This script captures a trio of images from a Sony IPELA SNC-RX550N. Following that, it will run a simple face detection script from the OpenCV library. It will then post any photos with greater than zero faces to a twitter account using imgur to post the images.
Remember to set the variables at the beginning of the script to your own settings.
- camera_ip: This is the IP or hostname of the IPELA camera.
- haar_file: On Windows for example, the example haar classifier may be located at: "C:\OpenCV2.0\data\haarcascades\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"
- twitter_user: Twitter username to post with.
- twitter_pass: Password for the twitter user.
- imgur_api_key: API key from which you can get at
- OpenCV 2.0 with the Python extensions
- pyimgur (Specifically my fork.)
- python-twitter