try and uses Qt5 for the build test
The source files and project clone from
as you want to build your own, go and get a copy;
look at the page bottom carefully,
or local copy here
goto Qt website, donwload open source verison for compiling
the online installer named as somehting like this when download is completed, qt-unified-windows-x86-3.0.2-online.exe
run installer, select & install [ Qt Creator 4.5.2 ], install [ mingw530_32 ] as well, for Win10 OS, perhaps 2 to 3 hours for the installation.
2021-10-05, forgot login is required for download/update, wyahoomail at a1!
compiling, error & note :
warning message should be with escape charecter or something, edit the file myapp.rc
change from: (one slashes only)
IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE "Icons\exe_icon.ico"
change to: (used to be 2 slashes)
IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE "Icons\\exe_icon.ico"
try and edit mainindow.ui as well, add something to the ui and see if it works.
The result, yes, compile done and run, file size is about 622KB, my result,
C:\your path\serialportplotter\build-SerialPortPlotter-Desktop_Qt_5_10_1_MinGW_32bit-Release\SerialPortPlotter.exe
build & release, goto C:\Qt\5.10.1\mingw53_32\bin, copy those following dll to project folder with SerialPortPlotter.exe together, this batch file will be easy the job other than manually everytime.
here is the result, we saw xiaolaba as dummy item in menu area, a sign for our test run, ok, that is all.
issue for Qt and computer screen size
14" screen is too much over crowded, no easy and always mis-adjusted.
23" screen is overall much better.
Try to add something useful, perhaps a text output area for serial data or hex dump.
how to do that:
edit the ui, mainwindow.ui, include a new object, plainTextEdit
edit ui-code, mainwindow.cpp, add code for plainTextEdit manipulation, mostly, like VBA programming
the ui code here,
//xiaolaba 2018-MAR-24, try & add something and show text
ui->plainTextEdit->clear(); // unless you know the editor is empty
ui->plainTextEdit->setPlainText("hello xiaolaba");
QString mytext = "appendPlainText, date 2018-MAR-24";
//xiaolaba 2018-MAR-24, try & add something and show text
PC host software should be ready, try & dump some data from serial port, uses Uno and dummy data set, 3 lines plot,
it works and done,
Arduino source code,
hex file1,
hex file2,