- Validator Availability header:
- Node Status: Checking if port number 26657 on localhost is in use or not. If the heimdall rpc is active on this port, node status is marked as UP else DOWN.
- Validator Status: If the validator has a non zero voting power in the result of http://localhost:26657/status it is marked as Active else Inactive.
- Chain-id: Querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/status.
- Valdiator Performance header
- Validator caught up: Querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/status.
. Ifcatching_up
it is marked as Yes else No. - Current block height validator : Querying rest endpoint http://localhost/1317/blocks/latest.
- Block time difference: Commit time between the current and previous block is calculated and displayed here.
- Latest block height network: An external heimdall rpc is queried for the block height.
- Height difference: Difference between latest block height network and current block height validator is calculated and displayed.
- Missed blocks: Validator's precommit is checked in http://localhost/1317/blocks/latest. If
does not contain the validator's precommit it's marked as missed.
- Checkpoint header
- Latest checkpoint: Querying rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/count.
- Checkpoint duration: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/params.
- Latest checkpoint start-end block: Querying the endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/latest.
. - Last proposed checkpoint and No of checkpoints proposed: Querying the endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/. If
is user address then checkpoint number is displayed as proposed. Count of no of checkpoint proposed is incremented by 1. - Validator is part of block producer: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:/1317/bor/span/. If user address is present in
it is marked as Yes else No. - Producer count: Querying the rest enpoint http://localhost:/1317/bor/span/. Length of
array is displayed. - Span duration: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/bor/params.
- Validator connectivity header
- No of peers: querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/net_info?.
- Peer addresses: querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/net_info?.
- Validator details header
- Voting power: Querying the rest enpoint http://localhost:1317/staking/validator/.
- Last proposed block height and time: Querying rest endpoint http://localhost/1317/blocks/latest. If
is user address thenblock.height
are displayed. - ETH current balance: User's address is queried on mainnet Ethereum rpc.
- Heimdall current balance: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/bank/balances/.
- Max tx gas: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/auth/params.
- Self stake and rewards: Querying validator share contract for id.
- Proposals header
Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/gov/proposals
- Current height validator: Latest block is queried using bor rpc.
- Current block proposer: Proposer of the latest bor block is being displayed.
- Current span - Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/bor/latest-span.
. - Pending transactions: Querying the bor rpc for unconfirmed txs.
- No of blocks proposed: If the user address is the proposer of the bor block then count is incremented by 1.
- No of blocks signed - If the user address has signed on the latest bor block then count is incremented by 1.