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File metadata and controls

105 lines (77 loc) · 5.1 KB


Please look at for the newest version of the converter. It knows work directly in PsiStudio!!

RosBag to PsiStore Converter

Licensed under the MIT license.

This project builds a tool that converts Ros Bag (version 2.0 only) to Platform for Situated Intelligence Store (a.k.a. PsiStore). Works on Linux, Mac and Window machines.

Some properties of the tool:

  • Does not need to prespecify message type or definitions. Does not rely on any external Ros message definitions OR the Psi Ros Stack. The tool will figure out the fields and types from the message definitions encoded in the RosBag.
  • Convert some common standard Ros messages into Psi formats (example: Sensor_msgs/Image -> Image). A list of custom converters is specified in MessageSerializers.
  • For standard messages not implemented or custom constructed ros messages, the tool deconstructs them into their ros message built-in types through recursion.
  • For Stamped messages specified in MessageSerializers with their own converters, use option h to use header stamp time instead of message publish time as originating time of message in Psi Stream.
  • To restamp the time to the pipeline start time, use the option -r. In this mode, the messages originating time will change to the start of the pipeline with the same original offsets between messages recorded in the Rosbag. Note due to implementation issues, the start time might be earlier than the actual start time

Installation & Build

The tool depends on the Platform for Situated Intelligence which is installed upon first build. Open RosBagConverter.sln and Build Solution.


To use the tool, open the commandline tool and navigate to where the executable is. Our goal is to eventually provide the same functionalities as those in rosbag tools.

Here are list of test RosBags:

If you want to build your own test data, try running through the Recording and playing back data tutorial, then RosBagConverter.exe convert -f <my_path>\turtle.bag -o <my_path> -n Turtle


RosBagConverter.exe info This list out the topics in the given RosBag.

  -f, --file    Required. Path to first Rosbag


RosBagConverter.exe info -f C:\Data\psi_test.bag

Ros Bag to PsiStore Converter
Info for Bags
Earliest Message Time:11/12/2019 10:28:14 PM
Latest Message Time:11/12/2019 10:28:15 PM
Name                                              Type                          Counts
/cameras/head_camera/camera_info                  sensor_msgs/CameraInfo        1570
/cameras/right_hand_camera/camera_info            sensor_msgs/CameraInfo        1630
/robot/joint_names                                MotorControlMsgs/StringArray  1521
/tf_static                                        tf2_msgs/TFMessage            3667
/robot/accelerometer/left_accelerometer/state     sensor_msgs/Imu               1221
/robot/accelerometer/right_accelerometer/state    sensor_msgs/Imu               944
/robot/joint_states                               sensor_msgs/JointState        775
/tf                                               tf2_msgs/TFMessage            1845
/kinect2/hd/camera_info                           sensor_msgs/CameraInfo        174
/cameras/right_hand_camera/image                  sensor_msgs/Image             191
/kinect2/hd/image_color/compressed                sensor_msgs/CompressedImage   26
/cameras/head_camera/image                        sensor_msgs/Image             22
/kinect2/hd/image_depth_rect/compressed           sensor_msgs/CompressedImage   16
/kinect2/hd/points                                sensor_msgs/PointCloud2       14


RosBagConverter.exe convert Converts the rosbag to a PsiStore. You can specified which topic to be converted

  -f, --file       Required. Path to first Rosbag

  -o, --output     Required. Path to where to store PsiStore

  -n, --name       Required. Name of the PsiStore

  -h               Use header time

  -r, --restamp    Re-stamp Starting Time to be relative to the beginning of this application

  -t, --topics     List of topics to be converted to PsiStore

  -x, --exclude	   List of topics to be excluded when converting to PsiStore

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.


RosBagConverter.exe convert -f C:\Data\psi_example1.bag -o C:\Data -n t1 -t \rosout
RosBagConverter.exe convert -f C:\Data\psi_example1.bag C:\Data\psi_example2.bag -o C:\Data -n t2 --topics /text /rosout
RosBagConverter.exe convert -f C:\Data -o C:\Data -n t3 --topics /text /rosout