"w is wu" pronounced "wu is wu".
Don't you dare say double yu is wu when you refer to this site!
The letter "w" is the pariah of the English alphabet. The pronunciation of "w" is an ancient thorn in the side of English speakers inherited through generations. It's time we take matters into our own hands, as the communal owners of the language and pluck the thorn out once and for all!
We challenge the status quo and seek to set a precedent of active participation in language evolution. Too many people accept language as it comes without questioning. Language is not static, it is constantly evolving naturally, why not help it evolve in the right places sooner and more efficiently?
The change we want is simple - "w" should be pronounced wu.
double yu is 2 syllables too cumbersome.
The letter "w" is the only letter which has a name that describes it's appearance... and we all know how wrong it is to judge by appearance.
In German, "w" is pronounced ve and what rolls off the tongue smoother: bee em double yu or bee em ve? In English, ve can be confused with the letter "v" so we're proposing wu.
Most English letters can incorporate the sound of the letter with the letter itself (eg. a - aye, b - bee, c... anyway you get the point!)
Why is it even double u and not double v?
Isn't it ridiculous to have to say double yu double yu double yu dot yada dot com ? Some people might say dub dub dub dot yada dot com — an absurd double abbreviation in our opinion.