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title layout
Package development-Bagisto

A package is like Laravel packages that includes views, controller and models. Packages are created to manage your large laravel applications into smaller units. In the bagisto, we have created the plenty of packages at path packages/Webkul/. can refer bagisto's root directory shown's in fig

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

How To Create Module


  • Inside packages folder of bagisto, create a folder with your company name or namespace and inside it create a folder with your package name. Ex – Here namespace is specified as ACME



  • Inside your package create a file named as package.json and a folder named as 'src', we will use it later.


  • Inside ‘src’ folder create a folder named as ‘Providers’ and under it create a file named as ‘PackagenameServiceProvider.php’.

    Ex – HelloWorldServiceProvider.php

    The Service Provider consist two methods.

    1. boot

    2. register

      namespace ACME\HelloWorld\Providers;
      use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
      * HelloWorld service provider
      * @author    Jane Doe <[email protected]>
      * @copyright 2018 Webkul Software Pvt Ltd (
      class HelloWorldServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
          * Bootstrap services.
          * @return void
          public function boot()
          * Register services.
          * @return void
          public function register()


  • Now, to register the service provider, go to ‘app.php’ file inside ‘config’ folder & add your service provider inside ‘providers’ array.

    'providers' => [
        //ACME package

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


  • Now, we need to add our package to ‘composer.json’ file of project root for autoloading in psr-4.

    "psr-4": {
        "ACME\\HelloWorld\\": "packages/ACME/HelloWorld"

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


  • Now, we are going to add some routing & views for our package.

    1. For routes: create a ‘Http’ folder inside ‘src’ folder of package & inside Http create a file name as ‘routes.php’. In this file, we can create routes for the package.

    Now, we need to register our route file to service provider’s boot method i.e. HelloWorldServiceProvider.php

    public function boot()
        include __DIR__ . '/../Http/routes.php';

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

To load routes, you can also use ‘loadRoutesFrom’ method.

  1. For views: Create a ‘Resources’ folder inside ‘src’ folder of package. Inside ‘Resources’ folder create a folder name as ‘views’. Now, in the ‘views’ folder, we can create a views for the package.

Right now, we are going to create a folder ‘helloworld’ inside the views. In this ‘helloworld’ folder we will create a file name as helloworld.blade.php.

Now just like route file, we need to register our view folder inside service provider to specify path where views are located.

public function boot()
    $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/views', 'helloworld');

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


  • Now, we need to create a route & render a view on that route.

Go to ACME->src->Http->routes.php file and create a route to render view


        Route::view('/hello-world', 'helloworld::helloworld.helloworld');

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

Now, you can append ‘hello-world’ to your local path in the browser's url to see the output.

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


  • Now, we are going to create language file for our package.

For this create a ‘lang’ folder inside ‘Resources’ folder.

Inside lang folder, you can create different folder for languages translations like for English 'en' , Hindi ‘hn’ etc. Moving forward, we will create a folder name ‘en’ (say language code) & inside ‘en’ folder, create a file name as ‘app.php’ to perform language translation

Now, we need to register the language file to service provider.

    public function boot()
        $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/lang', 'helloworld');

Now we can write translation in app.php like below.

    return [
        'hello-world' => [
            'name' => 'Jane Doe'

Add {{ __(‘’) }} to your application’s view & it will automatically translate it.

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


  • Now we will add CSS to our package. To add CSS create ‘package.json’ file & ‘webpack.mix.js’ file inside the root of your package.

Create a ‘Resources’ folder inside the ‘src’ folder. Inside ‘Resources’ folder creates a folder name ‘assests’& inside it create ‘sass’ folder & inside it create a folder name ‘app.scss’. This ‘app.scss’ will consist SASS for a package. In ‘package.json’ file, you can mention your npm dependencies. Create a webpack.mix.js file, this will be used for compiling our assets.

‘package.json' file consist

        "scripts": {
            "dev": "npm run development",
            "development": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development          node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js",
            "watch": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --watch --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js",
            "watch-poll": "npm run watch -- --watch-poll",
            "hot": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/webpack-dev-server/bin/webpack-dev-server.js --inline --hot --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js",
            "prod": "npm run production",
            "production": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --no-progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js"

        "devDependencies": {
            "cross-env": "^5.1.4",
            "laravel-mix": "^2.1",
            "laravel-mix-merge-manifest": "^0.1.1"

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

webpack.mix.js will consist

    const { mix } = require("laravel-mix");

    if (mix.inProduction()) {
        var publicPath = 'publishable/assets';
    } else {
        var publicPath = "../../../public/vendor/webkul/helloworld/assets";



    mix.sass(__dirname + "/src/Resources/assets/sass/app.scss", "css/helloworld.css").options({
        processCssUrls: false

    if (mix.inProduction()) {

All dependency can be updated according to need.

After doing this go to the root of your package & run ‘npm install’ which will install all dependencies. After installing dependencies run ‘npm run watch’, which will compile all your CSS & publish it inside public folder according to path mention in webpack.mix.js according to the environment.

In the same way, we can also add images & js. Inside ‘assests’ folder of ‘Resources’, create two folders ‘js’ & ‘images’ in which create ‘app.js’ file for js & inside ‘images’ folder, download images.

Now we need to publish these two also as we did for CSS. We will add this too to our webpack.mix.js.

    mix.js(__dirname + "/src/Resources/assets/js/app.js", "js/helloworld.js")
        .copyDirectory( __dirname + '/src/Resources/assets/images', publicPath + '/images')

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

Once again, we need to run ‘npm run watch’ to compile assets.

After doing this we need to add an event listener so that admin layouts include our CSS. For this we need to add an Event Listener in service provider & Inside views create a folder called layouts & inside it create a file called ‘style.blade.php’ & mention compiled CSS path inside this file.

    <link rel="stylesheet"
    href="{{ bagisto_asset('css/helloworld.css') }}">
    ( In style.blade.php)

For Event Listener –

    public function boot()
        Event::listen('bagisto.admin.layout.head', function($viewRenderEventManager) {

Now we need to extend admin::layouts.master as @extends(‘admin::layouts.master’) to packages/acme/HelloWorld/src/Resources & we can write CSS for our packages. If you don’t want to include this one then you need to create your own master file which includes your packages CSS & js.

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


  • Now we will add Database to our package.

Create a ‘Database’ folder inside ‘src’ folder & inside ‘Database’ create ‘Migrations’ & ‘Seeders’ folder.

Now, we need to add migrations to our service provider to load them.

    public function boot()
        $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__ .'/../Database/Migrations');

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

How to Add Menu in Admin/Customer


-> Now, we will show how to add menu in admin panel. For this, we need to create a ‘Config’ folder inside ‘src’. Inside this src folder, create a file name as 'menu.php'.


    return [
            'key' => 'helloworld',          // uniquely defined key for menu-icon
            'name' => 'Hello World',        //  name of menu-icon
            'route' => 'helloworld.index',  // the route for your menu-icon
            'sort' => 1,                    // Sort number on which your menu-icon should display
            'icon-class' => 'dashboard-icon',   //class of menu-icn

In this file we provide name of menu, its route & its icon.

Now for route stated in menu.php, we need to create a controller to display view file.

So inside Controllers we will create HelloWorldController.php and controller.php as:

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}


    namespace ACME\HelloWorld\Http\Controllers;

    use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
    use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests;

    class Controller extends BaseController
        use AuthorizesRequests, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;

    class HelloWorldController extends Controller
        protected $_config;

        public function __construct()
            $this->_config = request('_config');

        * Display a listing of the resource.
        * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response

        public function index()
            return view($this->_config['view']);

For the route we will create a named route as

Route::get('hello-dashboard', 'ACME\HelloWorld\Http\Controllers\HelloWorldController@index')->defaults('_config', ['view' => 'helloworld::helloworld.index'

After creating controller & route we need to merge this menu.php folder with core menu file.For this purpose we will use method ‘mergeConfigFrom’ method in register function of service provider.

public function register()
        dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/menu.php', 'menu.admin'

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And, now we need to add @extends('admin::layouts.master') to our view files to extend the bagisto default layout

Bagisto Root Directory{: height="50%" width="50%" .center}

Now, this menu will comes in admin login. You can change icon accordingly your need.By clicking, upon icon it will open the view file provided in Route facade

How to Create ACL in Bagisto?

In term to manage an ecommerce site becomes clumsy and ambiguous. Here, in bagisto, it has been taken care of, bagisto has provided an functionality 'ACL'(Access Control List). Mainly,with ACL, admin has power to disable the menu whatever not-in-use for admin .

Creating an ACL file

There are some steps which the user have to follow to create ACL. User have to create an file in the config folder of module named as 'acl.php'. Below, the image of acl.php is attached

ACL{: height="50%" width="100%" .center}

  1. As you can see in above image, the acl.php includes some parameters (you can refer to how to add menu in admin/customer section above)

  2. Array is created for individual's menu with the parameters (key, name, route, sort) All we need to defined the menu which we want to be included in ACL functionality such as- in our case, in images attached the below image is includes the menu whatever defined in above image within code

    ACL{: height="50%" width="100%" .center}

Custom Configuration

Creating a custom configuration ease the task for developer or any non-developer person. It lets you option of enable/disable with the dropdown or any input type attribute. Generally, in bagisto, you can find it in admin panel Configuration menu .

Steps to create custom configuration

  • To create custom configuration for your application, you just need to create system.php file under config folder of your package.

  • Inside the file, you can include the below code as shown in image

Custom Configuration file{: height="50%" width="100%" .center}

Explanation for the keys:

  • key : these values provided are unique and nested with '.' (dot) operator. After creation of two nested, other keys written are display in browser in form of accordian {figure needed}

  • name : these keys accept the value as placeholder of your configuration. Generally, in bagisto, we consider writing it using translation.

  • sort : these key accept the sort position for the configuration menu.

  • fields : these key accepts the array for the value of custom configuration.

What is Contracts, Repositories and proxies ?


Laravel's Contracts are a set of interfaces that define the core services provided by the framework. For example, a Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue contract defines the methods needed for queueing jobs, while the Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer contract defines the methods needed for sending e-mail.

Each contract has a corresponding implementation provided by the framework. For example, Laravel provides a queue implementation with a variety of drivers, and a mailer implementation that is powered by SwiftMailer.

All of the Laravel contracts live in their own GitHub repository. This provides a quick reference point for all available contracts, as well as a single, decoupled package that may be utilized by package developers.



Store data through Repository

Steps to store data through repository :

  • Beginning with the creation of models, generally models are created using command stated below. The model is created on specified path/location.

php artisan make:model HelloWorld --path=""

  • Now, at the same location create a model proxy file as 'HelloWorldProxy.php'. This Proxy class will extends ModelProxy. Also, you have to add "use Konekt\Concord\Proxies\ModelProxy; " like below stated

namespace Acme\HelloWorld\Models;

use Konekt\Concord\Proxies\ModelProxy;

class DataFlowProfileProxy extends ModelProxy { }

  • Now ,make a Folder named as Contracts and inside it create a interface file named as HelloWorld.php

  • Now, make a repository folder and inside it create a file 'HelloWorldRepository.php' and write the model method for repository class and under the method return path of your contract class.

namespace Webkul\Marketplace\Repositories;

use Webkul\Core\Eloquent\Repository;

class HelloWorldRepository extends Repository


 * Specify Model class name
 * @return mixed

function model()


   return 'ACME\HelloWorld\Contracts\HelloWorld';

