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File metadata and controls

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Metrics calculation

Validator Monitoring dashboard:

  • Validator Availability header:
  1. Node Status: Checking if port number 26657 on localhost is in use or not. If the heimdall rpc is active on this port, node status is marked as UP else DOWN.
  2. Validator Status: If the validator has a non zero voting power in the result of http://localhost:26657/status it is marked as Active else Inactive.
  3. Chain-id: Querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/status.
  • Valdiator Performance header
  1. Validator caught up: Querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/status. result.sync_info.catching_up. If catching_up is false it is marked as Yes else No.
  2. Current block height validator : Querying rest endpoint http://localhost/1317/blocks/latest. block_meta.header.height
  3. Block time difference: Commit time between the current and previous block is calculated and displayed here.
  4. Latest block height network: An external heimdall rpc is queried for the block height.
  5. Height difference: Difference between latest block height network and current block height validator is calculated and displayed.
  6. Missed blocks: Validator's precommit is checked in http://localhost/1317/blocks/latest. If block_meta.block.last_commit.precommits does not contain the validator's precommit it's marked as missed.
  • Checkpoint header
  1. Latest checkpoint: Querying rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/count. result.result
  2. Checkpoint duration: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/params. result.checkpoint_buffer_time
  3. Latest checkpoint start-end block: Querying the endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/latest. result.start_block and result.end_block.
  4. Last proposed checkpoint and No of checkpoints proposed: Querying the endpoint http://localhost:1317/checkpoints/. If result.proposer is user address then checkpoint number is displayed as proposed. Count of no of checkpoint proposed is incremented by 1.
  5. Validator is part of block producer: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:/1317/bor/span/. If user address is present in result.selected_producers it is marked as Yes else No.
  6. Producer count: Querying the rest enpoint http://localhost:/1317/bor/span/. Length of result.selected_producers array is displayed.
  7. Span duration: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/bor/params. result.span_duration
  • Validator connectivity header
  1. No of peers: querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/net_info?. result.n_peers
  2. Peer addresses: querying the rpc endpoint http://localhost:26657/net_info?. result.peers.remote_ip
  • Validator details header
  1. Voting power: Querying the rest enpoint http://localhost:1317/staking/validator/. result.power
  2. Last proposed block height and time: Querying rest endpoint http://localhost/1317/blocks/latest. If block.proposer_address is user address then block.height and block.time are displayed.
  3. ETH current balance: User's address is queried on mainnet Ethereum rpc.
  4. Heimdall current balance: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/bank/balances/. result.amount
  5. Max tx gas: Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/auth/params. result.max_tx_gas
  6. Self stake and rewards: Querying validator share contract for id.
  • Proposals header

Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/gov/proposals

Bor dashboard:

  1. Current height validator: Latest block is queried using bor rpc.
  2. Current block proposer: Proposer of the latest bor block is being displayed.
  3. Current span - Querying the rest endpoint http://localhost:1317/bor/latest-span. result.span_id.
  4. Pending transactions: Querying the bor rpc for unconfirmed txs.
  5. No of blocks proposed: If the user address is the proposer of the bor block then count is incremented by 1.
  6. No of blocks signed - If the user address has signed on the latest bor block then count is incremented by 1.