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This is the summary of my book.

  • [前言](Preface 前言.md)
  • [第1章 开始](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始.md)
    • [1.1 从Maven原型创建一个新项目](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/1.1. Creating a New Project from Maven Archetype 从Maven Archetype创建一个新项目.md)
    • [1.2 探索新项目](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/1.2. Exploring the Newly Created Project 探索新项目.md)
    • [1.3 运行项目](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/1.3. Running the Project 运行项目.md)
    • [1.4 创建一个JavaEE的Web项目](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/1.4. Creating a JavaEE Web Application 创建一个JavaEE的Web项目.md)
    • [1.5 创建能部署在Heroku上面的Web项目](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/1.5. Creating a Web Application that can be deployed on Heroku 创建能部署在Heroku上面的Web项目.md)
    • [1.6 探索其他例子](Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始/1.6. Exploring Other Jersey Examples 探索其他例子.md)
  • [第2章 模块和依赖](Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖/Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖.md)
    • [2.1 与 Java SE 兼容性](Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖/2.1. Java SE Compatibility 与 Java SE 兼容性.md)
    • [2.2 介绍Jersey的依赖](Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖/2.2. Introduction to Jersey dependencies 介绍Jersey的依赖.md)
    • [2.3 常见Jersey示例](Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖/2.3. Common Jersey Use Cases 常见Jersey示例.md)
    • [2.4 模块列表](Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖/2.4. List of modules 模块列表.md)
  • [第3章 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源.md)
    • [3.1 根资源类](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.1. Root Resource Classes 根资源类.md)
    • [3.2 (@*Param)参数注解](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.2. Parameter Annotations @Param 参数注解.md)
    • [3.3 子资源](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.3. Sub-resources 子资源.md)
    • [3.4 根资源类生命周期](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.4. Life-cycle of Root Resource Classes 根资源类生命周期.md)
    • [3.5 注入规则](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.5. Rules of Injection 注入规则.md)
    • [3.6 使用 @Context](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.6. Use of @Context 使用
    • [3.7 可编程的资源模型](Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源/3.7. Programmatic resource model 可编程的资源模型.md)
  • [第4章 应用部署和运行时环境](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境.md)
    • [4.1 介绍](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.1. Introduction 介绍.md)
    • [4.2 JAX-RS 应用模型](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.2. JAX-RS Application Model 应用模型.md)
    • [4.3 自动发现功能](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.3. Auto-Discoverable Features 自动发现的特性.md)
    • [4.4 配置 Classpath 扫描](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.4. Configuring the Classpath Scanning 配置 Classpath 扫描.md)
    • [4.5 部署在 Java SE 环境](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.5. Java SE Deployment Environments Java 部署环境.md)
    • [4.6 创建可编程的 JAX-RS 端点](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.6. Creating programmatic JAX-RS endpoint 创建可编程的 JAX-RS 端点.md)
    • [4.7 基于 Servlet 的部署](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.7. Servlet-based Deployment 基于 Servlet 的部署.md)
    • [4.8 Java EE 平台](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.8. Java EE Platform 在 Java EE 平台.md)
    • [4.9 OSGi](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.9.
    • [4.10 其他环境](Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境/4.10. Other Environments 其他环境.md)
  • [第5章 客户端 API](Chapter 5. Client API 客户端 API/Chapter 5. Client API 客户端
    • [5.1 统一接口约束](Chapter 5. Client API 客户端 API/5.1. Uniform Interface Constraint 统一接口约束.md)
    • [5.2 易于使用和可重用的 JAX-RS 工件](Chapter 5. Client API 客户端 API/5.2 Ease of use and reusing JAX-RS artifacts 易于使用和可重用的 JAX-RS 工件.md)
    • [5.3 客户端 API 总览](Chapter 5. Client API 客户端 API/5.3. Overview of the Client API 客户端 API 总览.md)
  • [第6章 Reactive Jersey 客户端 API](Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API/Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client
    • [6.1. Motivation for Reactive Client Extension](Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API/6.1. Motivation for Reactive Client
    • [6.2. Usage and Extension Modules](Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API/6.2. Usage and Extension
    • [6.3. Supported Reactive Libraries](Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API/6.3. Supported Reactive
    • [6.4. Implementing Support for Custom Reactive Libraries (SPI)](Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API/6.4. Implementing Support for Custom Reactive
    • [6.5. Examples](Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API/6.5.
  • [第7章 表现与响应](Chapter 7. Representations and Responses 表现与响应/Chapter 7. Representations and
    • [7.1 表示与 Java 类型](Chapter 7. Representations and Responses 表现与响应/7.1. Representations and Java
    • [7.2 构建响应](Chapter 7. Representations and Responses 表现与响应/7.2. Building
    • [7.3 WebApplicationException and Mapping Exceptions to Response](Chapter 7. Representations and Responses 表现与响应/7.3. WebApplicationException and Mapping Exceptions to
    • [7.4 条件 GET 和返回304响应](Chapter 7. Representations and Responses 表现与响应/7.4. Conditional GETs and Returning 304 Not Modified
  • [第9章 对常用媒体类型的支持](Chapter 9. Support for Common Media Type Representations 支持常用媒体类型/
    • [9.1 JSON](Chapter 9. Support for Common Media Type Representations 支持常用媒体类型/9.1.
    • [9.2 XML](Chapter 9. Support for Common Media Type Representations 支持常用媒体类型/9.2.
    • [9.3 Multipart](Chapter 9. Support for Common Media Type Representations 支持常用媒体类型/9.3.
  • [第10章 过滤器和拦截器](Chapter 10. Filters and Interceptors 过滤器和拦截器/Chapter 10. Filters and Interceptors 过滤器和拦截器.md)
  • [第11章 异步服务器和客户端](Chapter 11. Asynchronous Services and Clients 异步服务器和客户端/Chapter 11. Asynchronous Services and Clients 异步服务器和客户端.md)
  • 第15章 Server-Sent Events (SSE) 支持
    • [15.1. 什么是 SSE](Chapter 15. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support/15.1. What are Server-Sent
    • [15.2. 何时用 SSE](Chapter 15. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support/15.2. When to use Server-Sent
    • [15.3. Jersey Server-Sent Events API](Chapter 15. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support/15.3. Jersey Server-Sent Events
    • [15.4. 在 JAX-RS 资源中实现 SSE](Chapter 15. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support/15.4. Implementing SSE support in a JAX-RS
    • [15.5. Jersey 客户端使用 SSE](Chapter 15. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support/15.5. Consuming SSE events with Jersey
  • [第20章 MVC 模板](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/Chapter 20. MVC
    • [20.1. Viewable](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.1.
    • [20.2. 模板](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.2.
    • [20.3. 绝对 vs. 相对模块引用](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.3. Absolute vs. Relative template
    • [20.4. MVC 错误处理](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.4. Handling errors with
    • [20.5. 注册和配置](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.5. Registration and
    • [20.6. 支持的模板引擎](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.6. Supported templating
    • [20.7. 写自定义的模板引擎](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.7. Writing Custom Templating
    • [20.8. 其他例子](Chapter 20. MVC Templates/20.8. Other
  • [第23章 使用 Spring 注入](Chapter 23. Spring DI 使用 Spring 注入/
  • [第23章 使用 Spring 注入](Chapter 23. Spring DI 使用 Spring 注入/
    • [23.1 依赖](Chapter 23. Spring DI 使用 Spring 注入/23.1. Dependencies 依赖.md)
    • [23.2 注册和配置](Chapter 23. Spring DI 使用 Spring 注入/23.2. Registration and Configuration 注册和配置.md)
    • [23.3 示例](Chapter 23. Spring DI 使用 Spring 注入/23.3. Example 示例.md)