This is a Github repository for reading notes for MICCAI2022 papers.
For each paper, we mainly record its title, task, dataset name, dataset availability, and dataset links.
The paper notes shall be written in Chinese
MICCAI年份+卷数+第几页 | 统计人 | 论文题目 | 任务描述 | 数据集名字 | 数据集链接 | 任务具体描述 |
MICCAI22,Part I, Page 1 | Youcheng Li | Title | Task Description | Dataset Name | Dataset Link | Task Detailed Description |
The author of the paper notes:
Part | Description | Name |
I | Brain Development and Atlases, DWI and Tractography, Functional Brain Networks, Neuroimaging, Heart and Lung Imaging, and Dermatology | Lei Meng |
II | Computational (Integrative) Pathology, Computational Anatomy and Physiology, Ophthalmology, and Fetal Imaging | Lei Meng |
III | Breast Imaging, Colonoscopy, and Computer Aided Diagnosis | Youcheng Li |
IV | Microscopic Image Analysis, Positron Emission Tomography, Ultrasound Imaging, Video Data Analysis, and Image Segmentation I | Youcheng Li |
V | Image Segmentation II and Integration of Imaging with Non-imaging Biomarkers | Youcheng Li |
VI | Image Registration and Image Reconstruction | Youcheng Li |
VII | Image-Guided Interventions and Surgery, Outcome and Disease Prediction, Surgical Data Science, Surgical Planning and Simulation, and Machine Learning – Domain Adaptation and Generalization | Youcheng Li |
VIII | Machine Learning – Weakly-supervised Learning, Machine Learning – Model Interpretation, Machine Learning – Uncertainty, and Machine Learning Theory and Methodologies | Youcheng Li |