Fill out the sections of this PR template that applies. If your PR is documentation-based or is very short, you may skip the parts after requesting a reviewer
- [Android | iOS]-issue-[issue number]-[issue-description-in-kebab-case-format]
- Example: Android-issue-0012-add-delete-button-to-detail-screen
- Example: iOS-issue-0123-add-submit-button-to-detail-screen
- [Android | iOS] Issue #[issue number] [short issue description]
- Example: Android Issue #0012 Add Delete Button to Detail Screen
- Example: iOS Issue #0123 Add Submit Button to Detail Screen
- Example: closes issue #0123 (update with actual issue number)
- See how to reference issues in pull requests
- See how to link issues and pull requests
- Request a maintainer of your project to review your PR
- You may also tag that maintainer in your PR
- Example: @ABCD My PR is ready for review! (update with actual reviewer's Github handle)
- If applicable, also tag the maintainer on Slack
- How did your PR fix the issue mentioned above? What files were changed or created? What did your changes do?
- The idea is to make it as easy as possible for the PR reviewers to follow what you did
- This could be the screens from running the app in the simulator, or in the IDE UI Preview window.
- See how to upload assets to your PR
- The idea is to make it as easy as possible for the PR reviewers to follow what you did
- For example, what unit tests need to be run, if any? What buttons do you need to tap on which screens to test the app flow?
- The idea is to make it as easy as possible for the PR reviewers to follow what you did