+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import sys
+import copy
+import numbers
+from random import randint
+import folium
+import pandas as pd
+import geopandas as gpd
+import json
+import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
+import osmnx as ox
+from geopandas.geodataframe import GeoDataFrame
+from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
+from jsonschema import validate
+from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
+from jsonschema.exceptions import SchemaError
+from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
+from .logger import WranglerLogger
+from .projectcard import ProjectCard
+from .utils import point_df_to_geojson, link_df_to_json, parse_time_spans
+from .utils import offset_location_reference, haversine_distance, create_unique_shape_id
+from .utils import create_location_reference_from_nodes, create_line_string
+class RoadwayNetwork(object):
+ """
+ Representation of a Roadway Network.
+ .. highlight:: python
+ Typical usage example:
+ ::
+ net = RoadwayNetwork.read(
+ link_file=MY_LINK_FILE,
+ node_file=MY_NODE_FILE,
+ shape_file=MY_SHAPE_FILE,
+ )
+ my_selection = {
+ "link": [{"name": ["I 35E"]}],
+ "A": {"osm_node_id": "961117623"}, # start searching for segments at A
+ "B": {"osm_node_id": "2564047368"},
+ }
+ net.select_roadway_features(my_selection)
+ my_change = [
+ {
+ 'property': 'lanes',
+ 'existing': 1,
+ 'set': 2,
+ },
+ {
+ 'property': 'drive_access',
+ 'set': 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ my_net.apply_roadway_feature_change(
+ my_net.select_roadway_features(my_selection),
+ my_change
+ )
+ ml_net = net.create_managed_lane_network(in_place=False)
+ ml_net.is_network_connected(mode="drive"))
+ _, disconnected_nodes = ml_net.assess_connectivity(mode="walk", ignore_end_nodes=True)
+ ml_net.write(filename=my_out_prefix, path=my_dir)
+ Attributes:
+ nodes_df (GeoDataFrame): node data
+ links_df (GeoDataFrame): link data, including start and end
+ nodes and associated shape
+ shapes_df (GeoDataFrame): detailed shape data
+ selections (dict): dictionary storing selections in case they are made repeatedly
+ CRS (str): coordinate reference system in PROJ4 format.
+ See https://proj.org/operations/projections/index.html#
+ ESPG (int): integer representing coordinate system https://epsg.io/
+ NODE_FOREIGN_KEY (str): column in `nodes_df` associated with the
+ LINK_FOREIGN_KEY (list(str)): list of columns in `link_df` that
+ represent the NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ UNIQUE_LINK_KEY (str): column that is a unique key for links
+ UNIQUE_NODE_KEY (str): column that is a unique key for nodes
+ UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY (str): column that is a unique shape key
+ UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS (list(str)): list of all unique
+ identifiers for links, including the UNIQUE_LINK_KEY
+ UNIQUE_NODE_IDENTIFIERS (list(str)): list of all unique identifiers
+ for nodes, including the UNIQUE_NODE_KEY
+ SELECTION_REQUIRES (list(str))): required attributes in the selection
+ if a unique identifier is not used
+ SEARCH_BREADTH (int): initial number of links from name-based
+ selection that are traveresed before trying another shortest
+ path when searching for paths between A and B node
+ MAX_SEARCH_BREADTH (int): maximum number of links traversed between
+ links that match the searched name when searching for paths
+ between A and B node
+ SP_WEIGHT_FACTOR (Union(int, float)): penalty assigned for each
+ degree of distance between a link and a link with the searched-for
+ name when searching for paths between A and B node
+ MANAGED_LANES_TO_NODE_ID_SCALAR (int): scalar value added to
+ the general purpose lanes' `model_node_id` when creating
+ an associated node for a parallel managed lane
+ MANAGED_LANES_TO_LINK_ID_SCALAR (int): scalar value added to
+ the general purpose lanes' `model_link_id` when creating
+ an associated link for a parallel managed lane
+ MANAGED_LANES_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES (list(str)): list of attributes
+ that must be provided in managed lanes
+ KEEP_SAME_ATTRIBUTES_ML_AND_GP (list(str)): list of attributes
+ to copy from a general purpose lane to managed lane
+ """
+ # CRS = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
+ CRS = 4326 # "EPSG:4326"
+ NODE_FOREIGN_KEY = "model_node_id"
+ UNIQUE_LINK_KEY = "model_link_id"
+ UNIQUE_NODE_KEY = "model_node_id"
+ UNIQUE_NODE_IDENTIFIERS = ["model_node_id"]
+ UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY = "shape_id"
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "model_link_id",
+ "locationReferences",
+ ]
+ "distance",
+ "bike_access",
+ "drive_access",
+ "transit_access",
+ "walk_access",
+ "maxspeed",
+ "name",
+ "oneway",
+ "ref",
+ "roadway",
+ "length",
+ "segment_id",
+ ]
+ "drive": ["drive_access"],
+ "bus": ["bus_only", "drive_access"],
+ "rail": ["rail_only"],
+ "transit": ["bus_only", "rail_only", "drive_access"],
+ "walk": ["walk_access"],
+ "bike": ["bike_access"],
+ }
+ "drive": ["drive_node"],
+ "rail": ["rail_only", "drive_node"],
+ "bus": ["bus_only", "drive_node"],
+ "transit": ["bus_only", "rail_only", "drive_node"],
+ "walk": ["walk_node"],
+ "bike": ["bike_node"],
+ }
+ def __init__(self, nodes: GeoDataFrame, links: GeoDataFrame, shapes: GeoDataFrame):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ """
+ if not RoadwayNetwork.validate_object_types(nodes, links, shapes):
+ sys.exit("RoadwayNetwork: Invalid constructor data type")
+ self.nodes_df = nodes
+ self.links_df = links
+ self.shapes_df = shapes
+ self.link_file = None
+ self.node_file = None
+ self.shape_file = None
+ # Add non-required fields if they aren't there.
+ # for field, default_value in RoadwayNetwork.OPTIONAL_FIELDS:
+ # if field not in self.links_df.columns:
+ # self.links_df[field] = default_value
+ if not self.validate_uniqueness():
+ raise ValueError("IDs in network not unique")
+ self.selections = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def read(
+ link_file: str, node_file: str, shape_file: str, fast: bool = True
+ ) -> RoadwayNetwork:
+ """
+ Reads a network from the roadway network standard
+ Validates that it conforms to the schema
+ args:
+ link_file: full path to the link file
+ node_file: full path to the node file
+ shape_file: full path to the shape file
+ fast: boolean that will skip validation to speed up read time
+ Returns: a RoadwayNetwork instance
+ .. todo:: Turn off fast=True as default
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.info(
+ "Reading from following files:\n-{}\n-{}\n-{}.".format(
+ link_file, node_file, shape_file
+ )
+ )
+ """
+ Validate Input
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(link_file):
+ msg = "Link file doesn't exist at: {}".format(link_file)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if not os.path.exists(node_file):
+ msg = "Node file doesn't exist at: {}".format(node_file)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if not os.path.exists(shape_file):
+ msg = "Shape file doesn't exist at: {}".format(shape_file)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if not fast:
+ if not (
+ RoadwayNetwork.validate_node_schema(node_file)
+ and RoadwayNetwork.validate_link_schema(link_file)
+ and RoadwayNetwork.validate_shape_schema(shape_file)
+ ):
+ sys.exit("RoadwayNetwork: Data doesn't conform to schema")
+ with open(link_file) as f:
+ link_json = json.load(f)
+ link_properties = pd.DataFrame(link_json)
+ link_geometries = [
+ create_line_string(g["locationReferences"]) for g in link_json
+ ]
+ links_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(link_properties, geometry=link_geometries)
+ links_df.crs = RoadwayNetwork.CRS
+ # coerce types for booleans which might not have a 1 and are therefore read in as intersection
+ bool_columns = [
+ "rail_only",
+ "bus_only",
+ "drive_access",
+ "bike_access",
+ "walk_access",
+ "truck_access",
+ ]
+ for bc in list(set(bool_columns) & set(links_df.columns)):
+ links_df[bc] = links_df[bc].astype(bool)
+ shapes_df = gpd.read_file(shape_file)
+ shapes_df.dropna(subset=["geometry", "id"], inplace=True)
+ shapes_df.crs = RoadwayNetwork.CRS
+ # geopandas uses fiona OGR drivers, which doesn't let you have
+ # a list as a property type. Therefore, must read in node_properties
+ # separately in a vanilla dataframe and then convert to geopandas
+ with open(node_file) as f:
+ node_geojson = json.load(f)
+ node_properties = pd.DataFrame(
+ [g["properties"] for g in node_geojson["features"]]
+ )
+ node_geometries = [
+ Point(g["geometry"]["coordinates"]) for g in node_geojson["features"]
+ ]
+ nodes_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(node_properties, geometry=node_geometries)
+ nodes_df.gdf_name = "network_nodes"
+ # set a copy of the foreign key to be the index so that the
+ # variable itself remains queryiable
+ nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY + "_idx"] = nodes_df[
+ RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ ]
+ nodes_df.set_index(RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY + "_idx", inplace=True)
+ nodes_df.crs = RoadwayNetwork.CRS
+ nodes_df["X"] = nodes_df["geometry"].apply(lambda g: g.x)
+ nodes_df["Y"] = nodes_df["geometry"].apply(lambda g: g.y)
+ WranglerLogger.info("Read %s links from %s" % (len(links_df), link_file))
+ WranglerLogger.info("Read %s nodes from %s" % (len(nodes_df), node_file))
+ WranglerLogger.info("Read %s shapes from %s" % (len(shapes_df), shape_file))
+ roadway_network = RoadwayNetwork(
+ nodes=nodes_df, links=links_df, shapes=shapes_df
+ )
+ roadway_network.link_file = link_file
+ roadway_network.node_file = node_file
+ roadway_network.shape_file = shape_file
+ return roadway_network
+ def write(self, path: str = ".", filename: str = None) -> None:
+ """
+ Writes a network in the roadway network standard
+ args:
+ path: the path were the output will be saved
+ filename: the name prefix of the roadway files that will be generated
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ WranglerLogger.debug("\nPath [%s] doesn't exist; creating." % path)
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ if filename:
+ links_file = os.path.join(path, filename + "_" + "link.json")
+ nodes_file = os.path.join(path, filename + "_" + "node.geojson")
+ shapes_file = os.path.join(path, filename + "_" + "shape.geojson")
+ else:
+ links_file = os.path.join(path, "link.json")
+ nodes_file = os.path.join(path, "node.geojson")
+ shapes_file = os.path.join(path, "shape.geojson")
+ link_property_columns = self.links_df.columns.values.tolist()
+ link_property_columns.remove("geometry")
+ links_json = link_df_to_json(self.links_df, link_property_columns)
+ with open(links_file, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(links_json, f)
+ # geopandas wont let you write to geojson because
+ # it uses fiona, which doesn't accept a list as one of the properties
+ # so need to convert the df to geojson manually first
+ property_columns = self.nodes_df.columns.values.tolist()
+ property_columns.remove("geometry")
+ nodes_geojson = point_df_to_geojson(self.nodes_df, property_columns)
+ with open(nodes_file, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(nodes_geojson, f)
+ self.shapes_df.to_file(shapes_file, driver="GeoJSON")
+ @staticmethod
+ def roadway_net_to_gdf(roadway_net: RoadwayNetwork) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
+ """
+ Turn the roadway network into a GeoDataFrame
+ args:
+ roadway_net: the roadway network to export
+ returns: shapes dataframe
+ .. todo:: Make this much more sophisticated, for example attach link info to shapes
+ """
+ return roadway_net.shapes_df
+ def validate_uniqueness(self) -> Bool:
+ """
+ Confirms that the unique identifiers are met.
+ """
+ valid = True
+ for c in RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS:
+ if c not in self.links_df.columns:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Network doesn't contain unique link identifier: {}".format(c)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ if not self.links_df[c].is_unique:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Unique identifier {} is not unique in network links".format(c)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ for c in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY:
+ if c not in self.links_df.columns:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Network doesn't contain link foreign key identifier: {}".format(
+ c
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ link_foreign_key = self.links_df[RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY].apply(
+ lambda x: "-".join(x.map(str)), axis=1
+ )
+ if not link_foreign_key.is_unique:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Foreign key: {} is not unique in network links".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ for c in RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_NODE_IDENTIFIERS:
+ if c not in self.nodes_df.columns:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Network doesn't contain unique node identifier: {}".format(c)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ if not self.nodes_df[c].is_unique:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Unique identifier {} is not unique in network nodes".format(c)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ if RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY not in self.nodes_df.columns:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Network doesn't contain node foreign key identifier: {}".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ elif not self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY].is_unique:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Foreign key: {} is not unique in network nodes".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ if RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY not in self.shapes_df.columns:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Network doesn't contain unique shape id: {}".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ elif not self.shapes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY].is_unique:
+ valid = False
+ msg = "Unique key: {} is not unique in network shapes".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ return valid
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_object_types(
+ nodes: GeoDataFrame, links: GeoDataFrame, shapes: GeoDataFrame
+ ):
+ """
+ Determines if the roadway network is being built with the right object types.
+ Does not validate schemas.
+ Args:
+ nodes: nodes geodataframe
+ links: link geodataframe
+ shapes: shape geodataframe
+ Returns: boolean
+ """
+ errors = ""
+ if not isinstance(nodes, GeoDataFrame):
+ error_message = "Incompatible nodes type:{}. Must provide a GeoDataFrame. ".format(
+ type(nodes)
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(error_message)
+ errors.append(error_message)
+ if not isinstance(links, GeoDataFrame):
+ error_message = "Incompatible links type:{}. Must provide a GeoDataFrame. ".format(
+ type(links)
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(error_message)
+ errors.append(error_message)
+ if not isinstance(shapes, GeoDataFrame):
+ error_message = "Incompatible shapes type:{}. Must provide a GeoDataFrame. ".format(
+ type(shapes)
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(error_message)
+ errors.append(error_message)
+ if errors:
+ return False
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_node_schema(
+ node_file, schema_location: str = "roadway_network_node.json"
+ ):
+ """
+ Validate roadway network data node schema and output a boolean
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(schema_location):
+ base_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "schemas"
+ )
+ schema_location = os.path.join(base_path, schema_location)
+ with open(schema_location) as schema_json_file:
+ schema = json.load(schema_json_file)
+ with open(node_file) as node_json_file:
+ json_data = json.load(node_json_file)
+ try:
+ validate(json_data, schema)
+ return True
+ except ValidationError as exc:
+ WranglerLogger.error("Failed Node schema validation: Validation Error")
+ WranglerLogger.error("Node File Loc:{}".format(node_file))
+ WranglerLogger.error("Node Schema Loc:{}".format(schema_location))
+ WranglerLogger.error(exc.message)
+ except SchemaError as exc:
+ WranglerLogger.error("Invalid Node Schema")
+ WranglerLogger.error("Node Schema Loc:{}".format(schema_location))
+ WranglerLogger.error(json.dumps(exc.message, indent=2))
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_link_schema(
+ link_file, schema_location: str = "roadway_network_link.json"
+ ):
+ """
+ Validate roadway network data link schema and output a boolean
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(schema_location):
+ base_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "schemas"
+ )
+ schema_location = os.path.join(base_path, schema_location)
+ with open(schema_location) as schema_json_file:
+ schema = json.load(schema_json_file)
+ with open(link_file) as link_json_file:
+ json_data = json.load(link_json_file)
+ try:
+ validate(json_data, schema)
+ return True
+ except ValidationError as exc:
+ WranglerLogger.error("Failed Link schema validation: Validation Error")
+ WranglerLogger.error("Link File Loc:{}".format(link_file))
+ WranglerLogger.error("Path:{}".format(exc.path))
+ WranglerLogger.error(exc.message)
+ except SchemaError as exc:
+ WranglerLogger.error("Invalid Link Schema")
+ WranglerLogger.error("Link Schema Loc: {}".format(schema_location))
+ WranglerLogger.error(json.dumps(exc.message, indent=2))
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_shape_schema(
+ shape_file, schema_location: str = "roadway_network_shape.json"
+ ):
+ """
+ Validate roadway network data shape schema and output a boolean
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(schema_location):
+ base_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "schemas"
+ )
+ schema_location = os.path.join(base_path, schema_location)
+ with open(schema_location) as schema_json_file:
+ schema = json.load(schema_json_file)
+ with open(shape_file) as shape_json_file:
+ json_data = json.load(shape_json_file)
+ try:
+ validate(json_data, schema)
+ return True
+ except ValidationError as exc:
+ WranglerLogger.error("Failed Shape schema validation: Validation Error")
+ WranglerLogger.error("Shape File Loc:{}".format(shape_file))
+ WranglerLogger.error("Path:{}".format(exc.path))
+ WranglerLogger.error(exc.message)
+ except SchemaError as exc:
+ WranglerLogger.error("Invalid Shape Schema")
+ WranglerLogger.error("Shape Schema Loc: {}".format(schema_location))
+ WranglerLogger.error(json.dumps(exc.message, indent=2))
+ return False
+ def validate_selection(self, selection: dict) -> Bool:
+ """
+ Evaluate whetther the selection dictionary contains the
+ minimum required values.
+ Args:
+ selection: selection dictionary to be evaluated
+ Returns: boolean value as to whether the selection dictonary is valid.
+ """
+ if not set(RoadwayNetwork.SELECTION_REQUIRES).issubset(selection):
+ err_msg = "Project Card Selection requires: {}".format(
+ ",".join(RoadwayNetwork.SELECTION_REQUIRES)
+ )
+ err_msg += ", but selection only contains: {}".format(",".join(selection))
+ WranglerLogger.error(err_msg)
+ raise KeyError(err_msg)
+ err = []
+ for l in selection["link"]:
+ for k, v in l.items():
+ if k not in self.links_df.columns:
+ err.append(
+ "{} specified in link selection but not an attribute in network\n".format(
+ k
+ )
+ )
+ selection_keys = [k for l in selection["link"] for k, v in l.items()]
+ unique_link_id = bool(
+ set(RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS).intersection(
+ set(selection_keys)
+ )
+ )
+ if not unique_link_id:
+ for k, v in selection["A"].items():
+ if (
+ k not in self.nodes_df.columns
+ and k != RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ ):
+ err.append(
+ "{} specified in A node selection but not an attribute in network\n".format(
+ k
+ )
+ )
+ for k, v in selection["B"].items():
+ if (
+ k not in self.nodes_df.columns
+ and k != RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ ):
+ err.append(
+ "{} specified in B node selection but not an attribute in network\n".format(
+ k
+ )
+ )
+ if err:
+ WranglerLogger.error(
+ "ERROR: Selection variables in project card not found in network"
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error("\n".join(err))
+ WranglerLogger.error(
+ "--existing node columns:{}".format(" ".join(self.nodes_df.columns))
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(
+ "--existing link columns:{}".format(" ".join(self.links_df.columns))
+ )
+ raise ValueError()
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def orig_dest_nodes_foreign_key(
+ self, selection: dict, node_foreign_key: str = ""
+ ) -> tuple:
+ """
+ Returns the foreign key id (whatever is used in the u and v
+ variables in the links file) for the AB nodes as a tuple.
+ Args:
+ selection : selection dictionary with A and B keys
+ node_foreign_key: variable name for whatever is used by the u and v variable
+ in the links_df file. If nothing is specified, assume whatever
+ default is (usually osm_node_id)
+ Returns: tuple of (A_id, B_id)
+ """
+ if not node_foreign_key:
+ node_foreign_key = RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ if len(selection["A"]) > 1:
+ raise ("Selection A node dictionary should be of length 1")
+ if len(selection["B"]) > 1:
+ raise ("Selection B node dictionary should be of length 1")
+ A_node_key, A_id = next(iter(selection["A"].items()))
+ B_node_key, B_id = next(iter(selection["B"].items()))
+ if A_node_key != node_foreign_key:
+ A_id = self.nodes_df[self.nodes_df[A_node_key] == A_id][
+ node_foreign_key
+ ].values[0]
+ if B_node_key != node_foreign_key:
+ B_id = self.nodes_df[self.nodes_df[B_node_key] == B_id][
+ node_foreign_key
+ ].values[0]
+ return (A_id, B_id)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_managed_lane_node_ids(nodes_list):
+ return [x + RoadwayNetwork.MANAGED_LANES_SCALAR for x in nodes_list]
+ @staticmethod
+ def ox_graph(nodes_df: GeoDataFrame, links_df: GeoDataFrame):
+ """
+ create an osmnx-flavored network graph
+ osmnx doesn't like values that are arrays, so remove the variables
+ that have arrays. osmnx also requires that certain variables
+ be filled in, so do that too.
+ Args:
+ nodes_df : GeoDataFrame of nodes
+ link_df : GeoDataFrame of links
+ Returns: a networkx multidigraph
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.debug("starting ox_graph()")
+ graph_nodes = nodes_df.copy().drop(
+ ["inboundReferenceIds", "outboundReferenceIds"], axis=1
+ )
+ graph_nodes.gdf_name = "network_nodes"
+ WranglerLogger.debug("GRAPH NODES: {}".format(graph_nodes.columns))
+ graph_nodes["id"] = graph_nodes[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY]
+ graph_nodes["x"] = graph_nodes["X"]
+ graph_nodes["y"] = graph_nodes["Y"]
+ graph_links = links_df.copy().drop(
+ ["osm_link_id", "locationReferences"], axis=1
+ )
+ # have to change this over into u,v b/c this is what osm-nx is expecting
+ graph_links["u"] = graph_links[RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY[0]]
+ graph_links["v"] = graph_links[RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY[1]]
+ graph_links["id"] = graph_links[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_LINK_KEY]
+ graph_links["key"] = graph_links[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_LINK_KEY]
+ WranglerLogger.debug("starting ox.gdfs_to_graph()")
+ try:
+ G = ox.graph_from_gdfs(graph_nodes, graph_links)
+ except:
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Please upgrade your OSMNX package. For now, using depricated osmnx.gdfs_to_graph because osmnx.graph_from_gdfs not found"
+ )
+ G = ox.gdfs_to_graph(graph_nodes, graph_links)
+ WranglerLogger.debug("finished ox.gdfs_to_graph()")
+ return G
+ @staticmethod
+ def selection_has_unique_link_id(selection_dict: dict) -> bool:
+ """
+ Args:
+ selection_dictionary: Dictionary representation of selection
+ of roadway features, containing a "link" key.
+ Returns: A boolean indicating if the selection dictionary contains
+ a required unique link id.
+ """
+ selection_keys = [k for l in selection_dict["link"] for k, v in l.items()]
+ return bool(
+ set(RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS).intersection(
+ set(selection_keys)
+ )
+ )
+ def build_selection_key(self, selection_dict: dict) -> tuple:
+ """
+ Selections are stored by a key combining the query and the A and B ids.
+ This method combines the two for you based on the selection dictionary.
+ Args:
+ selection_dictonary: Selection Dictionary
+ Returns: Tuple serving as the selection key.
+ """
+ sel_query = ProjectCard.build_link_selection_query(
+ selection=selection_dict,
+ unique_model_link_identifiers=RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS,
+ )
+ if RoadwayNetwork.selection_has_unique_link_id(selection_dict):
+ return sel_query
+ A_id, B_id = self.orig_dest_nodes_foreign_key(selection_dict)
+ return (sel_query, A_id, B_id)
+ def select_roadway_features(
+ self, selection: dict, search_mode="drive", force_search=False
+ ) -> GeoDataFrame:
+ """
+ Selects roadway features that satisfy selection criteria
+ Example usage:
+ net.select_roadway_features(
+ selection = [ {
+ # a match condition for the from node using osm,
+ # shared streets, or model node number
+ 'from': {'osm_model_link_id': '1234'},
+ # a match for the to-node..
+ 'to': {'shstid': '4321'},
+ # a regex or match for facility condition
+ # could be # of lanes, facility type, etc.
+ 'facility': {'name':'Main St'},
+ }, ... ])
+ Args:
+ selection : dictionary with keys for:
+ A - from node
+ B - to node
+ link - which includes at least a variable for `name`
+ Returns: a list of node foreign IDs on shortest path
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.debug("validating selection")
+ self.validate_selection(selection)
+ # create a unique key for the selection so that we can cache it
+ sel_key = self.build_selection_key(selection)
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Selection Key: {}".format(sel_key))
+ # if this selection has been queried before, just return the
+ # previously selected links
+ if sel_key in self.selections and not force_search:
+ if self.selections[sel_key]["selection_found"]:
+ return self.selections[sel_key]["selected_links"].index.tolist()
+ else:
+ msg = "Selection previously queried but no selection found"
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ self.selections[sel_key] = {}
+ self.selections[sel_key]["selection_found"] = False
+ unique_model_link_identifer_in_selection = RoadwayNetwork.selection_has_unique_link_id(
+ selection
+ )
+ if not unique_model_link_identifer_in_selection:
+ A_id, B_id = self.orig_dest_nodes_foreign_key(selection)
+ # identify candidate links which match the initial query
+ # assign them as iteration = 0
+ # subsequent iterations that didn't match the query will be
+ # assigned a heigher weight in the shortest path
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Building selection query")
+ # build a selection query based on the selection dictionary
+ sel_query = ProjectCard.build_link_selection_query(
+ selection=selection,
+ unique_model_link_identifiers=RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS,
+ mode=RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_LINK_VARIABLES[search_mode],
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Selecting features:\n{}".format(sel_query))
+ self.selections[sel_key]["candidate_links"] = self.links_df.query(
+ sel_query, engine="python"
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Completed query")
+ candidate_links = self.selections[sel_key][
+ "candidate_links"
+ ] # b/c too long to keep that way
+ candidate_links["i"] = 0
+ if len(candidate_links.index) == 0 and unique_model_link_identifer_in_selection:
+ msg = "No links found based on unique link identifiers.\nSelection Failed."
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ if len(candidate_links.index) == 0:
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "No candidate links in initial search.\nRetrying query using 'ref' instead of 'name'"
+ )
+ # if the query doesn't come back with something from 'name'
+ # try it again with 'ref' instead
+ selection_has_name_key = any("name" in d for d in selection["link"])
+ if not selection_has_name_key:
+ msg = "Not able to complete search using 'ref' instead of 'name' because 'name' not in search."
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ if not "ref" in self.links_df.columns:
+ msg = "Not able to complete search using 'ref' because 'ref' not in network."
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Trying selection query replacing 'name' with 'ref'")
+ sel_query = sel_query.replace("name", "ref")
+ self.selections[sel_key]["candidate_links"] = self.links_df.query(
+ sel_query, engine="python"
+ )
+ candidate_links = self.selections[sel_key]["candidate_links"]
+ candidate_links["i"] = 0
+ if len(candidate_links.index) == 0:
+ msg = "No candidate links in search using either 'name' or 'ref' in query.\nSelection Failed."
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ def _add_breadth(candidate_links: DataFrame, nodes: Data, links, i):
+ """
+ Add outbound and inbound reference IDs to candidate links
+ from existing nodes
+ Args:
+ candidate_links : GeoDataFrame
+ df with the links from the previous iteration that we
+ want to add on to
+ nodes : GeoDataFrame
+ df of all nodes in the full network
+ links : GeoDataFrame
+ df of all links in the full network
+ i : int
+ iteration of adding breadth
+ Returns:
+ candidate_links : GeoDataFrame
+ updated df with one more degree of added breadth
+ node_list_foreign_keys : list
+ list of foreign key ids for nodes in the updated candidate links
+ to test if the A and B nodes are in there.
+ ..todo:: Make unique ID for links in the settings
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.debug("-Adding Breadth-")
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(candidate_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ # set(list(candidate_links["u"]) + list(candidate_links["v"]))
+ )
+ candidate_nodes = nodes.loc[node_list_foreign_keys]
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Candidate Nodes: {}".format(len(candidate_nodes)))
+ links_shstRefId_to_add = list(
+ set(
+ sum(candidate_nodes["outboundReferenceIds"].tolist(), [])
+ + sum(candidate_nodes["inboundReferenceIds"].tolist(), [])
+ )
+ - set(candidate_links["shstReferenceId"].tolist())
+ - set([""])
+ )
+ ##TODO make unique ID for links in the settings
+ # print("Link IDs to add: {}".format(links_shstRefId_to_add))
+ # print("Links: ", links_id_to_add)
+ links_to_add = links[links.shstReferenceId.isin(links_shstRefId_to_add)]
+ # print("Adding Links:",links_to_add)
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Adding {} links.".format(links_to_add.shape[0]))
+ links[links.model_link_id.isin(links_shstRefId_to_add)]["i"] = i
+ candidate_links = candidate_links.append(links_to_add)
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(candidate_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ # set(list(candidate_links["u"]) + list(candidate_links["v"]))
+ )
+ return candidate_links, node_list_foreign_keys
+ def _shortest_path():
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "_shortest_path(): calculating shortest path from graph"
+ )
+ candidate_links.loc[:, "weight"] = 1 + (
+ candidate_links["i"] * RoadwayNetwork.SP_WEIGHT_FACTOR
+ )
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(candidate_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ # set(list(candidate_links["u"]) + list(candidate_links["v"]))
+ )
+ candidate_nodes = self.nodes_df.loc[node_list_foreign_keys]
+ WranglerLogger.debug("creating network graph")
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(candidate_nodes, candidate_links)
+ self.selections[sel_key]["graph"] = G
+ self.selections[sel_key]["candidate_links"] = candidate_links
+ try:
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Calculating NX shortest path from A_id: {} to B_id: {}".format(
+ A_id, B_id
+ )
+ )
+ sp_route = nx.shortest_path(G, A_id, B_id, weight="weight")
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Shortest path successfully routed")
+ except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
+ return False
+ sp_links = candidate_links[
+ candidate_links["A"].isin(sp_route)
+ & candidate_links["B"].isin(sp_route)
+ ]
+ self.selections[sel_key]["route"] = sp_route
+ self.selections[sel_key]["links"] = sp_links
+ return True
+ if not unique_model_link_identifer_in_selection:
+ # find the node ids for the candidate links
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Not a unique ID selection, conduct search")
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(candidate_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ # set(list(candidate_links["u"]) + list(candidate_links["v"]))
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.debug("Foreign key list: {}".format(node_list_foreign_keys))
+ i = 0
+ max_i = RoadwayNetwork.SEARCH_BREADTH
+ while (
+ A_id not in node_list_foreign_keys
+ and B_id not in node_list_foreign_keys
+ and i <= max_i
+ ):
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Adding breadth, no shortest path. i: {}, Max i: {}".format(
+ i, max_i
+ )
+ )
+ i += 1
+ candidate_links, node_list_foreign_keys = _add_breadth(
+ candidate_links, self.nodes_df, self.links_df, i
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.debug("calculating shortest path from graph")
+ sp_found = _shortest_path()
+ if not sp_found:
+ WranglerLogger.info(
+ "No shortest path found with {}, trying greater breadth until SP found".format(
+ i
+ )
+ )
+ while not sp_found and i <= RoadwayNetwork.MAX_SEARCH_BREADTH:
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Adding breadth, with shortest path iteration. i: {} Max i: {}".format(
+ i, max_i
+ )
+ )
+ i += 1
+ candidate_links, node_list_foreign_keys = _add_breadth(
+ candidate_links, self.nodes_df, self.links_df, i
+ )
+ sp_found = _shortest_path()
+ if sp_found:
+ # reselect from the links in the shortest path, the ones with
+ # the desired values....ignoring name.
+ if len(selection["link"]) > 1:
+ resel_query = ProjectCard.build_link_selection_query(
+ selection=selection,
+ unique_model_link_identifiers=RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_MODEL_LINK_IDENTIFIERS,
+ search_mode
+ ],
+ ignore=["name"],
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.info("Reselecting features:\n{}".format(resel_query))
+ self.selections[sel_key]["selected_links"] = self.selections[
+ sel_key
+ ]["links"].query(resel_query, engine="python")
+ else:
+ self.selections[sel_key]["selected_links"] = self.selections[
+ sel_key
+ ]["links"]
+ self.selections[sel_key]["selection_found"] = True
+ # Return pandas.Series of links_ids
+ return self.selections[sel_key]["selected_links"].index.tolist()
+ else:
+ WranglerLogger.error(
+ "Couldn't find path from {} to {}".format(A_id, B_id)
+ )
+ raise ValueError
+ else:
+ # unique identifier exists and no need to go through big search
+ self.selections[sel_key]["selected_links"] = self.selections[sel_key][
+ "candidate_links"
+ ]
+ self.selections[sel_key]["selection_found"] = True
+ return self.selections[sel_key]["selected_links"].index.tolist()
+ def validate_properties(
+ self,
+ properties: dict,
+ ignore_existing: bool = False,
+ require_existing_for_change: bool = False,
+ ) -> bool:
+ """
+ If there are change or existing commands, make sure that that
+ property exists in the network.
+ Args:
+ properties : properties dictionary to be evaluated
+ ignore_existing: If True, will only warn about properties
+ that specify an "existing" value. If False, will fail.
+ require_existing_for_change: If True, will fail if there isn't
+ a specified value in theproject card for existing when a
+ change is specified.
+ Returns: boolean value as to whether the properties dictonary is valid.
+ """
+ validation_error_message = []
+ for p in properties:
+ if p["property"] not in self.links_df.columns:
+ if p.get("change"):
+ validation_error_message.append(
+ '"Change" is specified for attribute {}, but doesn\'t exist in base network\n'.format(
+ p["property"]
+ )
+ )
+ if p.get("existing") and not ignore_existing:
+ validation_error_message.append(
+ '"Existing" is specified for attribute {}, but doesn\'t exist in base network\n'.format(
+ p["property"]
+ )
+ )
+ elif p.get("existing"):
+ WranglerLogger.warning(
+ '"Existing" is specified for attribute {}, but doesn\'t exist in base network\n'.format(
+ p["property"]
+ )
+ )
+ if p.get("change") and not p.get("existing"):
+ if require_existing_for_change:
+ validation_error_message.append(
+ '"Change" is specified for attribute {}, but there isn\'t a value for existing.\nTo proceed, run with the setting require_existing_for_change=False'.format(
+ p["property"]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ WranglerLogger.warning(
+ '"Change" is specified for attribute {}, but there isn\'t a value for existing.\n'.format(
+ p["property"]
+ )
+ )
+ if validation_error_message:
+ WranglerLogger.error(" ".join(validation_error_message))
+ raise ValueError()
+ def apply(self, project_card_dictionary: dict):
+ """
+ Wrapper method to apply a project to a roadway network.
+ Args:
+ project_card_dictionary: dict
+ a dictionary of the project card object
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.info(
+ "Applying Project to Roadway Network: {}".format(
+ project_card_dictionary["project"]
+ )
+ )
+ def _apply_individual_change(project_dictionary: dict):
+ if project_dictionary["category"].lower() == "roadway property change":
+ self.apply_roadway_feature_change(
+ self.select_roadway_features(project_dictionary["facility"]),
+ project_dictionary["properties"],
+ )
+ elif project_dictionary["category"].lower() == "parallel managed lanes":
+ self.apply_managed_lane_feature_change(
+ self.select_roadway_features(project_dictionary["facility"]),
+ project_dictionary["properties"],
+ )
+ elif project_dictionary["category"].lower() == "add new roadway":
+ self.add_new_roadway_feature_change(
+ project_dictionary.get("links"), project_dictionary.get("nodes")
+ )
+ elif project_dictionary["category"].lower() == "roadway deletion":
+ self.delete_roadway_feature_change(
+ project_dictionary.get("links"), project_dictionary.get("nodes")
+ )
+ elif project_dictionary["category"].lower() == "calculated roadway":
+ self.apply_python_calculation(
+ project_dictionary['pycode']
+ )
+ else:
+ raise (BaseException)
+ if project_card_dictionary.get("changes"):
+ for project_dictionary in project_card_dictionary["changes"]:
+ _apply_individual_change(project_dictionary)
+ else:
+ _apply_individual_change(project_card_dictionary)
+ def apply_python_calculation(self, pycode: str, in_place: bool = True) -> Union(None, RoadwayNetwork):
+ """
+ Changes roadway network object by executing pycode.
+ Args:
+ pycode: python code which changes values in the roadway network object
+ in_place: update self or return a new roadway network object
+ """
+ exec(pycode)
+ def apply_roadway_feature_change(
+ self, link_idx: list, properties: dict, in_place: bool = True
+ ) -> Union(None, RoadwayNetwork):
+ """
+ Changes the roadway attributes for the selected features based on the
+ project card information passed
+ Args:
+ link_idx : list
+ lndices of all links to apply change to
+ properties : list of dictionarys
+ roadway properties to change
+ in_place: boolean
+ update self or return a new roadway network object
+ """
+ # check if there are change or existing commands that that property
+ # exists in the network
+ # if there is a set command, add that property to network
+ self.validate_properties(properties)
+ for i, p in enumerate(properties):
+ attribute = p["property"]
+ # if project card specifies an existing value in the network
+ # check and see if the existing value in the network matches
+ if p.get("existing"):
+ network_values = self.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute].tolist()
+ if not set(network_values).issubset([p.get("existing")]):
+ WranglerLogger.warning(
+ "Existing value defined for {} in project card does "
+ "not match the value in the roadway network for the "
+ "selected links".format(attribute)
+ )
+ if in_place:
+ if "set" in p.keys():
+ self.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute] = p["set"]
+ else:
+ self.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute] = (
+ self.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute] + p["change"]
+ )
+ else:
+ if i == 0:
+ updated_network = copy.deepcopy(self)
+ if "set" in p.keys():
+ updated_network.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute] = p["set"]
+ else:
+ updated_network.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute] = (
+ updated_network.links_df.loc[link_idx, attribute] + p["change"]
+ )
+ if i == len(properties) - 1:
+ return updated_network
+ def apply_managed_lane_feature_change(
+ self, link_idx: list, properties: dict, in_place: bool = True
+ ) -> Union(None, RoadwayNetwork):
+ """
+ Apply the managed lane feature changes to the roadway network
+ Args:
+ link_idx : list of lndices of all links to apply change to
+ properties : list of dictionarys roadway properties to change
+ in_place: boolean to indicate whether to update self or return
+ a new roadway network object
+ .. todo:: decide on connectors info when they are more specific in project card
+ """
+ # add ML flag
+ if "managed" in self.links_df.columns:
+ self.links_df.loc[link_idx, "managed"] = 1
+ else:
+ self.links_df["managed"] = 0
+ self.links_df.loc[link_idx, "managed"] = 1
+ for p in properties:
+ attribute = p["property"]
+ if "group" in p.keys():
+ attr_value = {}
+ attr_value["default"] = p["set"]
+ attr_value["timeofday"] = []
+ for g in p["group"]:
+ category = g["category"]
+ for tod in g["timeofday"]:
+ attr_value["timeofday"].append(
+ {
+ "category": category,
+ "time": parse_time_spans(tod["time"]),
+ "value": tod["set"],
+ }
+ )
+ elif "timeofday" in p.keys():
+ attr_value = {}
+ attr_value["default"] = p["set"]
+ attr_value["timeofday"] = []
+ for tod in p["timeofday"]:
+ attr_value["timeofday"].append(
+ {"time": parse_time_spans(tod["time"]), "value": tod["set"]}
+ )
+ elif "set" in p.keys():
+ attr_value = p["set"]
+ else:
+ attr_value = ""
+ # TODO: decide on connectors info when they are more specific in project card
+ if attribute == "ML_ACCESS" and attr_value == "all":
+ attr_value = 1
+ if attribute == "ML_EGRESS" and attr_value == "all":
+ attr_value = 1
+ if in_place:
+ if attribute in self.links_df.columns and not isinstance(
+ attr_value, numbers.Number
+ ):
+ # if the attribute already exists
+ # and the attr value we are trying to set is not numeric
+ # then change the attribute type to object
+ self.links_df[attribute] = self.links_df[attribute].astype(object)
+ if attribute not in self.links_df.columns:
+ # if it is a new attribute then initiate with NaN values
+ self.links_df[attribute] = "NaN"
+ for idx in link_idx:
+ self.links_df.at[idx, attribute] = attr_value
+ else:
+ if i == 0:
+ updated_network = copy.deepcopy(self)
+ if attribute in self.links_df.columns and not isinstance(
+ attr_value, numbers.Number
+ ):
+ # if the attribute already exists
+ # and the attr value we are trying to set is not numeric
+ # then change the attribute type to object
+ updated_network.links_df[attribute] = updated_network.links_df[
+ attribute
+ ].astype(object)
+ if attribute not in updated_network.links_df.columns:
+ # if it is a new attribute then initiate with NaN values
+ updated_network.links_df[attribute] = "NaN"
+ for idx in link_idx:
+ updated_network.links_df.at[idx, attribute] = attr_value
+ if i == len(properties) - 1:
+ return updated_network
+ def add_new_roadway_feature_change(self, links: dict, nodes: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ add the new roadway features defined in the project card.
+ new shapes are also added for the new roadway links.
+ args:
+ links : list of dictionaries
+ nodes : list of dictionaries
+ returns: None
+ .. todo:: validate links and nodes dictionary
+ """
+ def _add_dict_to_df(df, new_dict):
+ df_column_names = df.columns
+ new_row_to_add = {}
+ # add the fields from project card that are in the network
+ for property in df_column_names:
+ if property in new_dict.keys():
+ if df[property].dtype == np.float64:
+ value = pd.to_numeric(new_dict[property], downcast="float")
+ elif df[property].dtype == np.int64:
+ value = pd.to_numeric(new_dict[property], downcast="integer")
+ else:
+ value = str(new_dict[property])
+ else:
+ value = ""
+ new_row_to_add[property] = value
+ # add the fields from project card that are NOT in the network
+ for key, value in new_dict.items():
+ if key not in df_column_names:
+ new_row_to_add[key] = new_dict[key]
+ out_df = df.append(new_row_to_add, ignore_index=True)
+ return out_df
+ if nodes is not None:
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.get(RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY) is None:
+ msg = "New link to add doesn't contain link foreign key identifier: {}".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ node_query = (
+ RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_NODE_KEY
+ + " == "
+ + str(node[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY])
+ )
+ if not self.nodes_df.query(node_query, engine="python").empty:
+ msg = "Node with id = {} already exist in the network".format(
+ node[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY]
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ for node in nodes:
+ self.nodes_df = _add_dict_to_df(self.nodes_df, node)
+ if links is not None:
+ for link in links:
+ for key in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY:
+ if link.get(key) is None:
+ msg = "New link to add doesn't contain link foreign key identifier: {}".format(
+ key
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ ab_query = "A == " + str(link["A"]) + " and B == " + str(link["B"])
+ if not self.links_df.query(ab_query, engine="python").empty:
+ msg = "Link with A = {} and B = {} already exist in the network".format(
+ link["A"], link["B"]
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if self.nodes_df[
+ self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_NODE_KEY] == link["A"]
+ ].empty:
+ msg = "New link to add has A node = {} but the node does not exist in the network".format(
+ link["A"]
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if self.nodes_df[
+ self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_NODE_KEY] == link["B"]
+ ].empty:
+ msg = "New link to add has B node = {} but the node does not exist in the network".format(
+ link["B"]
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ for link in links:
+ link["new_link"] = 1
+ self.links_df = _add_dict_to_df(self.links_df, link)
+ # add location reference and geometry for new links
+ self.links_df["locationReferences"] = self.links_df.apply(
+ lambda x: create_location_reference_from_nodes(
+ self.nodes_df[
+ self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY] == x["A"]
+ ].squeeze(),
+ self.nodes_df[
+ self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY] == x["B"]
+ ].squeeze(),
+ )
+ if x["new_link"] == 1
+ else x["locationReferences"],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ self.links_df["geometry"] = self.links_df.apply(
+ lambda x: create_line_string(x["locationReferences"])
+ if x["new_link"] == 1
+ else x["geometry"],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ self.links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY] = self.links_df.apply(
+ lambda x: create_unique_shape_id(x["geometry"])
+ if x["new_link"] == 1
+ else x[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ # add new shapes
+ added_links = self.links_df[self.links_df["new_link"] == 1]
+ added_shapes_df = pd.DataFrame({"geometry": added_links["geometry"]})
+ added_shapes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY] = added_shapes_df[
+ "geometry"
+ ].apply(lambda x: create_unique_shape_id(x))
+ self.shapes_df = self.shapes_df.append(added_shapes_df)
+ self.links_df.drop(["new_link"], axis=1, inplace=True)
+ def delete_roadway_feature_change(
+ self, links: dict, nodes: dict, ignore_missing=True
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ delete the roadway features defined in the project card.
+ valid links and nodes defined in the project gets deleted
+ and shapes corresponding to the deleted links are also deleted.
+ Args:
+ links : dict
+ list of dictionaries
+ nodes : dict
+ list of dictionaries
+ ignore_missing: bool
+ If True, will only warn about links/nodes that are missing from
+ network but specified to "delete" in project card
+ If False, will fail.
+ """
+ missing_error_message = []
+ if links is not None:
+ shapes_to_delete = []
+ for key, val in links.items():
+ missing_links = [v for v in val if v not in self.links_df[key].tolist()]
+ if missing_links:
+ message = "Links attribute {} with values as {} does not exist in the network\n".format(
+ key, missing_links
+ )
+ if ignore_missing:
+ WranglerLogger.warning(message)
+ else:
+ missing_error_message.append(message)
+ deleted_links = self.links_df[self.links_df[key].isin(val)]
+ shapes_to_delete.extend(
+ deleted_links[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY].tolist()
+ )
+ self.links_df.drop(
+ self.links_df.index[self.links_df[key].isin(val)], inplace=True
+ )
+ self.shapes_df.drop(
+ self.shapes_df.index[
+ self.shapes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY].isin(
+ shapes_to_delete
+ )
+ ],
+ inplace=True,
+ )
+ if nodes is not None:
+ for key, val in nodes.items():
+ missing_nodes = [v for v in val if v not in self.nodes_df[key].tolist()]
+ if missing_nodes:
+ message = "Nodes attribute {} with values as {} does not exist in the network\n".format(
+ key, missing_links
+ )
+ if ignore_missing:
+ WranglerLogger.warning(message)
+ else:
+ missing_error_message.append(message)
+ self.nodes_df = self.nodes_df[~self.nodes_df[key].isin(val)]
+ if missing_error_message:
+ WranglerLogger.error(" ".join(missing_error_message))
+ raise ValueError()
+ def get_property_by_time_period_and_group(
+ self, property, time_period=None, category=None
+ ):
+ """
+ Return a series for the properties with a specific group or time period.
+ args
+ ------
+ property: str
+ the variable that you want from network
+ time_period: list(str)
+ the time period that you are querying for
+ i.e. ['16:00', '19:00']
+ category: str or list(str)(Optional)
+ the group category
+ i.e. "sov"
+ or
+ list of group categories in order of search, i.e.
+ ["hov3","hov2"]
+ returns
+ --------
+ pandas series
+ """
+ def _get_property(
+ v,
+ time_spans=None,
+ category=None,
+ return_partial_match: bool = False,
+ partial_match_minutes: int = 60,
+ ):
+ """
+ .. todo:: return the time period with the largest overlap
+ """
+ if category and not time_spans:
+ WranglerLogger.error(
+ "\nShouldn't have a category group without time spans"
+ )
+ raise ValueError("Shouldn't have a category group without time spans")
+ # simple case
+ if type(v) in (int, float, str):
+ return v
+ if not category:
+ category = ["default"]
+ elif isinstance(category, str):
+ category = [category]
+ search_cats = [c.lower() for c in category]
+ # if no time or group specified, but it is a complex link situation
+ if not time_spans:
+ if "default" in v.keys():
+ return v["default"]
+ else:
+ WranglerLogger.debug("variable: ".format(v))
+ msg = "Variable {} is more complex in network than query".format(v)
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if v.get("timeofday"):
+ categories = []
+ for tg in v["timeofday"]:
+ if (time_spans[0] >= tg["time"][0]) and (
+ time_spans[1] <= tg["time"][1]
+ ):
+ if tg.get("category"):
+ categories += tg["category"]
+ for c in search_cats:
+ print("CAT:", c, tg["category"])
+ if c in tg["category"]:
+ # print("Var:", v)
+ # print(
+ # "RETURNING:", time_spans, category, tg["value"]
+ # )
+ return tg["value"]
+ else:
+ # print("Var:", v)
+ # print("RETURNING:", time_spans, category, tg["value"])
+ return tg["value"]
+ # if there isn't a fully matched time period, see if there is an overlapping one
+ # right now just return the first overlapping ones
+ # TODO return the time period with the largest overlap
+ if (
+ (time_spans[0] >= tg["time"][0])
+ and (time_spans[0] <= tg["time"][1])
+ ) or (
+ (time_spans[1] >= tg["time"][0])
+ and (time_spans[1] <= tg["time"][1])
+ ):
+ overlap_minutes = max(
+ 0,
+ min(tg["time"][1], time_spans[1])
+ - max(time_spans[0], tg["time"][0]),
+ )
+ # print("OLM",overlap_minutes)
+ if not return_partial_match and overlap_minutes > 0:
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Couldn't find time period consistent with {}, but found a partial match: {}. Consider allowing partial matches using 'return_partial_match' keyword or updating query.".format(
+ time_spans, tg["time"]
+ )
+ )
+ elif (
+ overlap_minutes < partial_match_minutes
+ and overlap_minutes > 0
+ ):
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Time period: {} overlapped less than the minimum number of minutes ({}<{}) to be considered a match with time period in network: {}.".format(
+ time_spans,
+ overlap_minutes,
+ partial_match_minutes,
+ tg["time"],
+ )
+ )
+ elif overlap_minutes > 0:
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Returning a partial time period match. Time period: {} overlapped the minimum number of minutes ({}>={}) to be considered a match with time period in network: {}.".format(
+ time_spans,
+ overlap_minutes,
+ partial_match_minutes,
+ tg["time"],
+ )
+ )
+ if tg.get("category"):
+ categories += tg["category"]
+ for c in search_cats:
+ print("CAT:", c, tg["category"])
+ if c in tg["category"]:
+ # print("Var:", v)
+ # print(
+ # time_spans,
+ # category,
+ # tg["value"],
+ # )
+ return tg["value"]
+ else:
+ # print("Var:", v)
+ # print("RETURNING:", time_spans, category, tg["value"])
+ return tg["value"]
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "\nCouldn't find time period for {}, returning default".format(
+ str(time_spans)
+ )
+ )
+ """
+ if "default" in v.keys():
+ # print("Var:", v)
+ # print("RETURNING:", time_spans, v["default"])
+ return v["default"]
+ else:
+ # print("Var:", v)
+ WranglerLogger.error(
+ "\nCan't find default; must specify a category in {}".format(
+ str(categories)
+ )
+ )
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't find default, must specify a category in: {}".format(
+ str(categories)
+ )
+ )
+ time_spans = parse_time_spans(time_period)
+ return self.links_df[property].apply(
+ _get_property, time_spans=time_spans, category=category
+ )
+ def create_dummy_connector_links(gp_df: GeoDataFrame, ml_df: GeoDataFrame):
+ """
+ create dummy connector links between the general purpose and managed lanes
+ args:
+ gp_df : GeoDataFrame
+ dataframe of general purpose links (where managed lane also exists)
+ ml_df : GeoDataFrame
+ dataframe of corresponding managed lane links
+ """
+ gp_ml_links_df = pd.concat(
+ [gp_df, ml_df.add_prefix("ML_")], axis=1, join="inner"
+ )
+ access_df = gp_df.iloc[0:0, :].copy()
+ egress_df = gp_df.iloc[0:0, :].copy()
+ def _get_connector_references(ref_1: list, ref_2: list, type: str):
+ if type == "access":
+ out_location_reference = [
+ {"sequence": 1, "point": ref_1[0]["point"]},
+ {"sequence": 2, "point": ref_2[0]["point"]},
+ ]
+ if type == "egress":
+ out_location_reference = [
+ {"sequence": 1, "point": ref_2[1]["point"]},
+ {"sequence": 2, "point": ref_1[1]["point"]},
+ ]
+ return out_location_reference
+ for index, row in gp_ml_links_df.iterrows():
+ access_row = {}
+ access_row["A"] = row["A"]
+ access_row["B"] = row["ML_A"]
+ access_row["lanes"] = 1
+ access_row["model_link_id"] = (
+ row["model_link_id"] + row["ML_model_link_id"] + 1
+ )
+ access_row["access"] = row["ML_access"]
+ access_row["drive_access"] = row["drive_access"]
+ access_row["locationReferences"] = _get_connector_references(
+ row["locationReferences"], row["ML_locationReferences"], "access"
+ )
+ access_row["distance"] = haversine_distance(
+ access_row["locationReferences"][0]["point"],
+ access_row["locationReferences"][1]["point"],
+ )
+ access_row["roadway"] = "ml_access"
+ access_row["name"] = "Access Dummy " + row["name"]
+ # ref is not a *required* attribute, so make conditional:
+ if "ref" in gp_ml_links_df.columns:
+ access_row["ref"] = row["ref"]
+ else:
+ access_row["ref"] = ""
+ access_df = access_df.append(access_row, ignore_index=True)
+ egress_row = {}
+ egress_row["A"] = row["ML_B"]
+ egress_row["B"] = row["B"]
+ egress_row["lanes"] = 1
+ egress_row["model_link_id"] = (
+ row["model_link_id"] + row["ML_model_link_id"] + 2
+ )
+ egress_row["access"] = row["ML_access"]
+ egress_row["drive_access"] = row["drive_access"]
+ egress_row["locationReferences"] = _get_connector_references(
+ row["locationReferences"], row["ML_locationReferences"], "egress"
+ )
+ egress_row["distance"] = haversine_distance(
+ egress_row["locationReferences"][0]["point"],
+ egress_row["locationReferences"][1]["point"],
+ )
+ egress_row["roadway"] = "ml_egress"
+ egress_row["name"] = "Egress Dummy " + row["name"]
+ # ref is not a *required* attribute, so make conditional:
+ if "ref" in gp_ml_links_df.columns:
+ egress_row["ref"] = row["ref"]
+ else:
+ egress_row["ref"] = ""
+ egress_df = egress_df.append(egress_row, ignore_index=True)
+ return (access_df, egress_df)
+ def create_managed_lane_network(self, in_place: bool = False) -> RoadwayNetwork:
+ """
+ Create a roadway network with managed lanes links separated out.
+ Add new parallel managed lane links, access/egress links,
+ and add shapes corresponding to the new links
+ args:
+ in_place: update self or return a new roadway network object
+ returns: A RoadwayNetwork instance
+ .. todo:: make this a more rigorous test
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.info("Creating network with duplicated managed lanes")
+ if "ml_access" in self.links_df["roadway"].tolist():
+ msg = "managed lane access links already exist in network; shouldn't be running create managed lane network. Returning network as-is."
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ if in_place:
+ return
+ else:
+ return copy.deepcopy(self)
+ link_attributes = self.links_df.columns.values.tolist()
+ ml_attributes = [i for i in link_attributes if i.startswith("ML_")]
+ # non_ml_links are links in the network where there is no managed lane.
+ # gp_links are the gp lanes and ml_links are ml lanes respectively for the ML roadways.
+ non_ml_links_df = self.links_df[self.links_df["managed"] == 0]
+ non_ml_links_df = non_ml_links_df.drop(ml_attributes, axis=1)
+ ml_links_df = self.links_df[self.links_df["managed"] == 1]
+ gp_links_df = ml_links_df.drop(ml_attributes, axis=1)
+ for attr in link_attributes:
+ if attr == "name":
+ ml_links_df["name"] = "Managed Lane "+gp_links_df["name"]
+ elif attr in ml_attributes and attr not in ["ML_ACCESS", "ML_EGRESS"]:
+ gp_attr = attr.split("_", 1)[1]
+ ml_links_df.loc[:, gp_attr] = ml_links_df[attr]
+ if (
+ attr not in RoadwayNetwork.KEEP_SAME_ATTRIBUTES_ML_AND_GP
+ and attr not in RoadwayNetwork.MANAGED_LANES_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES
+ ):
+ ml_links_df[attr] = ""
+ ml_links_df = ml_links_df.drop(ml_attributes, axis=1)
+ ml_links_df["managed"] = 1
+ gp_links_df["managed"] = 0
+ def _update_location_reference(location_reference: list):
+ out_location_reference = copy.deepcopy(location_reference)
+ out_location_reference[0]["point"] = offset_lat_lon(
+ out_location_reference[0]["point"]
+ )
+ out_location_reference[1]["point"] = offset_lat_lon(
+ out_location_reference[1]["point"]
+ )
+ return out_location_reference
+ ml_links_df["A"] = (
+ ml_links_df["A"] + RoadwayNetwork.MANAGED_LANES_NODE_ID_SCALAR
+ )
+ ml_links_df["B"] = (
+ ml_links_df["B"] + RoadwayNetwork.MANAGED_LANES_NODE_ID_SCALAR
+ )
+ ml_links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_LINK_KEY] = (
+ ml_links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_LINK_KEY]
+ )
+ ml_links_df["locationReferences"] = ml_links_df["locationReferences"].apply(
+ # lambda x: _update_location_reference(x)
+ lambda x: offset_location_reference(x)
+ )
+ ml_links_df["geometry"] = ml_links_df["locationReferences"].apply(
+ lambda x: create_line_string(x)
+ )
+ ml_links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY] = ml_links_df["geometry"].apply(
+ lambda x: create_unique_shape_id(x)
+ )
+ access_links_df, egress_links_df = RoadwayNetwork.create_dummy_connector_links(
+ gp_links_df, ml_links_df
+ )
+ access_links_df["geometry"] = access_links_df["locationReferences"].apply(
+ lambda x: create_line_string(x)
+ )
+ egress_links_df["geometry"] = egress_links_df["locationReferences"].apply(
+ lambda x: create_line_string(x)
+ )
+ access_links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY] = access_links_df[
+ "geometry"
+ ].apply(lambda x: create_unique_shape_id(x))
+ egress_links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY] = egress_links_df[
+ "geometry"
+ ].apply(lambda x: create_unique_shape_id(x))
+ out_links_df = gp_links_df.append(ml_links_df)
+ out_links_df = out_links_df.append(access_links_df)
+ out_links_df = out_links_df.append(egress_links_df)
+ out_links_df = out_links_df.append(non_ml_links_df)
+ # only the ml_links_df has the new nodes added
+ added_a_nodes = ml_links_df["A"]
+ added_b_nodes = ml_links_df["B"]
+ out_nodes_df = self.nodes_df
+ for a_node in added_a_nodes:
+ out_nodes_df = out_nodes_df.append(
+ {
+ "model_node_id": a_node,
+ "geometry": Point(
+ out_links_df[out_links_df["A"] == a_node].iloc[0][
+ "locationReferences"
+ ][0]["point"]
+ ),
+ "drive_node": 1,
+ },
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+ for b_node in added_b_nodes:
+ if b_node not in out_nodes_df["model_node_id"].tolist():
+ out_nodes_df = out_nodes_df.append(
+ {
+ "model_node_id": b_node,
+ "geometry": Point(
+ out_links_df[out_links_df["B"] == b_node].iloc[0][
+ "locationReferences"
+ ][1]["point"]
+ ),
+ "drive_node": 1,
+ },
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+ out_nodes_df["X"] = out_nodes_df["geometry"].apply(lambda g: g.x)
+ out_nodes_df["Y"] = out_nodes_df["geometry"].apply(lambda g: g.y)
+ out_shapes_df = self.shapes_df
+ # managed lanes, access and egress connectors are new geometry
+ new_shapes_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ "geometry": ml_links_df["geometry"]
+ .append(access_links_df["geometry"])
+ .append(egress_links_df["geometry"])
+ }
+ )
+ new_shapes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_SHAPE_KEY] = new_shapes_df[
+ "geometry"
+ ].apply(lambda x: create_unique_shape_id(x))
+ out_shapes_df = out_shapes_df.append(new_shapes_df)
+ out_links_df = out_links_df.reset_index()
+ out_nodes_df = out_nodes_df.reset_index()
+ out_shapes_df = out_shapes_df.reset_index()
+ if in_place:
+ self.links_df = out_links_df
+ self.nodes_df = out_nodes_df
+ self.shapes_df = out_shapes_df
+ else:
+ out_network = copy.deepcopy(self)
+ out_network.links_df = out_links_df
+ out_network.nodes_df = out_nodes_df
+ out_network.shapes_df = out_shapes_df
+ return out_network
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_modal_links_nodes(
+ links_df: DataFrame, nodes_df: DataFrame, modes: list[str] = None
+ ) -> tuple(DataFrame, DataFrame):
+ """Returns nodes and link dataframes for specific mode.
+ Args:
+ links_df: DataFrame of standard network links
+ nodes_df: DataFrame of standard network nodes
+ modes: list of the modes of the network to be kept, must be in `drive`,`transit`,`rail`,`bus`,
+ `walk`, `bike`. For example, if bike and walk are selected, both bike and walk links will be kept.
+ Returns: tuple of DataFrames for links, nodes filtered by mode
+ .. todo:: Right now we don't filter the nodes because transit-only
+ links with walk access are not marked as having walk access
+ Issue discussed in https://github.com/wsp-sag/network_wrangler/issues/145
+ modal_nodes_df = nodes_df[nodes_df[mode_node_variable] == 1]
+ """
+ for mode in modes:
+ if mode not in RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_LINK_VARIABLES.keys():
+ msg = "mode value should be one of {}, got {}".format(
+ list(RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_LINK_VARIABLES.keys()), mode,
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ mode_link_variables = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ mode
+ for mode in modes
+ for mode in RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_LINK_VARIABLES[mode]
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ mode_node_variables = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ mode
+ for mode in modes
+ for mode in RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_NODE_VARIABLES[mode]
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if not set(mode_link_variables).issubset(set(links_df.columns)):
+ msg = "{} not in provided links_df list of columns. Available columns are: \n {}".format(
+ set(mode_link_variables) - set(links_df.columns), links_df.columns
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ if not set(mode_node_variables).issubset(set(nodes_df.columns)):
+ msg = "{} not in provided nodes_df list of columns. Available columns are: \n {}".format(
+ set(mode_node_variables) - set(nodes_df.columns), nodes_df.columns
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ modal_links_df = links_df.loc[links_df[mode_link_variables].any(axis=1)]
+ ##TODO right now we don't filter the nodes because transit-only
+ # links with walk access are not marked as having walk access
+ # Issue discussed in https://github.com/wsp-sag/network_wrangler/issues/145
+ # modal_nodes_df = nodes_df[nodes_df[mode_node_variable] == 1]
+ modal_nodes_df = nodes_df
+ return modal_links_df, modal_nodes_df
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_modal_graph(links_df: DataFrame, nodes_df: DataFrame, mode: str = None):
+ """Determines if the network graph is "strongly" connected
+ A graph is strongly connected if each vertex is reachable from every other vertex.
+ Args:
+ links_df: DataFrame of standard network links
+ nodes_df: DataFrame of standard network nodes
+ mode: mode of the network, one of `drive`,`transit`,
+ `walk`, `bike`
+ Returns: networkx: osmnx: DiGraph of network
+ """
+ if mode not in RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_LINK_VARIABLES.keys():
+ msg = "mode value should be one of {}.".format(
+ list(RoadwayNetwork.MODES_TO_NETWORK_LINK_VARIABLES.keys())
+ )
+ WranglerLogger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ _links_df, _nodes_df = RoadwayNetwork.get_modal_links_nodes(
+ links_df, nodes_df, modes=[mode],
+ )
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(_nodes_df, _links_df)
+ return G
+ def is_network_connected(
+ self, mode: str = None, links_df: DataFrame = None, nodes_df: DataFrame = None
+ ):
+ """
+ Determines if the network graph is "strongly" connected
+ A graph is strongly connected if each vertex is reachable from every other vertex.
+ Args:
+ mode: mode of the network, one of `drive`,`transit`,
+ `walk`, `bike`
+ links_df: DataFrame of standard network links
+ nodes_df: DataFrame of standard network nodes
+ Returns: boolean
+ .. todo:: Consider caching graphs if they take a long time.
+ """
+ _nodes_df = nodes_df if nodes_df else self.nodes_df
+ _links_df = links_df if links_df else self.links_df
+ if mode:
+ _links_df, _nodes_df = RoadwayNetwork.get_modal_links_nodes(
+ _links_df, _nodes_df, modes=[mode],
+ )
+ else:
+ WranglerLogger.info(
+ "Assessing connectivity without a mode\
+ specified. This may have limited value in interpretation.\
+ To add mode specificity, add the keyword `mode =` to calling\
+ this method"
+ )
+ # TODO: consider caching graphs if they start to take forever
+ # and we are calling them more than once.
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(_nodes_df, _links_df)
+ is_connected = nx.is_strongly_connected(G)
+ return is_connected
+ def assess_connectivity(
+ self,
+ mode: str = "",
+ ignore_end_nodes: bool = True,
+ links_df: DataFrame = None,
+ nodes_df: DataFrame = None,
+ ):
+ """Returns a network graph and list of disconnected subgraphs
+ as described by a list of their member nodes.
+ Args:
+ mode: list of modes of the network, one of `drive`,`transit`,
+ `walk`, `bike`
+ ignore_end_nodes: if True, ignores stray singleton nodes
+ links_df: if specified, will assess connectivity of this
+ links list rather than self.links_df
+ nodes_df: if specified, will assess connectivity of this
+ nodes list rather than self.nodes_df
+ Returns: Tuple of
+ Network Graph (osmnx flavored networkX DiGraph)
+ List of disconnected subgraphs described by the list of their
+ member nodes (as described by their `model_node_id`)
+ """
+ _nodes_df = nodes_df if nodes_df else self.nodes_df
+ _links_df = links_df if links_df else self.links_df
+ if mode:
+ _links_df, _nodes_df = RoadwayNetwork.get_modal_links_nodes(
+ _links_df, _nodes_df, modes=[mode],
+ )
+ else:
+ WranglerLogger.info(
+ "Assessing connectivity without a mode\
+ specified. This may have limited value in interpretation.\
+ To add mode specificity, add the keyword `mode =` to calling\
+ this method"
+ )
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(_nodes_df, _links_df)
+ # sub_graphs = [s for s in sorted(nx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len, reverse=True)]
+ sub_graphs = [
+ s
+ for s in sorted(
+ (G.subgraph(c) for c in nx.strongly_connected_components(G)),
+ key=len,
+ reverse=True,
+ )
+ ]
+ sub_graph_nodes = [
+ list(s)
+ for s in sorted(nx.strongly_connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)
+ ]
+ # sorted on decreasing length, dropping the main sub-graph
+ disconnected_sub_graph_nodes = sub_graph_nodes[1:]
+ # dropping the sub-graphs with only 1 node
+ if ignore_end_nodes:
+ disconnected_sub_graph_nodes = [
+ list(s) for s in disconnected_sub_graph_nodes if len(s) > 1
+ ]
+ WranglerLogger.info(
+ "{} for disconnected networks for mode = {}:\n{}".format(
+ RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY,
+ mode,
+ "\n".join(list(map(str, disconnected_sub_graph_nodes))),
+ )
+ )
+ return G, disconnected_sub_graph_nodes
+ @staticmethod
+ def network_connection_plot(G, disconnected_subgraph_nodes: list):
+ """Plot a graph to check for network connection.
+ Args:
+ G: OSMNX flavored networkX graph.
+ disconnected_subgraph_nodes: List of disconnected subgraphs described by the list of their
+ member nodes (as described by their `model_node_id`).
+ returns: fig, ax : tuple
+ """
+ colors = []
+ for i in range(len(disconnected_subgraph_nodes)):
+ colors.append("#%06X" % randint(0, 0xFFFFFF))
+ fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(
+ G,
+ figsize=(16, 16),
+ show=False,
+ close=True,
+ edge_color="black",
+ edge_alpha=0.1,
+ node_color="black",
+ node_alpha=0.5,
+ node_size=10,
+ )
+ i = 0
+ for nodes in disconnected_subgraph_nodes:
+ for n in nodes:
+ size = 100
+ ax.scatter(G.nodes[n]["X"], G.nodes[n]["Y"], c=colors[i], s=size)
+ i = i + 1
+ return fig, ax
+ def selection_map(
+ self,
+ selected_link_idx: list,
+ A: Optional[Any] = None,
+ B: Optional[Any] = None,
+ candidate_link_idx: Optional[List] = [],
+ ):
+ """
+ Shows which links are selected for roadway property change or parallel
+ managed lanes category of roadway projects.
+ Args:
+ selected_links_idx: list of selected link indices
+ candidate_links_idx: optional list of candidate link indices to also include in map
+ A: optional foreign key of starting node of a route selection
+ B: optional foreign key of ending node of a route selection
+ """
+ WranglerLogger.debug(
+ "Selected Links: {}\nCandidate Links: {}\n".format(
+ selected_link_idx, candidate_link_idx
+ )
+ )
+ graph_link_idx = list(set(selected_link_idx + candidate_link_idx))
+ graph_links = self.links_df.loc[graph_link_idx]
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(graph_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ graph_nodes = self.nodes_df.loc[node_list_foreign_keys]
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(graph_nodes, graph_links)
+ # base map plot with whole graph
+ m = ox.plot_graph_folium(
+ G, edge_color=None, tiles="cartodbpositron", width="300px", height="250px"
+ )
+ # plot selection
+ selected_links = self.links_df.loc[selected_link_idx]
+ for _, row in selected_links.iterrows():
+ pl = ox.folium._make_folium_polyline(
+ edge=row, edge_color="blue", edge_width=5, edge_opacity=0.8
+ )
+ pl.add_to(m)
+ # if have A and B node add them to base map
+ def _folium_node(node_row, color="white", icon=""):
+ node_marker = folium.Marker(
+ location=[node_row["Y"], node_row["X"]],
+ icon=folium.Icon(icon=icon, color=color),
+ )
+ return node_marker
+ if A:
+ # WranglerLogger.debug("A: {}\n{}".format(A,self.nodes_df[self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY] == A]))
+ _folium_node(
+ self.nodes_df[self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY] == A],
+ color="green",
+ icon="play",
+ ).add_to(m)
+ if B:
+ _folium_node(
+ self.nodes_df[self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.NODE_FOREIGN_KEY] == B],
+ color="red",
+ icon="star",
+ ).add_to(m)
+ return m
+ def deletion_map(self, links: dict, nodes: dict):
+ """
+ Shows which links and nodes are deleted from the roadway network
+ """
+ # deleted_links = None
+ # deleted_nodes = None
+ missing_error_message = []
+ if links is not None:
+ for key, val in links.items():
+ deleted_links = self.links_df[self.links_df[key].isin(val)]
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(deleted_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ candidate_nodes = self.nodes_df.loc[node_list_foreign_keys]
+ else:
+ deleted_links = None
+ if nodes is not None:
+ for key, val in nodes.items():
+ deleted_nodes = self.nodes_df[self.nodes_df[key].isin(val)]
+ else:
+ deleted_nodes = None
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(candidate_nodes, deleted_links)
+ m = ox.plot_graph_folium(G, edge_color="red", tiles="cartodbpositron")
+ def _folium_node(node, color="white", icon=""):
+ node_circle = folium.Circle(
+ location=[node["Y"], node["X"]],
+ radius=2,
+ fill=True,
+ color=color,
+ fill_opacity=0.8,
+ )
+ return node_circle
+ if deleted_nodes is not None:
+ for _, row in deleted_nodes.iterrows():
+ _folium_node(row, color="red").add_to(m)
+ return m
+ def addition_map(self, links: dict, nodes: dict):
+ """
+ Shows which links and nodes are added to the roadway network
+ """
+ if links is not None:
+ link_ids = []
+ for link in links:
+ link_ids.append(link.get(RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_LINK_KEY))
+ added_links = self.links_df[
+ self.links_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_LINK_KEY].isin(link_ids)
+ ]
+ node_list_foreign_keys = list(
+ set(
+ [
+ i
+ for fk in RoadwayNetwork.LINK_FOREIGN_KEY
+ for i in list(added_links[fk])
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ try:
+ candidate_nodes = self.nodes_df.loc[node_list_foreign_keys]
+ except:
+ return None
+ if nodes is not None:
+ node_ids = []
+ for node in nodes:
+ node_ids.append(node.get(RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_NODE_KEY))
+ added_nodes = self.nodes_df[
+ self.nodes_df[RoadwayNetwork.UNIQUE_NODE_KEY].isin(node_ids)
+ ]
+ else:
+ added_nodes = None
+ G = RoadwayNetwork.ox_graph(candidate_nodes, added_links)
+ m = ox.plot_graph_folium(G, edge_color="green", tiles="cartodbpositron")
+ def _folium_node(node, color="white", icon=""):
+ node_circle = folium.Circle(
+ location=[node["Y"], node["X"]],
+ radius=2,
+ fill=True,
+ color=color,
+ fill_opacity=0.8,
+ )
+ return node_circle
+ if added_nodes is not None:
+ for _, row in added_nodes.iterrows():
+ _folium_node(row, color="green").add_to(m)
+ return m