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File metadata and controls

23 lines (20 loc) · 1.02 KB

Automated Testrail Data Population

A POC of automating population of testrail data from rspec json output file


You will first have to tell rspec to use json formatted output to a file like so

bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance --format j --out output.json

After we get the rspec json output, we set a number of environment variables and run the rake task:

  • RESULT_FILE - Required. JSON output file from beaker-rspec
  • TESTRAIL_USER - Required. Testrail Username
  • TESTRAIL_PASS - Required. Testrail Password
  • SUITE_NAME - Required. Test suite name within Modules & Forge project
  • GITHUB_REPO - Required. Repo name within the puppetlabs org.
bundle install --path .bundle/gems
RESULT_FILE=results.json TESTRAIL_USER=ABC TESTRAIL_PASS=ABC SUITE_NAME='Automation Test' GITHUB_REPO=puppetlabs-vcsrepo bundle exec rake update_testrail

TestRail API Binding


I did not write this, the code in this class is pulled from here.