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Releases: xsduan/conniebot

Production fixes

24 Jan 07:06
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  • minor quibbles with regex and find & replace
  • adjust messages and stuff

Working release

22 Jan 00:58
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minor bug fixes and some help info

Bug fixes

08 Jan 06:31
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Subtle issues like double responses and inverse responses have been fixed (where appropriate of course)

almost there yey

Z-SAMPA added & conversion plugin style for x2i

08 Jan 00:01
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Also made everything comply with standard js

if you want to add a conversion, add your key (provided it doesn't conflict with p, x, or z) and add a link to the json file and what the output should look like, following the format already given in x2i.

the json file format is an array of find & replace pairs, which is executed in order. the keys should be longest to shortest in length for full accuracy.

APIE added

07 Jan 19:11
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added APIE and made output and logging somewhat prettier.

still not as pretty as u tho

Improve IPA representation

06 Jan 20:50
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make combining diacritics actually combining etc, also now you can turn off those pesky embeds

Internal fixes and subtle improvements

06 Jan 09:39
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stuff like tie bars automatically and having a better logging system

I mean it's usable

05 Jan 03:38
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not too exciting but then again what is