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=== WPCasa Pricing Tables ===
Contributors: wpsight, kybernetikservices, mrinal013
Donate link:
Tags: wpcasa, real estate, realestate, pricing, pricing tables, pricing plans
Requires at least: 6.2
Tested up to: 6.7
Stable tag: 1.0.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Add pricing tables to WPCasa using a shortcode.
== Description ==

When this plugin is activated, a new post type for pricing tables will be created. Through a set of custom meta boxes you can add your pricing tables with different plans and use a shortcode to display the table on your WPCasa website.

* Website: [](
* Demo: [](
* Documentation: [](

> Please notice that this plugin is an add-on for [WPCasa]( and will NOT work without the core plugin.

WPCasa is a WordPress solution that provides an intuitive way to manage property listings and create first-class real estate websites.

* Website: [](
* Demo: [](
* Documentation: [](

== Contributors ==
This is a list of contributors to WPCasa Polylang.
Many thanks to all of them for contributing and making WPCasa Polylang even better.

[Kybernetik Services](
[Simon Rimkus](
[Mrinal Haque](

== Installation ==

= Automatic Installation =

Automatic installation is the easiest way to install WPCasa Pricing Tables. Log into your WordPress admin and go to _WP-Admin > Plugins > Add New_.

Then type "WPCasa Pricing Tables" in the search field and click _Install Now_ once you've found the plugin.

= Manual Installation =

If you prefer to install the plugin manually, you need to download it to your local computer and upload the unzipped plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your WordPress installation. Then activate the plugin on _WP-Admin > Plugins_.

= Languages =

WPCasa Pricing Tables supports language files hosted by
Your language is missing? Please be part of the community and help to translate WPCasa Pricing Tables on [GlotPress]( Thank you!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Will this plugin work without WPCasa? =

No, this is an add-on plugin for the WPCasa real estate framework and will not work without the core plugin.

== Screenshots ==

1. Pricing table edit screen
2. Pricing plan meta box
3. Pricing table output
4. Pricing table output (Bootstrap example)

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.3 =
* Fixed sometimes pricing is showing wrong
* Added support for translation hosted on WordPress

= 1.0.2 =
* Fixed guideline violation

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed shortcode to return markup (not echo)
* Added shortcode to pricing table list
* Fixed minor CSS issue

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release