First of all (even before the block's name), its should contain the following sentence at the very beginning:
=� Use this project, [contribute]({OrganizationName/{AppName}) to it or open issues to help evolve it using [Store Discussion](
Under the block's name, you should explain the topic, giving a brief description of the block's functionality in a store.
Next, add media (either an image of a GIF) with the rendered block, so that users can better understand how the block works in practice.
In this section, you first must add the primary instructions that will allow users to use the block in their store, such as adding the block's app as a dependency in the manifest.json
and declaring the block itself in a given template.
Next, add the block's props table:
Prop name | Type | Description | Default value |
Remember to also showcase any necessary disclaimer related to the block in this section, such as the different behavior it may display during its configuration.
There are scenarios in which a block can behave differently in a store, according to how it was added to the catalog, for example. It's crucial to go through these behavioral changes in this section, allowing users to fully understand the practical application of the block in their store.
If you feel compelled to give further details about the block, such as it's relationship with the VTEX admin, don't hesitate to use this section.
The first thing that should be present in this section is the sentence below, showing users the recipe pertaining to CSS customization in blocks:
In order to apply CSS customizations in this and other blocks, follow the instructions given in the recipe on [Using CSS Handles for store customization](
Thereafter, you should add a single column table with the available CSS handles for that block:
CSS Handles |
paymentListContainer |
savedCreditCardOption |
newCreditCardOption |
bankInvoiceOption |
creditCardContainer |
extraDataContainer |
selectedPaymentLabel |
creditCardExtraDataMessage |
documentFieldSectionContainer |
documentFieldContainer |
billingAddressSectionContainer |
billingAddressFormContainer |
reviewPurchaseButtonContainer |
reviewPurchaseButtonLabel |
If there are none, add the following sentence instead:
The component still doesn't have CSS Handles for its specific customization.
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