Have you ever wanted to... go back in time within Minecraft?
If so, this app is for you! It simply reads the Minecraft chat logs files in real-time, to make the experience of going back in time more realistic.
NOTE: If you're having issues with starting the program, disable Discord Rich Presence in config.yml
- Going back in time to an exact timestamp
- Taking to the closest time available, if logs from the specified time are not present
- Remembering the most used timestamp
- Showing timestamps in real-time chat logs
- Adjusting the chat playback speed
- Filtering logs and outputting chat messages only with certain phrases
- COLOR SUPPORT! Since Minecraft does not store colors in logs, you can define your own color variables and make the app search for certain values and replace them with the colored ones.
- TODO: Displaying content using the Minecraft font
- TODO: Going back to random time
- TODO: Screenshots and GUI support
The latest release is always available here.
- English
- Polish
- Python 3
- ciso8601
- pypresence (optional)
selected_time: none
logs_path: default
show_timestamps: true
playback_speed: 1
filter: default
spacing: false
locale: en
discord_rich_presence: true
splash: true
'Buty935': "&c&lB&6&lu&e<&a&ly&b&l9&3&l3&9&l5&f"
'admin': '&4admin&f'
'*VIP*': '&6*&eVIP&6*&f'