- You can use the official Docker image to get started, or you can use Elastic Cloud, Elastic's official cloud service. In this guide, we will be using cloud version.
- Register an account or login with existing account on Elastic cloud.
- Click Create deployment. Then, name your deployment, and choose the provider.
- After deployment is finished, you should be able to see the setup guides as shown below. Click the Set up vector search option.
- You should now see the Getting started page for Vector Search.
- On the left hand side bar, click Indices. Then, Create a new index.
- Select API ingestion method
- Name your search index name, then Create Index
- After the index has been created, generate a new API key, take note of both generated API key and the URL
- Add a new Elasticsearch node on canvas and fill in the Index Name
- Add new credential via Elasticsearch API
- Take the URL and API Key from Elasticsearch, fill in the fields
- After credential has been created successfully, you can start upserting the data
- After data has been upserted successfully, you can verify it from Elastic dashboard:
- Voila! You can now start asking question in the chat