In this lecture we will introduce you to the ASM Diagrams (ASMD) which provide a graphical way of representing complex RTL designs. We will describe how the diagrams can be used to define an RTL design and how you can convert the diagram to RTL
- Chapter 11 sections 1-4 RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL.
- 11.1 - scan
- 11.2 - Read carefully (this is the meat of the concept)
- 11.3 - scan briefly through the examples (ignore the VHDL)
- 11.4 - Pay attention to the Mealy controlled RT operation
- Understand the difference between a FSM and a ASMD
- Understand the meaning of the left arror operator and its difference with the <= operator
- How a set of RT operations can be translated into a digital circuit
- Two parts of a FSM-D (data path and control path)
- Understand what a ASMD chart is and how to convert it to RTL