- If you haven't already done so, go to ohmyposh.dev website to follow the installation guide of Oh my Posh.
- You need to install a Nerd Font to display the symbols correctly.
- Download the json file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wortell/gists/main/wortell-posh-prompt.json" -OutFile "./wortell-posh-prompt.json"
- Set the Wortell POSH Prompt
Set-PoshPrompt ./wortell-posh-prompt.json
- Optional: Install the terminal-icons module
Install-Module terminal-icons
import the terminal-icons module
Import-Module terminal-icons
To add this to your machine profile
echo "Set-PoshPrompt ./wortell-posh-prompt.json`nImport-Module terminal-icons">>$PSHome/profile.ps1