Simple Cli tool for storing all your passwords.
Made as an assignment for Computer Security course @FER
Clone this repo with git clone [email protected]:vposloncec/srs-lab1.git
Go cli tool should be installed (run
to check).If you have
you can skip this part.The tool can be found and installed using your operating system's package manager or just position yourself inside this repo and run:
make install-go # refresh your shell env variables with: source ~/.(your_shell_rc_file)
This script should install the tool and set needed env variables for all go-based tools to work.
make build
this will create an executable in ./bin
tajnik help
Simple password (credentials) manager
tajnik [command]
Available Commands:
get Get credentials for desired address
help Help about any command
init Initializes tajnik using the provided master password
put Put (add) password to the manager's database
-h, --help help for tajnik
--mfile string Master file where data is stored(default is $HOME/.tajnik/master_file)
Use "tajnik [command] --help" for more information about a command.