- Remove pubspec.lock
- Pulling universal_ffi into a separate repo. Fixing License
- Adding topics for pub.dev
- Deprecating DynamicLibrary.memory in favour of DynamicLibrary.allocator
- Fixing documentation issues
- Updated readme
- Fixed some urls
- Removed ffi dependency into universal_ffi, making it pure wasm_ffi
- Fixed standalone & emscripten wasm examples, flutter example.
- Changed library names
- Minor code reorganization
- Added support for standalone wasm and added wrapper utility
- Fixed compatibility with Emscripten 3.1.44
- Improved support for
- Added missing types
- Added
(added in Dart ffi 1.1.0)
- Fixed analyzer warnings
- Fixed github links
- Fix plugin platform and example
- Rebranded as wasm_ffi. Merged changes for Char & Utf8 support and fixed a memory bug.
- UTF8 extension and
- More lenient exports parsing. Latest Emscripten will output additional non function exports which need to be skipped.
- Fixed errors related to unexpected
names due to minifying in release builds
- Fixing dead links
- Initial release
- No struct support yet
- No pointer array extension support yet