x MidwestJS x Wrote first test x Wrote speakers tests x Wrote me tests w/ clicks x Wrote navigation tests for twitter x Refactor into some page objects x Check angles
x Set self up in VSCode w/ DefinitelyTyped references
x Prize-o-tron x PageObject & tests confirming existence x Winner picking is exhaustive (not going to test randomness) x Reset functionality
x Snap-ci x Actually running my protractor tests x move protractor install to root so we can run the midwest-js specs as well x Work out some logical suites, but on a per-file basis (TODO can it we do individual test methods without Cucumber?) x GOT EVERYTHING PASSING HELL TO THE YES!
x FeM Scott Moss blog project x Got re-acquainted x Got basic tests running (though why isn't it bootstrapping angular?)
x Slides x Made gh-pages and tinyurl for them x Did a first run for time check and polish
#What I did today:
- Cleaned up slides I think to completion? double check tonight
- Finalized buttonText slide
- Fix repeaters in prizeotron tests
- Run the slides one more time, polish where necessary!
#Future TODO:
- Hopefully just practice and polish! Maybe if I add more scope I'll encroach on this
- Part of polishing! Add a Readme.md to each sub-folder
#Potentially scrapped for being overly ambitious:
Try writing actual protractor directive as angular app & testing it
Use fixed window sizes to check angles?
Create an 'order' of commits to follow for live-coding
Practice live-coding
Experiment with benchpress (would rather nail down Angular content)
Testing route changes
Testing directives extensively
MockHttpBackend (I'll still try but it isn't looking good)
- Using Cucumber (because ATDD ALL THE THINGS!)