Releases: willshersystems/ansible-sshd
Updated sshd defaults for Ubuntu 18
Merged #103, which gives current sshd defaults for Ubuntu 18. Thanks @mfredholm.
Fix for minor bug in systemd unit file configuration
#93 Fixes incorrect argument parsing in the new systemd code. Thanks to @tterranigma
Adds sshd_enable to disable role entirely during a run
#91 Add a big toggle to stop the role running, sshd_enable. Thanks @tterranigma
Multi daemon support, backup sshd config, updated sshd config items, Ubuntu 18 support
Quite a large change in the internals, so bumping to the minor rev.
#89 Adds the ability to install multiple systemd unit files and so manage multiple sshd daemons. It also exposes a number of previously internal variables so the location of the sshd binary, config file and so on can be controlled from the calling play. See sshd_install_service
and Secondary role variables in the for more information. Stirling work by @tterranigma.
#84 adds sshd_backup, which when set to true will backup the sshd config. Thanks to @easonand
#87 Fixes a long standing bug with sshd_match variable being reused and adds new sshd options as well as improvement to the CI tests. Thanks to @pillarsdotnet
#88 Addes Ubuntu 18 defaults, copied from the defaults for 16. Thanks to @dduong42
Container Linux by CoreOS support
Only one change - #82 add Container Linux by CoreOS support. Thanks @beyondbill!
AMZN Linux fix
Merges #79 to fix a typo in the AMZN Linux vars file. Thanks @beyondbill
Arch Linux, Ansible 2.5, Debian 9, coding standards
Many thanks to D4N, TimJDFletcher, pieterlexis, tterranigma, jamatute
Change ansible_pkg_mgr to package #61
Fix type in daemon spelling #62
Use listen: in handler #64
Remove tags from role #63
Add Arch Linux defaults #67
Add StreamLocalBindUnlink option #74
Remove obsolete options from Debian 9 defaults #76
Fix for ansible_virtualization_type not defined in Ansible > 2.5 #78
Bug fix binge
Bunch of minor bugs that have been kicking around for a while have been fixed.
- Role no longer manages /var/run directory.
- Warnings under Ansible 2.3 resolved.
- Added a note about RHEL 7 and UsePAM to the variables file.
- Removed a cyclical symlink in the tests/roles directory and reworked the dev Vagrantfile accordingly.
This does change functionality, hence the bump to 0.5
Fix sshd_match blocks
Fixes bug where sshd_match blocks were duplicates. Thanks to @troyfontaine
Fix to server state. Update to galaxy name.
Updated the service state in the task set state to 'started' rather than the obsolete 'running'. Thanks to @Fuegoel
A long standing issue I was having with galaxy has been resolved, making the canonical name of this role willshersystems.sshd. Thanks to @mschneiderwind for pointing out the change hadn't been made in the readme.