$ tgsend --help
tgsend v1.3.4 Message/file sender from Bot. Use Telegram Bot API
Usage: /usr/bin/tgsend [options] option: -t --token Bot token (*required) -i --chatId Unique identifier for the target chat (*required)
-m --message Text of message (SendMessage method) OR -f --file Path of sending file (SendDocument method) -F --foto Send file as photo (SendPhoto method) -A --audio Send file as audio (SendAudio method) -V --voice Send file as voice (SendVoice method) -C --caption Caption (for Photo/Document/Voice/Audio)
-c --config Configuration file path search order: ~/.tgsend/tgsend.conf /etc/tgsend.conf /usr/local/etc/tgsend.conf /opt/tgsend/etc/tgsend.conf
-d --debug Debug on
-p --proxy Proxy IP -P --proxy-port Proxy port (8080 default)
-h --help This help
Send 'hello world' text tgsend -t '12345:AAABBBCCCDDDEEEEFFFF' --chatId='12345' -m 'hello world'
Send jpg file with debug tgsend -t '12345:AAABBBCCCDDDEEEEFFFF' --chatId='12345' -f /tmp/lo.jpg -d
Send jpg file as photo with caption and debug tgsend -t '12345:AAABBBCCCDDDEEEEFFFF' --chatId='12345' -F -f /tmp/lo.jpg -C "photo caption" -d
Send mp3 file as audio with caption and debug tgsend -t '12345:AAABBBCCCDDDEEEEFFFF' --chatId='12345' -A -f /tmp/sample.mp3 -C "audio caption" -d
Send voice file (ogg format only) as voice with caption and debug tgsend -t '12345:AAABBBCCCDDDEEEEFFFF' --chatId='12345' -V -f /tmp/sample.ogg -C "voice caption" -d
All question welcome to: Anton Shevtsov <shevtsov.anton[ at ]gmail.com>
RPM, RPMS для ОС Альт - http://altrepo.ru/