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Jin edited this page Nov 26, 2019
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- 夕阳下的奔跑 - 不积跬步 无以至千里
- idev Notes - 记录与分享
- WhiteBoard - Do Small Things in a Great Way
- snowdream - Impossible is nothing!
- DevotedWife's Yard - Eat,Sleep,and Live.
- ScreamSwing - jeffjade's new Blog
- Only Gödel - KurtPan94's new blog.
- Jacman Theme - The demo site of Jacman Theme
- Jark's Blog - The author's blog of Jacman
- 阿杜个人博客 - 阿杜个人博客
ibrother- PhiloSky's Blog - Personal blog
- hiluSdream - 梦想是无所谓无的,无所谓有的
- Melface - Personal blog
- heamon7's Utopia - 修行绝尘,悟道涉俗
- PegasusWang's Blog - 你的问题主要在于读书不多而想得太多
Just Do IT- 青劲草 - 学会记录成长点滴
- MoqiZhan - 人生就是不停的战斗
- Think Differently - If You Can Think Differently, You Can Act Differently.
- Noah's blog - 见证一个正在学习的不太文艺的独立开发者的不断努力
- ylf - 王洋洋
- Gevin's blog - Stay hungry, stay foolish; Stop when you are perfect.
- keychar - A technology blog, design & programming.
- peng的博客 - 人生就是不停的战斗
- More and More -刚起步:)
- 好久不见 - Julian Zhu
- keke2014's blog - Stay hungry, stay foolish - Steve Jobs
- Eurry - Eurry's Blog.
- sencle's blog -just do it
- Oxymoron's Blog - Let's start from here.
- HelloDog - Keep Clam and Carry On
- 屠城|屠夫9441的博客 - 苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。
- Ice He. 何志遠 - Less is more. 寧靜致遠。
- prokitty,侏罗纪公园 -Belive yourself,belive Cherry.
- Ceclinux - Arch is the best
- BruceGe's blog - Start Blogging
- Yangxiaolei's blog - 让知识成为信仰,让优秀成为习惯
- CC's blog - CC
- TadGuo's pages - More is different.
- Cpacm's blog - Cpacm's blog.
- gdqyn's blog - gdqyn's blog.
- 吕旭的学习笔记 - 汽车、网络和生活。
- enjoyhot - All things come to those who wait.
- idhyt's blog - idhyt's blog
- Anotherhome Coding Branch - Anotherhome的分站.
- 夜猫阿罗哈 - 三角猫的个人博客
- Frank Fan's Blog - 广积粮,高筑墙,缓称王...
- StudioTang' blog - StudioTang' blog
- 齐涛-道长的博客 - 齐涛-道长的博客
- tsuinte.ru | 双马尾的博客 - このツインテールに、夢と願いを込めるんだ
- CaoDan's Blog - 曹丹的博客
- Wilbeibi's Blog - Wilbeibi的博客
- 随遇而安 - Accompany
- John white's blog - Know Yourself. Ceaseless Selfimprovement.
- blu10ph's Blog - blu10ph的博客
- IT草根-代码馆 - 志不强者智不达,言不信者行不果。
- Henry Fong's Blog - We Are Our Choices.
- 生如蚁,美如神 - 既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。
- Yuan - Luo Yuan 的技术积累
- APP开发者 - 分享Android/IOS/Swift开发和互联网内容
- 知行合一 - starqiu's blog
- 胖小了个花 - 个人博客(安卓)
- Shawn Du Blog - 知识是前进的动力
- A Tiny Coder's Blog - Coding every day.
- 影乐's Blog - 年轻何惧从头再来
- 劝儒乡 - 我跟你描述一个灵魂,它拥有不谢的青春。
- 王雨峰同学吃了一块二向箔 - 王雨峰的博客
- 墨坊 - 墨的作坊
- HeyJ丶的技术博客 - HeyJ丶
- 岁月如歌 - 自古求真皆寂寞,惟挑心灯伴夜霭
- Krzer's Blog - Krzer's Blog
- wyh's 学习记录 - 一个用Java的C++后台工程师
- Ian Zhang - Ian's Blog
- lyyyuna 的小花园 - 动静中之动
- ydc's blog - 一日一钱,千日千钱,绳锯木断,水滴石穿
- Zous's blog - Android的编程路程
- KaKa's blog - 码农成长之路,Life is for sharing
- duwei's blog - duwei's blog
- 唐巧的技术博客 - 记录下自己学习的点滴
- 竹林闲人的博客 - If you work hard, you will be successful!
- Just My Blog - A Programmer Who Wants To Be A Poet .----尘世间一件迷途小码农
- Tony's blog - Talk is cheap, show me the code
- 雷炎的技术博客 - 千里之行始于足下
- Cielpark - 记录开发,记录生活
- 芳草地 - 叶绍亭的博客空间
- Orange's Blog - 一只小小的程序猿。。。
- 郑少博的技术博客 - 态度决定一切,生命在于奋斗!热爱生活,热爱生命!
- Whatbeg's blog - 路漫漫其修远兮,仍将上下而求索
- crossoverJie的个人博客 - java程序猿。。
- Pytoday's blog - 生命不息,折腾不止。
- yulingtianxia's blog - 玉令天下的博客
- 小纵 - Live and learn.
- Hope - Bioinformation.
- ewind the Blogger - Front End Tech Blog for doodlewind.
- snowdream - Android Tech Blog.
- Crackfree's Blog - 认识世界,了解自己
- 爱红旗渠 - 技术博客,各种折腾
- 李飞阳 - 李飞阳-PM、Coder、Data mining
- Neil's blog - Deep learning, Reinforcement learning etc.
- 陈序员 - Android 开发
- demeiyan的博客 - demeiyan的博客
- Ryoma's blog - 万石谷,粒粒积累;千丈布,根根织成
- runningriver - 生命不止,奔跑不息
- On The Way - 积之在平日
金刀 金刀个人技术博客