changes. Information on all the fields in config.toml can be found here

  • Build and run the monitoring binary
$ go build -o matic-jagar && ./matic-jagar

Installation of the tool is completed lets configure the Grafana dashboards.

  • Create retention policy for Influxdb

$ influx ##enter influx shell
$ use database matic 
$ CREATE RETENTION POLICY "seven_days_only" ON matic DURATION 7d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT; ##Verify retention policy was created successfully.
$ show retention policies ##You should see an output like this:

name            duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
----            -------- ------------------ -------- -------
autogen         0s       168h0m0s           1        false
seven_days_only 168h0m0s 24h0m0s            1        true

Grafana Dashboards

The repo provides five dashboards

  1. Validator Monitoring Metrics - Displays the validator metrics which are calculated and stored in influxdb.
  2. Bor - Displays the bor metrics of validator which are calculated and stored in influxdb.
  3. System Metrics - Displays the metrics related to your validator server on which this tool is hosted on.
  4. Summary - Displays a quick overview of heimdall, bor and system metrics.
  5. Setup Overview - Displays current block height, block time, number of connected peers and number of unconfirmed transactions of validator and two sentries.

Information on all the dashboards can be found here.

Importing dashboards

1. Login to your Grafana dashboard

  • Note: Please make sure your firewall allows port 3000 to be accesed from the browser.
  • Open your web browser and go to http://<your_validator_ip>:3000/.
  • If you are a first time user type admin for the username and password in the login page.
  • You can change the password after login.

2. Create Datasources

  • Before importing the dashboards you have to create a datasource of InfluxDBMatic.

  • To create datasources go to configuration and select Data Sources.

  • Click on Add data source and select InfluxDB from Time series databases section.

  • Name the datasource asInfluxDBMatic. Replace the URL with http://localhost:8086. In InfluxDB Details section replace Database name as matic.

  • Click on Save & Test . Now you have a working Datasource of InfluxDBMatic.

  • For a Prometheus data source, click on Add data source and select Prometheus. Replace the URL with http://localhost:9090. Click on Save & Test . Now you have a working Datasource of Prometheus.

3. Import the dashboards

  • To import the dashboards click the + button present on left hand side of the dashboard. Click on import and paste the UID of the dashboards on the text field below Import via and click on load.

  • Select the datasources and click on import.

UID of dashboards are as follows:

  • 13441: Validator monitoring dashboard
  • 13442: Bor metrics dashboard
  • 13443: Summary dashboard
  • 13444: Setup overview dashboard
  • 13445: System monitoring metrics dashboard

For more info about grafana dashboard imports you can refer