- macOS 12.1, R 4.1.2 (local)
- macOS-latest, R-release (r-lib actions)
- Apple Silicon (M1), macOS 11.6 Big Sur, R-release (r-hub)
- Windows Server 2022, R-devel (win-builder)
- Windows Server 2008, R-release (win-builder)
- Windows-latest, R-release (r-lib actions)
- Ubuntu 20.04, R-devel (r-lib actions)
- Ubuntu 20.04, R-release (r-lib actions)
- Ubuntu 20.04, R-oldrel (r-lib actions)
- Ubuntu 20.04, R 3.6 (r-lib actions)
- Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, gfortran (r-hub)
- checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: 'Frederik Aust [email protected]'
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: https://doi.org/10.1037/1082-989X.9.2.164 From: man/apa_print.glm.Rd man/apa_print.list.Rd Status: 400 Message: Bad Request URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164406292030 From: man/apa_print.list.Rd Status: 503 Message: Service Unavailable URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164410379335 From: man/apa_print.list.Rd Status: 503 Message: Service Unavailable URL: https://pandoc.org/ From: man/papaja.Rd README.md Status: 221
All DOIs/URLs are correct. Maybe the sites are blocking non-human traffic?
This is a resubmission, to address a Apple M1 issue (https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_papaja.html)
There are no downstream dependencies.