Trained models used for inference can be found at
To quickly get some results, download PAD_test_images (129MB). It includes sample images and videos from TuSimple, CULane, Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC 2012. [Alternate Baidu Yun download link]
After download, unzip it as:
unzip -d PAD_test_images
Use tools/vis/ to visualize segmentation results, by providing the image folder with --image-path
and mask (not the colored ones) with --target-path
. For detailed instructions, run:
python tools/vis/ --help
For example, visualize a PASCAL VOC image:
python tools/vis/ --image-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/voc --image-suffix=_image.jpg --target-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/voc --target-suffix=_mask.png --save-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/voc_res --config=<any PASCAL VOC config>
You should be able to see the result like this stored at --save-path
with same image names as in --image-path
You can also do inference by --pred
, in this case you'll need the correct --config
and --checkpoint
, for example:
python tools/vis/ --image-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/voc --image-suffix=_image.jpg --save-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/voc_pred --pred --config=configs/semantic_segmentation/deeplabv2/
Another example for visualizing complex filename and structure such as Cityscapes (Remember to use --map-id
for Cityscapes style annotation files):
python tools/vis/ --image-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/munster --image-suffix=_leftImg8bit.png --target-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/labels/munster --target-suffix=_gtFine_labelIds.png --save-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/city_res --config=configs/semantic_segmentation/erfnet/ --map-id
Since there are no video labels available from all supported datasets, inference must be conducted, for example:
python tools/vis/ --video-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/stuttgart_00.avi --save-path=PAD_test_images/seg_test_images/stuttgart_pred.avi --config=configs/semantic_segmentation/erfnet/
Use tools/vis/ to visualize arbitrary lane detection results, by providing the image folder with --image-path
, keypoint file folder (CULane format) with --keypoint-path
and optional segmentation mask (not the colored ones) with --mask-path
. For detailed instructions, run:
python tools/vis/ --help
Try --style
for different lane line styles (currently supports point
, line
& bezier
: Sample points will be drawn directly--style=line
: Sample points will be connected with semi-transparent lines (you can get a neat visual on curve-based methods, but possible unpleasant zigzag lines for segmentation-based methods)--style=bezier
: Same as--style=line
, additionally adds Bézier control points for Bézier curve-based methods
For example, visualize on CULane:
python tools/vis/ --image-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/05171008_0748.MP4 --keypoint-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/05171008_0748.MP4 --mask-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/laneseg_label_w16/05171008_0748.MP4 --image-suffix=.jpg --keypoint-suffix=.lines.txt --mask-suffix=.png --save-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/culane_res --config=<any CULane config>
You should be able to see the result like this stored at --save-path
with same image names as in --image-path
You can also do inference by --pred
, in this case you'll need the correct --config
and --checkpoint
, for example:
python tools/vis/ --image-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/05171008_0748.MP4 --image-suffix=.jpg --save-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/culane_pred --pred --config=configs/lane_detection/baseline/
Since there are no video labels available from all supported datasets, inference must be conducted, for example:
python tools/vis/ --video-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/tusimple_val_1min.avi --save-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/tusimple_val_1min_pred.avi --config=configs/lane_detection/baseline/
In Lane points (Image Folder), you literally visualized one set of text files on one set of images. While with two sets of text files, you can additionally compare with Ground Truth (typical use case when analyzing or worse: writing a paper). Provide GT keypoints by --gt-keypoint-path
and set the evaluation metric by --metric
, currently only culane
and tusimple
are supported (note that the culane
metric here is the Python version, which slightly differs from the official C++ implementation). You may also use --pred
to predict from a model instead of --keypoint-path
to provide predictions.
For example, compare against GT with BézierLaneNet:
python tools/vis/ --image-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/05171008_0748.MP4 --gt-keypoint-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/05171008_0748.MP4 --image-suffix=.jpg --gt-keypoint-suffix=.lines.txt --save-path=PAD_test_images/lane_test_images/culane_gt_compare --config=configs/lane_detection/bezierlanenet/ --style=bezier --mixed-precision --pred
You can get red False Positive, green True Positive and blue Ground Truth, like this:
The extra takeaway here is: you can visualize prediction results from implementations other than PytorchAutoDrive, which makes things easier when comparing a wide range of methods. Refer to for visualizing on specific dataset file structures (e.g., TuSimple selectively use images from different sub folders, and use one json file for all annotations).
You can set --image-path
or --target-path
to your dataset paths in order to visualize a customized dataset, but keep in mind about --save-path
: don't accidentally overwrite your dataset!
Use large batch_size
, more workers
or --mixed-precision
to accelerate visualization same as training/testing.
To generate videos from Cityscapes like our sample video, you can download the demo files from Cityscapes website, modify and run tools/
To generate videos from TuSimple like our sample video, modify and run tools/
Colors can be customized for each dataset in utils/datasets/
, although we recommend not doing that and keep the official colors for each dataset. If you are using custom data/custom model with more predicted classes but never did modify the code, the class colors will be used iteratively. contains batch-wise visualization functions to modify for your own use case.
You can set a vis_dataset
dict in your config file to init the ImageFolder
or VideoLoader
classes from config file, otherwise it is automatically initiated by commandline args.
You can set a vis
dict in your config file, this way the visualizer will use this dict's options instead of test
For advanced visualization that includes actual coding, refer to