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Simple Metronome

This is a tiny metronome app, meant to exercise augmented-audio libraries a bit.

You can read about it on:

And you can download it from the app store on Simple Metronome.


Simple Metronome requires codegen of rust, C headers and dart code to work. To build it, run:

flutter build

If on a M1 mac, you will need x86 homebrew and LLVM installed, since flutter tooling will only run via rosetta. See -

Development builds

The dev-loop is as follows:

  • If making changes to the dart/flutter side
    • Open the metronome folder in VSCode or Idea with the flutter extension
    • Run flutter run or use the IDE to start the app in debug mode
    • Run dart codegen whenever ORM or MobX models change
      • To run once flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
      • To watch for changes flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
    • Commit the generated files, they are suffixed with *.g.dart
  • If making changes to the Rust side
    • Run make whenever the rust code changes
    • Build/run flutter app as normal


  • Run flutter test to run dart tests
  • Run cargo test to run rust tests, they likely exist in external crates instead of this one



Flutter is used for the UI, with MobX for state management and Floor for persistence.

Flutter is a high-level framework for building cross-platform apps using Dart. Apps are built using a declarative UI pattern and implement a flexbox style layout system. Internally, the framework will use a custom skia renderer to draw the UI. To interface with platform APIs a message passing approach is used. Flutter code will use a single message passing API to interface with multiple platform-specific plug-ins.

The flutter code runs on a single UI thread.

We don't require any significant plug-ins that weren't available for install from the registry.

MobX is used for state-management. It's based on reactive objects, observers and computed properties.

Rust is used for audio-thread code. An audio-thread is started when the app boots and a shared pointer to atomic state is used to communicate between the flutter UI and the audio-thread. When data to be queried / mutated is small we use atomics. When data is larger we use one of two other strategies: message-queues or immutable data atomic pointer swaps.

Project structure

  • lib - Flutter app
    • lib/bridge_generated.dart - Generated dart code using rust_flutter_bridge to call Rust code, calls into the native C API using FFI
    • src/ - Generated rust code using rust_flutter_bridge, exposes a C API for dart to call
    • src/ - High-level API exposing bindings from rust
  • src - Rust audio-processing
    • src/api/*.rs - Expose state management and audio wrapper for dart to call into
    • audio-processor-traits - Library for declaring audio processors
    • audio-processor-metronome - Library for metronome code
    • audio-garbage-collector - Reference counting GC strategy for real-time audio
    • audio-processor-standalone - Wrapper for audio processors using cpal to support cross-platform audio, as well as supporting offline rendering and plug-ins

Flutter architecture

  • lib/ui - Views
  • lib/modules/* - Business logic
    • DB handling
    • State management and synchronization with rust back-end

State management is done using dart mobx. SQL is handled using sqflite and the floor ORM.

Both mobx, floor and the rust to dart require code-gen processes to be ran.

Building for android

  • Make sure Android SDK/Android Studio is set-up
  • Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable to point to the Android SDK and NDK_HOME to point to the NDK
  • Install cargo-ndk using cargo install cargo-ndk
  • Make sure the ANDROID_NDK gradle property is set on ~/.gradle/


This subdirectory is licensed under AGPLv3 for now.