is a project whose goal is to enable you to choose from a list of options that you (think you) like equally.
As the name suggests, it works by initially making you fill out a bracket containing all of the things you are trying to make a decision about. For example, if you have to do homework, wash dishes, and take the dog out for a walk, you should add a bracket item for each of these tasks.
Next, you'll be prompted, two items at a time, to choose which thing you'd prefer to do more. Continuing with our original example, you might initially be prompted to choose between doing homework and taking the dog out for a walk. Let's say you chose doing homework (unlikely). Then, you'd be prompted to choose between doing homework and washing dishes. After making this decision -- let's say you chose washing dishes -- the decision bracket would be completely filled out and you will have resolved on what decision to make first -- namely, washing dishes.
The key idea is that you can do this multiple times a day for many different decisions, and by reducing the number of choices to two items at a time, the things you'd really prefer to do naturally advance forward in the bracket.