These files are used to generate IJE shiny app
Prepared by Zhe (River) Yang
1. Prepare Data.r
: This r program is used to clean up the IJE data table
and saved data files for app generation. Before running the program, two
lines of code need to be updated:
a) setwd('//scan01/Users/yanzh/IJE/2020/data')
It specified the current working dirctory. All final datasets
are saved there.
b) rawfile = quote("//Scan01/ipe/Theresa/2020_Vintage/ShinyR/")
It specified the location of raw datafiles.
After updating thest two parts, you can run the R-file, all final datasets will
be saved in the current working dirctory you specified above.
- go the shiny fold and open up the
. a) update setwd('//scan01/Users/yanzh/IJE/2020/data'). again it is the place where you saved your final data b) update beginy = quote(2002) and endy = quote(2017) These are the first and the last years of data. c) save and closeglobal.r
3.Open RStudio run the code below in the Console
shiny::runApp("//scan01/Users/yanzh/IJE/2020/code/shiny", host = "", port=1300)
is where you saved shiny files global.r
and server.r
1300 is the port number, it can also be changed.
- If you run the shiny on scan02, the app will be avaiable at http://scan02:1300/