I will be building array functions that will make working with arrays allot easier. One of my main concern is efficiancy and spesision (Being specific and percise with my methods and objects).
I will be writting this in PHP using OOP structure.
$array = new arrayFnc();
//Search and return matched array based off $key=>$value
public function search($array,$key,$val)
//(string) Array key we will be working with
$this->key = $key;
//Key value that we need.
$this->val = $val;
//Check if the passed in array is in fact an array
//if it is check if the specefied key matches the value
if($array[$this->key] == $this->val)
//if so this result is the passed in array
$this->result = $array;
//other wise map the array to check each subarray for a match
array_map(array($this, "matchCheck"), $array);
//If the result is empty pass in false.
$this->result = (empty($this->result)) ? false : $this->result;
//Quick function to check matching current $key=>$val scope.
public function matchCheck($for)
//If a match is found
if($for[$this->key] == $this->val)
//push it to this result
//look for an array within an array
public function exist($array, $in, $return = false)
$found = false;
//Foreach checking array existing in the $in param
foreach($in as $check)
//create a matched array to hold all matches
$matched = array();
//create a didnt match array to hold all missmatches
$didntMatch = array();
//foreach array passed in
foreach($array as $key=>$val)
//determind if the key of this array is the same val as the key in the array we are checking against
$found = ($check[$key] == $val);
//if the check was valid then we found a match
//if so push it to the matched array
array_push($matched, $key);
//if we have same number of matches as check keys
if(count($matched) == count($check))
//$found based on $return will either be checked array or remain result of the condetional at line 74
$found = ($return) ? $check : $found;
//else we did not find anything
$found = false;
//if a match was found
//break loop and return what we asked for
return $found;
##Search Array
$found = what returned from array search;
$against = array you will search agaisnt;
$key = which array key should we target;
$val = what the value of the key should be;
$found = $array->search($against,$key,$val);
##Existing array
$array = The list we will look for inside larger container of similar arrays;
$container = A larger list of arrays similar to $array variable;
$return = (true) ? returns matched array : returns bool();
$exist = $this->array->exist($array,$container,$return);