Timeless, muscle-memory tools inspired by Mike Levin. The so-called canonical technologies responsible for covering 80 percent of all use cases using only 20 percent of investable effort (the 80-20 rule). Free/libre infrastructure that is disruption-proof and obsolescence-resistant.
- Linux: operating system
- Python: programming language
- Vim: text editor (IDE)
- Git: version control
- Python Management System
- Conda Environment
- Docker Image
Mastering Vim takes a while and effort, so meanwhile we use JupyterLab for literate and exploratory programming. The desktop (stand-alone) version of JupyterLab is particularly useful since there is no need to use a web browser and open a new terminal window for Jupyter server.
- Install mambaforge
- Add conda to PATH environment variable
- Install JupyterLab Desktop
- If you use OneDrive from non-English speaking country, follow this link to change the name of the "personal" folder to "Documents"
- Run PowerShell and execute the following commands:
conda init powershell conda create -n py310 python=3.10 jupyterlab
- Run JupyterLab Desktop, and set the default kernel path to
- Enjoy
- Hardware
- Nix (Multics, Unix, Minix, Linux, etc)
- Regex
- Python
- Reference
- Tutorial
- Standard Library
- Packaging User Guide
- Pandas
- fast.ai
- nbdev
- nbprocess
- sqlitedict
- re
- rich
- tabulate
- PrettyTable
- tabulate
- stockholm
- docs
- markdown (Web)
- reStructuredText (Python)
- myST (Jupyter)
- Sphinx
- Configuration
- Logging
- Dependency Injector
- Pendulum
- Tornado
- Visualize Stream
- Lisp
- Python:Lisp=Yang:Yin
- Emacs
- Notebook
- Figure
- Table
- Misc