I'm Hayden Carpenter .
- I'm a fullstack web developer studying Computer Science with a Psychology minor at Georgia Tech .
- I specialize in web app development, but I'm pursuing ways to make AI designed for humans .
+ {design == 0 ? (
+ 👋, I'm Hayden Carpenter .
+ There's been this trend over the past few years in portfolio
+ design to give your basic info with no cool frontend tricks, simplifying everything.
So simply,
+ I'm an Undergraduate Student at Georgia Tech.
+ I'm a Computer Science Major with a Psychology Minor.
+ My concentrations are in{" "}
+ Systems & Architecture
+ {" "}
+ and{" "}
+ Cybersecurity & Privacy
+ .
+ I do a lot of Full-Stack Web Development.
+ I'm an Engineering Manager at{" "}
+ Bits of Good
+ , a chapter of Hack4Impact, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
👨💻 Work Experience
+ Bits of Good -
+ Engineering Manager (January 2023 - Present)
+ I worked on the Southface project team to create and
+ deploy a building planner for{" "}
+ Earthcraft
+ , a sustainable housing program. Southface has
+ estimated the app should improve the use of
+ Earthcraft's resources by up to 50%.
+ I then worked on{" "}
+ Juno
+ , Bits of Good's infrastructure API built in Nest.js
+ to accelerate scalable development workflows
+ internally.{" "}
+ Now, I'm working on a game gallery for{" "}
+ Jennifer Ann's Group
+ , a non-profit preventing teen dating violence.
+ MaxRewards -
+ Software Development Intern (August 2023 - February 2024)
+ Developed{" "}
+ MaxRewards.com
+ , the main marketing site for MaxRewards.
+ Developed internal CMS and syncing systems for a new
+ blog and card comparison tool. In this effort, I
+ improved complex queries from hours down to seconds.
+ Axio Global Inc -
+ Software Development Intern (April 2021 - April 2022)
+ I worked closely with the software development team at
+ Axio Global to develop the Axio 360 Cyber Risk
+ Assessment web application.
🎨 Projects
+ Physarum Simulation
+ Research using a modified WebGL simulation of a slime
+ mold to demonstrate evolutionary pathfinding.
+ SweatStake
+ An iOS fitness app that syncs with your Apple Health
+ data to charge you money if you skip too many
+ workouts.
+ Obsidian Mochi.cards Integration
+ A lightweight Obsidian.md plugin for quickly creating
+ flashcards in Mochi.cards with the Mochi.cards premium
+ API.
+ Gearbox
+ An all-in-one live-updating data collection and
+ analysis tool for FRC Robotics teams built by Team
+ 4026.
+ Juno (Bits of Good)
+ A developer toolkit similar to Firebase for Bits Of
+ Good infrastructure.
+ Earthcraft (Bits of Good)
+ An environmentally sustainable building standard
+ planning tool for Southface.
+ Jennifer Ann's Group (Bits of Good)
+ A game gallery for a non-profit preventing teen dating
+ violence.
+ setDesign(1)}>
+ {">"} Click here if you embrace complexity.
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
+ {design == 1 ? (
- Hayden Carpenter © {new Date().getFullYear().toString()}
+ ) : (
+ <>>
+ )}
- )
+ );
-export default App
\ No newline at end of file
+export default App;
diff --git a/src/assets/josefin_sans.json b/src/assets/josefin_sans.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fe4cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/josefin_sans.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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353 -11 q 244 10 294 -11 q 154 68 193 31 l 172 86 q 251 33 206 53 q 349 14 297 14 q 481 50 422 14 q 576 144 540 86 q 611 272 611 203 q 576 401 611 343 q 483 493 542 458 q 351 528 425 528 q 262 511 303 528 q 196 472 221 494 l 194 472 l 194 904 l 596 904 l 596 878 l 221 878 l 221 508 l 213 517 q 279 543 239 533 q 357 553 319 553 q 500 515 436 551 q 601 414 564 478 q 639 272 639 350 q 600 130 639 194 q 497 27 561 65 q 353 -11 432 -11 z "},"6":{"ha":722,"x_min":68,"x_max":640,"o":"m 354 -11 q 210 27 275 -11 q 107 130 146 65 q 68 274 68 194 q 110 469 68 379 q 221 633 153 558 q 369 773 289 708 q 526 894 450 838 l 544 871 q 342 716 428 793 q 201 565 256 639 q 126 422 147 490 l 118 426 q 222 519 157 488 q 358 551 286 551 q 500 513 436 551 q 602 411 564 475 q 640 269 640 347 q 602 128 640 192 q 499 26 564 64 q 354 -11 433 -11 m 353 14 q 484 49 425 14 q 578 141 543 83 q 613 269 613 199 q 578 399 613 340 q 484 492 543 457 q 353 526 425 526 q 223 496 282 526 q 129 410 164 465 q 94 281 94 354 l 94 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1350 q 442 1413 461 1394 q 394 1431 422 1431 q 360 1419 378 1431 q 328 1381 342 1408 q 311 1300 314 1353 l 289 1303 q 306 1390 290 1357 q 345 1440 322 1424 q 393 1456 368 1456 q 456 1435 432 1456 q 499 1390 479 1414 q 538 1351 517 1368 q 588 1335 558 1335 q 638 1360 615 1335 q 665 1464 661 1386 l 688 1463 q 672 1374 686 1408 q 636 1325 658 1340 q 586 1310 614 1310 z "},"Ȁ":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 293 1257 l 324 1257 l 447 1072 l 421 1072 l 293 1257 m 428 1257 l 458 1257 l 582 1072 l 556 1072 l 428 1257 z "},"Ä":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 346 1092 q 355 1113 346 1104 q 376 1122 364 1122 q 398 1113 389 1122 q 407 1092 407 1104 q 398 1070 407 1079 q 376 1061 389 1061 q 355 1070 364 1061 q 346 1092 346 1079 l 346 1092 m 576 1092 q 585 1113 576 1104 q 608 1122 594 1122 q 629 1113 619 1122 q 639 1092 639 1104 q 629 1070 639 1079 q 608 1061 619 1061 q 585 1070 594 1061 q 576 1092 576 1079 l 576 1092 z "},"Ạ":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 461 -108 q 470 -87 461 -96 q 493 -78 479 -78 q 515 -87 506 -78 q 524 -108 524 -96 q 515 -130 524 -121 q 493 -139 506 -139 q 470 -130 479 -139 q 461 -108 461 -121 z "},"À":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 361 1228 l 392 1228 l 515 1043 l 489 1043 l 361 1228 z "},"Ả":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 501 1031 q 556 1079 533 1057 q 578 1131 578 1101 q 564 1177 578 1158 q 519 1196 550 1196 q 476 1184 493 1196 q 438 1143 460 1172 l 422 1154 q 467 1203 443 1188 q 521 1218 490 1218 q 559 1210 542 1218 q 588 1183 576 1201 q 600 1132 600 1164 q 575 1069 600 1094 q 515 1017 550 1044 l 501 1031 z "},"Ȃ":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 490 1244 q 577 1215 539 1244 q 639 1137 615 1186 q 664 1024 663 1088 l 642 1024 q 619 1121 639 1076 q 565 1192 599 1165 q 490 1219 532 1219 q 416 1192 449 1219 q 365 1121 383 1165 q 344 1024 346 1076 l 319 1024 q 344 1137 321 1088 q 405 1215 367 1186 q 490 1244 443 1244 z "},"Ā":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 332 1076 l 653 1076 l 653 1053 l 332 1053 l 332 1076 z "},"Ą":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":949,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 843 -261 q 774 -232 804 -261 q 743 -154 743 -203 q 784 -56 743 -101 q 879 17 825 -11 l 899 0 q 803 -74 836 -35 q 769 -153 769 -112 q 793 -214 769 -192 q 846 -236 817 -236 q 894 -218 872 -236 q 931 -174 917 -200 l 949 -186 q 907 -239 935 -217 q 843 -261 879 -261 z "},"Å":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 403 1161 q 428 1226 403 1200 q 493 1251 454 1251 q 558 1226 532 1251 q 583 1161 583 1200 q 558 1097 583 1122 q 493 1072 532 1072 q 428 1097 454 1072 q 403 1161 403 1122 m 425 1161 q 445 1115 425 1135 q 493 1094 465 1094 q 540 1115 519 1094 q 560 1161 560 1135 q 540 1209 560 1189 q 493 1229 519 1229 q 445 1209 465 1229 q 425 1161 425 1189 z "},"Ǻ":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 403 1161 q 428 1226 403 1200 q 493 1251 454 1251 q 558 1226 532 1251 q 583 1161 583 1200 q 558 1097 583 1122 q 493 1072 532 1072 q 428 1097 454 1072 q 403 1161 403 1122 m 425 1161 q 445 1115 425 1135 q 493 1094 465 1094 q 540 1115 519 1094 q 560 1161 560 1135 q 540 1209 560 1189 q 493 1229 519 1229 q 445 1209 465 1229 q 425 1161 425 1189 m 638 1489 l 510 1304 l 483 1304 l 607 1489 l 638 1489 z "},"Ã":{"ha":985,"x_min":88,"x_max":899,"o":"m 88 0 l 492 1019 l 494 1019 l 899 0 l 868 0 l 485 974 l 503 978 l 115 0 l 88 0 m 256 390 l 732 390 l 735 365 l 253 365 l 256 390 m 592 1069 q 529 1089 553 1069 q 485 1133 506 1108 q 447 1172 467 1154 q 399 1190 428 1190 q 365 1179 383 1190 q 333 1140 347 1168 q 317 1060 319 1111 l 294 1063 q 311 1150 296 1117 q 350 1199 326 1183 q 399 1215 374 1215 q 461 1194 438 1215 q 504 1150 485 1174 q 542 1110 522 1128 q 592 1093 563 1093 q 644 1119 621 1093 q 671 1224 667 1146 l 693 1221 q 678 1133 692 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165 0 l 165 975 l 358 975 m 393 501 q 563 565 511 501 q 615 725 615 628 q 546 897 615 846 q 360 949 476 949 l 193 949 l 193 501 l 393 501 m 394 25 q 530 50 468 25 q 629 124 592 75 q 667 247 667 174 q 625 377 667 326 q 521 451 583 428 q 394 475 458 475 l 193 475 l 193 25 l 394 25 z "},"C":{"ha":958,"x_min":103,"x_max":856,"o":"m 856 60 q 778 23 819 39 q 692 -2 738 7 q 596 -11 646 -11 q 394 28 485 -11 q 238 135 303 67 q 138 292 172 203 q 103 482 103 382 q 141 679 103 588 q 247 840 179 771 q 406 947 315 908 q 599 986 496 986 q 734 967 669 986 q 856 915 799 949 l 842 892 q 727 942 789 924 q 599 960 665 960 q 417 923 503 960 q 268 820 332 886 q 167 667 204 754 q 131 481 131 581 q 163 303 131 388 q 257 153 196 218 q 403 52 318 89 q 596 15 489 15 q 725 34 664 15 q 839 83 786 53 l 856 60 z "},"Ć":{"ha":958,"x_min":103,"x_max":856,"o":"m 856 60 q 778 23 819 39 q 692 -2 738 7 q 596 -11 646 -11 q 394 28 485 -11 q 238 135 303 67 q 138 292 172 203 q 103 482 103 382 q 141 679 103 588 q 247 840 179 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725 34 664 15 q 839 83 786 53 l 856 60 m 543 1103 q 552 1124 543 1115 q 575 1133 561 1133 q 597 1124 588 1133 q 606 1103 606 1115 q 597 1081 606 1090 q 575 1072 588 1072 q 552 1081 561 1072 q 543 1103 543 1090 z "},"D":{"ha":1008,"x_min":165,"x_max":906,"o":"m 165 0 l 165 975 l 389 975 q 626 931 528 975 q 787 813 725 886 q 877 655 849 740 q 906 486 906 569 q 867 285 906 375 q 763 132 829 196 q 613 34 697 68 q 435 0 528 0 l 165 0 m 193 26 l 422 26 q 598 58 515 26 q 743 151 681 90 q 842 296 806 211 q 878 488 878 381 q 851 648 878 567 q 765 797 824 729 q 611 906 706 865 q 383 947 517 947 l 193 947 l 193 26 z "},"DŽ":{"ha":1976,"x_min":165,"x_max":1894,"o":"m 165 0 l 165 975 l 389 975 q 626 931 528 975 q 787 813 725 886 q 877 655 849 740 q 906 486 906 569 q 867 285 906 375 q 763 132 829 196 q 613 34 697 68 q 435 0 528 0 l 165 0 m 193 26 l 422 26 q 598 58 515 26 q 743 151 681 90 q 842 296 806 211 q 878 488 878 381 q 851 648 878 567 q 765 797 824 729 q 611 906 706 865 q 383 947 517 947 l 193 947 l 193 26 m 1090 0 q 1176 117 1132 57 q 1265 238 1219 176 q 1356 360 1310 299 q 1448 484 1401 422 q 1541 607 1494 546 q 1633 728 1588 668 q 1721 844 1678 788 q 1806 957 1764 901 l 1815 949 l 1203 949 q 1159 953 1176 949 q 1133 972 1142 958 q 1124 1011 1124 985 l 1124 1024 l 1153 1024 l 1153 1007 q 1162 984 1153 993 q 1194 975 1171 975 l 1850 975 l 1133 19 l 1131 26 l 1894 26 l 1894 0 l 1090 0 m 1335 1239 l 1500 1049 l 1482 1047 l 1649 1239 l 1678 1239 l 1493 1029 l 1492 1029 l 1306 1239 l 1335 1239 z "},"Ð":{"ha":1008,"x_min":15,"x_max":906,"o":"m 165 0 l 165 975 l 389 975 q 626 931 528 975 q 787 813 725 886 q 877 655 849 740 q 906 486 906 569 q 867 285 906 375 q 763 132 829 196 q 613 34 697 68 q 435 0 528 0 l 165 0 m 193 26 l 422 26 q 598 58 515 26 q 743 151 681 90 q 842 296 806 211 q 878 488 878 381 q 851 648 878 567 q 765 797 824 729 q 611 906 706 865 q 383 947 517 947 l 193 947 l 193 26 m 15 500 l 338 500 l 338 474 l 15 474 l 15 500 z 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1310 q 428 1374 447 1350 q 389 1413 408 1394 q 342 1431 369 1431 q 307 1419 325 1431 q 275 1381 289 1408 q 258 1300 261 1353 l 236 1303 q 253 1390 238 1357 q 292 1440 269 1424 q 340 1456 315 1456 q 403 1435 379 1456 q 446 1390 426 1414 q 485 1351 464 1368 q 535 1335 506 1335 q 585 1360 563 1335 q 613 1464 608 1386 l 635 1463 q 619 1374 633 1408 q 583 1325 606 1340 q 533 1310 561 1310 z "},"Ȅ":{"ha":876,"x_min":165,"x_max":767,"o":"m 165 975 l 747 975 l 747 949 l 193 949 l 193 506 l 693 506 l 693 479 l 193 479 l 193 26 l 767 26 l 767 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 m 240 1257 l 271 1257 l 394 1072 l 368 1072 l 240 1257 m 375 1257 l 406 1257 l 529 1072 l 503 1072 l 375 1257 z "},"Ë":{"ha":876,"x_min":165,"x_max":767,"o":"m 165 975 l 747 975 l 747 949 l 193 949 l 193 506 l 693 506 l 693 479 l 193 479 l 193 26 l 767 26 l 767 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 m 293 1090 q 302 1112 293 1103 q 324 1121 311 1121 q 345 1112 336 1121 q 354 1090 354 1103 q 345 1069 354 1078 q 324 1060 336 1060 q 302 1069 311 1060 q 293 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1058 267 1110 l 242 1061 q 258 1149 243 1115 q 297 1198 274 1182 q 346 1214 321 1214 q 408 1193 385 1214 q 451 1149 432 1172 q 490 1109 469 1126 q 539 1092 510 1092 q 591 1118 568 1092 q 618 1222 614 1144 l 640 1219 q 625 1132 639 1165 q 588 1083 611 1099 q 539 1068 565 1068 z "},"F":{"ha":793,"x_min":165,"x_max":692,"o":"m 165 975 l 692 975 l 692 949 l 193 949 l 193 490 l 638 490 l 638 464 l 193 464 l 193 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 z "},"G":{"ha":1021,"x_min":103,"x_max":885,"o":"m 885 60 q 823 31 857 44 q 751 8 789 18 q 674 -6 713 -1 q 600 -11 636 -11 q 395 27 488 -11 q 238 133 303 65 q 138 292 172 201 q 103 485 103 382 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 735 967 671 986 q 857 915 800 949 l 843 892 q 769 928 808 913 q 687 951 729 943 q 601 960 644 960 q 417 922 503 960 q 267 819 332 885 q 167 668 203 754 q 131 485 131 582 q 163 301 131 386 q 257 152 196 217 q 404 51 318 88 q 597 15 490 15 q 732 31 660 15 q 857 78 804 47 l 857 396 l 621 396 l 621 422 l 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163 301 131 386 q 257 152 196 217 q 404 51 318 88 q 597 15 490 15 q 732 31 660 15 q 857 78 804 47 l 857 396 l 621 396 l 621 422 l 885 422 l 885 60 m 715 1064 l 550 1254 l 568 1256 l 401 1064 l 372 1064 l 557 1275 l 558 1275 l 744 1064 l 715 1064 z "},"Ģ":{"ha":1021,"x_min":103,"x_max":885,"o":"m 885 60 q 823 31 857 44 q 751 8 789 18 q 674 -6 713 -1 q 600 -11 636 -11 q 395 27 488 -11 q 238 133 303 65 q 138 292 172 201 q 103 485 103 382 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 735 967 671 986 q 857 915 800 949 l 843 892 q 769 928 808 913 q 687 951 729 943 q 601 960 644 960 q 417 922 503 960 q 267 819 332 885 q 167 668 203 754 q 131 485 131 582 q 163 301 131 386 q 257 152 196 217 q 404 51 318 88 q 597 15 490 15 q 732 31 660 15 q 857 78 804 47 l 857 396 l 621 396 l 621 422 l 885 422 l 885 60 m 478 -256 l 464 -243 q 518 -169 503 -215 q 526 -64 533 -124 l 557 -64 q 556 -137 560 -100 q 533 -205 551 -174 q 478 -256 514 -236 z 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q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 z "},"Ó":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 746 1213 l 618 1028 l 592 1028 l 715 1213 l 746 1213 z 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750 q 131 485 131 579 m 747 1088 l 582 1278 l 600 1279 l 433 1088 l 404 1088 l 589 1299 l 590 1299 l 776 1088 l 747 1088 m 286 1413 l 317 1413 l 440 1228 l 414 1228 l 286 1413 z "},"Ổ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 749 1099 l 583 1289 l 601 1290 l 435 1099 l 406 1099 l 590 1310 l 592 1310 l 778 1099 l 749 1099 m 740 1222 q 794 1271 772 1249 q 817 1322 817 1293 q 803 1369 817 1350 q 758 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1372 608 1349 q 550 1411 569 1393 q 503 1429 531 1429 q 468 1418 486 1429 q 436 1379 450 1407 q 419 1299 422 1351 l 397 1301 q 415 1389 399 1356 q 453 1438 431 1422 q 501 1454 476 1454 q 564 1433 540 1454 q 607 1389 588 1413 q 646 1350 625 1367 q 696 1333 667 1333 q 747 1359 724 1333 q 774 1463 769 1385 l 796 1461 q 781 1373 794 1407 q 744 1324 767 1339 q 694 1308 722 1308 z "},"Ȍ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 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1121 703 1121 q 738 1112 728 1121 q 747 1090 747 1103 q 738 1069 747 1078 q 717 1060 728 1060 q 694 1069 703 1060 q 685 1090 685 1078 l 685 1090 z "},"Ȫ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 454 1090 q 463 1112 454 1103 q 485 1121 472 1121 q 506 1112 497 1121 q 515 1090 515 1103 q 506 1069 515 1078 q 485 1060 497 1060 q 463 1069 472 1060 q 454 1090 454 1078 l 454 1090 m 685 1090 q 694 1112 685 1103 q 717 1121 703 1121 q 738 1112 728 1121 q 747 1090 747 1103 q 738 1069 747 1078 q 717 1060 728 1060 q 694 1069 703 1060 q 685 1090 685 1078 l 685 1090 m 440 1221 l 761 1221 l 761 1197 l 440 1197 l 440 1221 z "},"Ȱ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 569 1089 q 578 1110 569 1101 q 601 1119 588 1119 q 623 1110 614 1119 q 632 1089 632 1101 q 623 1067 632 1076 q 601 1058 614 1058 q 578 1067 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51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 610 1028 q 664 1076 642 1054 q 686 1128 686 1099 q 672 1174 686 1156 q 628 1193 658 1193 q 585 1181 601 1193 q 546 1140 568 1169 l 531 1151 q 575 1200 551 1185 q 629 1215 599 1215 q 667 1207 650 1215 q 697 1180 685 1199 q 708 1129 708 1161 q 683 1067 708 1092 q 624 1014 658 1042 l 610 1028 z "},"Ơ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 701 975 q 808 1011 774 975 q 844 1139 843 1047 l 868 1139 q 847 1017 868 1057 q 788 965 825 978 q 701 953 751 953 l 701 975 z "},"Ớ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 701 975 q 808 1011 774 975 q 844 1139 843 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1193 546 1214 q 613 1149 593 1172 q 651 1109 631 1126 q 700 1092 671 1092 q 752 1118 729 1092 q 779 1222 775 1144 l 801 1219 q 786 1132 800 1165 q 749 1083 772 1099 q 700 1068 726 1068 z "},"Ő":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 693 1244 l 565 1060 l 539 1060 l 663 1244 l 693 1244 m 826 1244 l 699 1060 l 672 1060 l 796 1244 l 826 1244 z "},"Ȏ":{"ha":1201,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 103 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596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 z "},"Ǿ":{"ha":1189,"x_min":103,"x_max":1100,"o":"m 1006 982 l 183 -1 l 167 14 l 990 997 l 1006 982 m 103 486 q 142 680 103 589 q 249 840 181 771 q 407 947 317 908 q 600 986 497 986 q 793 947 703 986 q 952 840 883 908 q 1060 680 1021 771 q 1100 486 1100 589 q 1060 293 1100 383 q 952 135 1021 203 q 793 28 883 67 q 600 -11 703 -11 q 407 26 497 -11 q 249 129 317 63 q 142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 m 739 1213 l 611 1028 l 585 1028 l 708 1213 l 739 1213 z 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671 1092 q 752 1118 729 1092 q 779 1222 775 1144 l 801 1219 q 786 1132 800 1165 q 749 1083 772 1099 q 700 1068 726 1068 m 442 1324 l 763 1324 l 763 1300 l 442 1300 l 442 1324 z "},"Œ":{"ha":1401,"x_min":110,"x_max":1261,"o":"m 710 949 q 659 957 685 954 q 607 960 633 960 q 425 922 510 960 q 276 819 340 885 q 174 668 211 754 q 138 485 138 582 q 174 302 138 388 q 274 152 210 217 q 424 51 339 88 q 608 15 510 15 q 708 28 657 15 l 731 4 q 670 -7 701 -3 q 607 -11 639 -11 q 414 28 504 -11 q 256 135 324 67 q 149 293 188 203 q 110 486 110 383 q 149 680 110 589 q 256 840 188 771 q 414 947 324 908 q 607 986 504 986 q 672 982 640 986 q 733 969 703 978 l 710 949 m 701 975 l 1242 975 l 1242 947 l 729 947 l 729 504 l 1188 504 l 1188 478 l 729 478 l 729 28 l 1261 28 l 1261 0 l 701 0 l 701 975 z "},"P":{"ha":736,"x_min":165,"x_max":647,"o":"m 368 975 q 512 947 449 975 q 611 862 575 919 q 647 715 647 804 q 630 613 647 663 q 576 525 613 564 q 483 463 540 486 q 347 440 426 440 l 193 440 l 193 0 l 165 0 l 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142 287 181 196 q 103 486 103 378 m 131 485 q 167 302 131 388 q 267 152 203 217 q 415 51 331 88 q 596 15 500 15 q 781 51 694 15 q 932 152 867 88 q 1035 302 997 217 q 1072 486 1072 388 q 1035 669 1072 583 q 933 819 997 754 q 783 922 868 885 q 600 960 697 960 q 415 922 500 960 q 265 817 329 883 q 166 665 201 750 q 131 485 131 579 z "},"R":{"ha":857,"x_min":165,"x_max":750,"o":"m 365 975 q 456 961 407 975 q 549 917 506 947 q 621 837 593 886 q 649 715 649 788 q 632 613 649 663 q 580 525 615 564 q 488 463 544 486 q 347 440 431 440 l 193 440 l 193 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 l 365 975 m 343 467 q 480 489 426 467 q 564 547 533 511 q 608 627 594 583 q 621 714 621 671 q 601 809 621 765 q 546 884 581 853 q 465 932 511 915 q 367 949 419 949 l 193 949 l 193 467 l 343 467 m 471 465 l 750 0 l 718 0 l 439 465 l 471 465 z "},"Ŕ":{"ha":857,"x_min":165,"x_max":750,"o":"m 365 975 q 456 961 407 975 q 549 917 506 947 q 621 837 593 886 q 649 715 649 788 q 632 613 649 663 q 580 525 615 564 q 488 463 544 486 q 347 440 431 440 l 193 440 l 193 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 l 365 975 m 343 467 q 480 489 426 467 q 564 547 533 511 q 608 627 594 583 q 621 714 621 671 q 601 809 621 765 q 546 884 581 853 q 465 932 511 915 q 367 949 419 949 l 193 949 l 193 467 l 343 467 m 471 465 l 750 0 l 718 0 l 439 465 l 471 465 m 510 1214 l 382 1029 l 356 1029 l 479 1214 l 510 1214 z "},"Ř":{"ha":857,"x_min":165,"x_max":750,"o":"m 365 975 q 456 961 407 975 q 549 917 506 947 q 621 837 593 886 q 649 715 649 788 q 632 613 649 663 q 580 525 615 564 q 488 463 544 486 q 347 440 431 440 l 193 440 l 193 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 l 365 975 m 343 467 q 480 489 426 467 q 564 547 533 511 q 608 627 594 583 q 621 714 621 671 q 601 809 621 765 q 546 884 581 853 q 465 932 511 915 q 367 949 419 949 l 193 949 l 193 467 l 343 467 m 471 465 l 750 0 l 718 0 l 439 465 l 471 465 m 208 1240 l 374 1050 l 356 1049 l 522 1240 l 551 1240 l 367 1031 l 365 1031 l 179 1240 l 208 1240 z "},"Ŗ":{"ha":857,"x_min":165,"x_max":750,"o":"m 365 975 q 456 961 407 975 q 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471 465 m 167 1257 l 197 1257 l 321 1072 l 294 1072 l 167 1257 m 301 1257 l 332 1257 l 456 1072 l 429 1072 l 301 1257 z "},"Ȓ":{"ha":857,"x_min":165,"x_max":750,"o":"m 365 975 q 456 961 407 975 q 549 917 506 947 q 621 837 593 886 q 649 715 649 788 q 632 613 649 663 q 580 525 615 564 q 488 463 544 486 q 347 440 431 440 l 193 440 l 193 0 l 165 0 l 165 975 l 365 975 m 343 467 q 480 489 426 467 q 564 547 533 511 q 608 627 594 583 q 621 714 621 671 q 601 809 621 765 q 546 884 581 853 q 465 932 511 915 q 367 949 419 949 l 193 949 l 193 467 l 343 467 m 471 465 l 750 0 l 718 0 l 439 465 l 471 465 m 364 1244 q 451 1215 413 1244 q 513 1137 489 1186 q 538 1024 536 1088 l 515 1024 q 492 1121 513 1076 q 439 1192 472 1165 q 364 1219 406 1219 q 290 1192 322 1219 q 238 1121 257 1165 q 218 1024 219 1076 l 193 1024 q 217 1137 194 1088 q 278 1215 240 1186 q 364 1244 317 1244 z "},"S":{"ha":765,"x_min":85,"x_max":679,"o":"m 621 906 q 519 940 582 922 q 392 957 457 957 q 220 902 285 957 q 156 767 156 847 q 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q 651 261 651 178 q 613 392 651 343 q 513 472 574 442 q 386 526 453 501 q 292 563 338 543 q 209 610 246 583 q 150 674 172 636 q 128 763 128 711 q 163 876 128 828 q 256 953 197 925 q 389 981 315 981 q 512 965 442 981 q 632 926 582 950 l 621 906 m 529 1239 l 401 1054 l 375 1054 l 499 1239 l 529 1239 z "},"Š":{"ha":765,"x_min":85,"x_max":679,"o":"m 621 906 q 519 940 582 922 q 392 957 457 957 q 220 902 285 957 q 156 767 156 847 q 191 666 156 706 q 283 599 226 626 q 404 547 339 572 q 503 507 454 529 q 592 453 551 485 q 656 376 632 422 q 679 263 679 329 q 640 117 679 178 q 535 22 601 56 q 385 -11 468 -11 q 244 9 306 -11 q 143 53 183 29 q 85 88 103 76 l 99 113 q 172 69 128 92 q 270 30 217 46 q 379 14 324 14 q 510 41 447 14 q 612 123 572 68 q 651 261 651 178 q 613 392 651 343 q 513 472 574 442 q 386 526 453 501 q 292 563 338 543 q 209 610 246 583 q 150 674 172 636 q 128 763 128 711 q 163 876 128 828 q 256 953 197 925 q 389 981 315 981 q 512 965 442 981 q 632 926 582 950 l 621 906 m 226 1265 l 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283 l 117 300 q 278 93 171 171 q 521 15 385 15 q 706 52 619 15 q 858 153 793 89 q 960 303 924 218 q 997 483 997 388 q 963 660 997 575 q 866 813 929 746 q 715 920 803 881 q 519 960 626 960 q 399 942 458 960 q 286 894 339 924 q 192 826 233 864 l 175 846 q 275 920 219 889 q 392 969 331 951 q 519 988 454 988 z "},"T":{"ha":799,"x_min":82,"x_max":715,"o":"m 82 975 l 715 975 l 715 949 l 413 949 l 413 0 l 385 0 l 385 949 l 82 949 l 82 975 z "},"Ŧ":{"ha":799,"x_min":82,"x_max":715,"o":"m 82 975 l 715 975 l 715 949 l 413 949 l 413 0 l 385 0 l 385 949 l 82 949 l 82 975 m 238 500 l 560 500 l 560 474 l 238 474 l 238 500 z "},"Ť":{"ha":799,"x_min":82,"x_max":715,"o":"m 82 975 l 715 975 l 715 949 l 413 949 l 413 0 l 385 0 l 385 949 l 82 949 l 82 975 m 242 1239 l 407 1049 l 389 1047 l 556 1239 l 585 1239 l 400 1029 l 399 1029 l 213 1239 l 242 1239 z "},"Ţ":{"ha":799,"x_min":82,"x_max":715,"o":"m 82 975 l 715 975 l 715 949 l 413 949 l 413 0 l 385 0 l 385 949 l 82 949 l 82 975 m 292 -251 q 335 -277 308 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481 15 397 15 q 630 51 564 15 q 733 154 696 86 q 771 319 771 222 l 771 975 l 799 975 l 799 317 q 781 197 799 250 q 734 106 764 144 q 664 40 704 67 q 569 -52 603 -4 q 536 -153 536 -100 q 560 -214 536 -192 q 613 -236 583 -236 q 660 -218 639 -236 q 697 -174 682 -200 l 715 -186 q 673 -239 701 -217 q 610 -261 644 -261 z "},"Ů":{"ha":963,"x_min":164,"x_max":799,"o":"m 192 319 q 229 154 192 222 q 332 51 267 86 q 481 15 397 15 q 630 51 564 15 q 733 154 696 86 q 771 319 771 222 l 771 975 l 799 975 l 799 317 q 756 137 799 210 q 642 26 714 64 q 481 -11 571 -11 l 481 -11 q 319 26 390 -11 q 206 137 247 64 q 164 317 164 210 l 164 975 l 192 975 l 192 319 m 392 1160 q 417 1224 392 1199 q 482 1250 443 1250 q 547 1224 521 1250 q 572 1160 572 1199 q 547 1096 572 1121 q 482 1071 521 1071 q 417 1096 443 1071 q 392 1160 392 1121 m 414 1160 q 434 1113 414 1133 q 482 1093 454 1093 q 528 1113 508 1093 q 549 1160 549 1133 q 528 1208 549 1188 q 482 1228 508 1228 q 434 1208 454 1228 q 414 1160 414 1188 z 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346 -8 390 -8 m 349 15 q 472 46 417 15 q 561 130 528 76 q 596 251 594 183 l 596 308 q 549 411 585 365 q 462 485 514 457 q 349 513 410 513 q 224 482 281 513 q 135 395 168 451 q 103 264 103 339 q 136 138 103 194 q 225 49 169 82 q 349 15 281 15 m 346 -139 q 356 -117 346 -126 q 378 -108 365 -108 q 399 -117 390 -108 q 408 -139 408 -126 q 399 -162 408 -153 q 378 -171 390 -171 q 356 -161 365 -171 q 346 -139 346 -151 m 538 667 l 372 857 l 390 858 l 224 667 l 194 667 l 379 878 l 381 878 l 567 667 l 538 667 z "},"ầ":{"ha":753,"x_min":64,"x_max":622,"o":"m 346 -8 q 210 28 271 -8 q 112 125 149 64 q 75 263 75 186 q 113 411 75 350 q 212 504 150 472 q 350 536 274 536 q 499 490 432 536 q 597 369 567 443 l 594 351 l 601 525 l 622 525 l 622 0 l 596 0 l 596 179 l 600 160 q 561 93 586 124 q 503 40 536 63 q 430 4 469 17 q 346 -8 390 -8 m 349 15 q 472 46 417 15 q 561 130 528 76 q 596 251 594 183 l 596 308 q 549 411 585 365 q 462 485 514 457 q 349 513 410 513 q 224 482 281 513 q 135 395 168 451 q 103 264 103 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596 308 q 549 411 585 365 q 462 485 514 457 q 349 513 410 513 q 224 482 281 513 q 135 395 168 451 q 103 264 103 339 q 136 138 103 194 q 225 49 169 82 q 349 15 281 15 m 219 707 l 540 707 l 540 683 l 219 683 l 219 707 z "},"ą":{"ha":754,"x_min":76,"x_max":676,"o":"m 346 -8 q 210 28 271 -8 q 113 125 149 64 q 76 263 76 186 q 113 411 76 350 q 211 504 150 472 q 346 536 272 536 q 452 515 403 536 q 539 456 501 493 q 596 369 576 418 l 601 525 l 624 525 l 624 1 q 531 -73 564 -33 q 497 -153 497 -112 q 520 -214 497 -192 q 572 -236 543 -236 q 622 -218 600 -236 q 658 -174 643 -200 l 676 -186 q 633 -239 661 -217 q 571 -261 606 -261 q 500 -232 531 -261 q 469 -154 469 -203 q 509 -58 469 -103 q 600 14 549 -14 l 604 1 l 596 0 l 596 175 l 597 160 q 540 74 578 111 q 453 14 503 36 q 346 -8 404 -8 m 349 15 q 472 46 417 15 q 562 130 528 76 q 596 251 596 183 l 596 308 q 549 411 585 365 q 462 485 514 457 q 349 513 410 513 q 225 482 281 513 q 136 395 169 451 q 103 264 103 339 q 136 138 103 194 q 225 49 169 82 q 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528 920 542 901 q 483 939 514 939 q 440 927 457 939 q 401 886 424 915 l 386 897 q 431 946 407 931 q 485 961 454 961 q 523 953 506 961 q 552 926 540 944 q 564 875 564 907 q 539 813 564 838 q 479 760 514 788 l 465 774 z "},"ễ":{"ha":649,"x_min":75,"x_max":588,"o":"m 349 -8 q 210 28 272 -8 q 112 126 149 64 q 75 264 75 188 q 112 401 75 339 q 210 501 149 464 q 349 538 272 538 q 497 487 436 538 q 588 360 557 436 l 111 167 l 103 190 l 564 376 l 557 363 q 474 468 528 424 q 347 513 421 513 q 224 479 279 513 q 135 389 168 446 q 103 264 103 332 q 133 143 103 200 q 219 51 164 86 q 349 15 274 15 q 441 33 397 15 q 518 82 485 51 l 536 63 q 451 11 499 31 q 349 -8 403 -8 m 481 624 l 315 814 l 333 815 l 167 624 l 138 624 l 322 835 l 324 835 l 510 624 l 481 624 m 419 860 q 358 880 382 860 q 314 924 333 900 q 275 963 294 944 q 228 981 256 981 q 193 969 211 981 q 161 931 175 958 q 144 850 147 903 l 122 853 q 140 940 124 907 q 178 990 156 974 q 226 1006 201 1006 q 289 985 265 1006 q 332 940 313 964 q 371 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264 q 135 138 103 194 q 224 49 168 82 q 349 15 281 15 q 472 49 417 15 q 561 138 528 82 q 594 264 594 194 q 561 388 594 332 q 472 478 528 444 q 349 513 417 513 q 222 476 278 513 q 135 383 167 440 q 103 264 103 326 m 432 524 q 538 553 503 524 q 574 669 572 583 l 599 669 q 576 559 597 594 q 518 513 556 524 q 432 501 481 501 l 432 524 m 318 -139 q 328 -117 318 -126 q 350 -108 338 -108 q 372 -117 363 -108 q 381 -139 381 -126 q 372 -162 381 -153 q 350 -171 363 -171 q 328 -161 338 -171 q 318 -139 318 -151 z "},"ờ":{"ha":699,"x_min":75,"x_max":624,"o":"m 75 264 q 112 401 75 339 q 210 501 149 464 q 349 538 272 538 q 488 501 425 538 q 587 401 550 464 q 624 264 624 339 q 587 126 624 188 q 488 28 550 64 q 349 -8 425 -8 q 210 27 272 -8 q 112 124 149 63 q 75 264 75 185 m 103 264 q 135 138 103 194 q 224 49 168 82 q 349 15 281 15 q 472 49 417 15 q 561 138 528 82 q 594 264 594 194 q 561 388 594 332 q 472 478 528 444 q 349 513 417 513 q 222 476 278 513 q 135 383 167 440 q 103 264 103 326 m 432 524 q 538 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q 188 497 215 507 q 142 463 161 486 q 122 401 122 439 q 139 347 122 368 q 183 312 156 325 q 240 288 210 299 q 315 258 278 274 q 377 216 353 243 q 401 142 401 189 q 383 62 401 96 q 328 8 364 28 q 238 -11 292 -11 m 176 -256 l 163 -243 q 217 -169 201 -215 q 225 -64 232 -124 l 256 -64 q 254 -137 258 -100 q 231 -205 250 -174 q 176 -256 213 -236 z "},"ß":{"ha":781,"x_min":69,"x_max":704,"o":"m 160 594 q 188 767 160 696 q 271 875 217 838 q 403 915 325 913 q 524 885 476 914 q 594 813 571 857 q 618 722 618 769 q 583 608 618 654 q 492 540 549 563 q 601 488 553 526 q 676 393 649 449 q 704 271 704 338 q 666 128 704 192 q 563 26 628 64 q 421 -11 499 -11 q 342 0 379 -11 q 272 31 304 11 l 285 51 q 347 22 313 32 q 417 13 381 13 q 548 48 489 13 q 642 142 607 83 q 678 272 678 201 q 644 399 678 342 q 554 492 611 457 q 425 526 497 526 l 419 526 l 419 553 q 540 597 490 553 q 590 714 590 640 q 570 799 590 758 q 509 864 550 839 q 406 889 468 889 q 242 809 297 889 q 186 597 186 729 l 186 0 l 160 0 l 160 511 l 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244 720 235 729 q 253 699 253 711 q 244 677 253 686 q 222 668 235 668 q 201 677 210 668 q 192 699 192 686 l 192 699 m 422 699 q 431 720 422 711 q 454 729 440 729 q 475 720 465 729 q 485 699 485 711 q 475 677 485 686 q 454 668 465 668 q 431 677 440 668 q 422 699 422 686 l 422 699 z "},"ụ":{"ha":676,"x_min":131,"x_max":546,"o":"m 293 -11 q 176 33 219 -11 q 131 146 133 76 l 131 525 l 158 525 l 158 150 q 195 55 160 93 q 299 14 231 17 q 405 41 354 14 q 487 115 456 68 q 518 222 518 163 l 518 525 l 546 525 l 546 0 l 522 0 l 519 161 l 524 149 q 476 68 511 104 q 393 10 442 32 q 293 -11 344 -11 m 307 -139 q 317 -117 307 -126 q 339 -108 326 -108 q 360 -117 351 -108 q 369 -139 369 -126 q 360 -162 369 -153 q 339 -171 351 -171 q 317 -161 326 -171 q 307 -139 307 -151 z "},"ù":{"ha":676,"x_min":131,"x_max":546,"o":"m 293 -11 q 176 33 219 -11 q 131 146 133 76 l 131 525 l 158 525 l 158 150 q 195 55 160 93 q 299 14 231 17 q 405 41 354 14 q 487 115 456 68 q 518 222 518 163 l 518 525 l 546 525 l 546 0 l 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293 -11 344 -11 m 526 524 q 632 553 597 524 q 668 669 667 583 l 693 669 q 671 559 692 594 q 613 513 650 524 q 526 501 575 501 l 526 524 m 338 613 q 392 661 369 639 q 414 713 414 683 q 400 759 414 740 q 356 778 386 778 q 313 766 329 778 q 274 725 296 754 l 258 736 q 303 785 279 769 q 357 800 326 800 q 395 792 378 800 q 424 765 413 783 q 436 714 436 746 q 411 651 436 676 q 351 599 386 626 l 338 613 z "},"ữ":{"ha":682,"x_min":131,"x_max":693,"o":"m 293 -11 q 176 33 219 -11 q 131 146 133 76 l 131 525 l 158 525 l 158 150 q 195 55 160 93 q 299 14 231 17 q 405 41 354 14 q 487 115 456 68 q 518 222 518 163 l 518 525 l 546 525 l 546 0 l 522 0 l 519 161 l 524 149 q 476 68 511 104 q 393 10 442 32 q 293 -11 344 -11 m 526 524 q 632 553 597 524 q 668 669 667 583 l 693 669 q 671 559 692 594 q 613 513 650 524 q 526 501 575 501 l 526 524 m 436 624 q 374 644 399 624 q 331 688 350 664 q 292 726 311 708 q 244 744 272 744 q 210 733 228 744 q 178 694 192 722 q 161 614 164 667 l 139 617 q 156 704 140 671 q 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149 q 476 68 511 104 q 393 10 442 32 q 293 -11 344 -11 m 436 624 q 374 644 399 624 q 331 688 350 664 q 292 726 311 708 q 244 744 272 744 q 210 733 228 744 q 178 694 192 722 q 161 614 164 667 l 139 617 q 156 704 140 671 q 195 753 172 738 q 243 769 218 769 q 306 749 282 769 q 349 704 329 728 q 388 665 367 682 q 438 649 408 649 q 488 674 465 649 q 515 778 511 700 l 538 776 q 522 688 536 722 q 486 639 508 654 q 436 624 464 624 z "},"v":{"ha":599,"x_min":47,"x_max":551,"o":"m 296 -24 l 47 525 l 78 525 l 308 8 l 292 8 l 522 525 l 551 525 l 304 -24 l 296 -24 z "},"w":{"ha":915,"x_min":47,"x_max":868,"o":"m 399 525 l 625 15 l 617 15 l 840 525 l 868 525 l 619 -32 l 451 350 l 296 -32 l 47 525 l 75 525 l 304 13 l 293 18 l 438 376 l 371 525 l 399 525 z "},"ẃ":{"ha":915,"x_min":47,"x_max":868,"o":"m 399 525 l 625 15 l 617 15 l 840 525 l 868 525 l 619 -32 l 451 350 l 296 -32 l 47 525 l 75 525 l 304 13 l 293 18 l 438 376 l 371 525 l 399 525 m 561 825 l 433 640 l 407 640 l 531 825 l 561 825 z 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+ return
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+ return (
+ {char}
+ );
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+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
+ return chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length));
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