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Day 13: Refactor your code with the Mikado method.

Let's see how we can build our Mikado graph, then how we'll execute it.

First sub-goal

To achieve the main goal "Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers", we can start with a first sub-goal: "Prepare the code for an easy addition of the the X for Y discount family"

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family

To achieve this, we need to create an X for Y discount computation method

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method

Scratch Refactoring

To create this method, we can use the scratch refactoring technique, where we can quickly write some code to explore a design, then discard it at the end.

In our case, we can do some scratching to build the Three for two discount computation method, which in turn will help us build a generic X for Y discount method and discover its parameters, then discard the code at the end.

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch

Here's how we fill the parameters and the contents of the X for Y discount type computation method.

The idea is to start by moving the discount code of Three for two in a single if, inside method handleOffers.

To achieve this, we can do the following:

  • Create a high level if(offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.THREE_FOR_TWO)/else at the start of the method
  • Cut the existing code and paste it inside both the if and else blocks
  • Clean-up each branch code leveraging on our IDE recommendations
  • Separate the computation part from the addition of the discount to the receipt

Once done, we can extract the discount computation of Three for two type in a method, the extracted method will look like this:

private Discount computeThreeForTwoDiscount(Product p, double quantity, double unitPrice, int quantityAsInt, Discount discount) {
    int x = 3;
    int numberOfXs = quantityAsInt / x;
    if (quantityAsInt > 2) {
      double discountAmount = quantity * unitPrice - ((numberOfXs * 2 * unitPrice) + quantityAsInt % 3 * unitPrice);
      discount = new Discount(p, "3 for 2", -discountAmount);
    return discount;

We can remove useless parameters (such as the Discount and the double quantity) and simplify the method which becomes:

 private Discount computeThreeForTwoDiscount(Product p, int quantity, double unitPrice) {
    int y = 2;
    if (quantity <= 2) {
        return null;
    int x = 3;
    int numberOfXs = quantity / x;
    double discountAmount = unitPrice * (quantity - numberOfXs * y + quantity % x);
    return new Discount(p, x+ " for " + y, -discountAmount);

Then we write down this method somewhere, and we discard all what we did.

Add unit tests for the X for Y discount computation method

We can unit test the newly created X for Y discount computation method.

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method

It's time to tackle the second sub-goal:

New sub-goal : Implement the Two for one discount computation

We add the new sub-goal to the Mikado graph:

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation

To achieve this, we need to first add a test case testing the Two for one discount computation method:

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case

Then we can add an if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) {} in the santamarket.model.ShoppingSleigh.handleOffers() method, which we fill with an implementation based on the generic X for Y computation method.

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers.
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case
      • In handleOffers, add if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) { computeXForYDiscount(2,1, ...) } else { existing implementation }

Third sub-goal

Last, we can achieve the third goal, which is to refactor the existing Three for two discount computation code and replace it with the generic X for Y implementation.

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers.
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case
      • In handleOffers, add if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) { computeXForYDiscount(2,1, ...) } else { existing implementation }
    • 👍Refactor the existing code to use the X for Y discount computation method with the Three for two discount

Mikado graph execution

It's time to execute the Mikado graph that we've just built, starting from the leaves of the graph.
We start by creating the X for Y discount computation method, based on the Three for two scratch.
We can parametrize it with an "XForYOffer" record parameter:

public record XForYOffer(int x, int y) {

Discount computeXForYDiscount(XForYOffer offer, Product p, int quantity, double unitPrice) {
  if (quantity <= offer.y())
    return null;
  int numberOfXs = quantity / offer.x();
  double discountAmount = unitPrice * (quantity - numberOfXs * offer.y() + quantity % offer.x());
  return new Discount(p, offer.x() + " for " + offer.y(), -discountAmount);

In the Mikado graph, we add an [x] for each step we've already completed:

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers.
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case
      • In handleOffers, add if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) { computeXForYDiscount(2,1, ...) } else { existing implementation }
    • 👍Refactor the existing code to use the X for Y discount computation method with the Three for two discount

We can move now to adding some unit tests to test the newly created method:

When testing, we discovered a bug in these tests : "threeForOneOfferWithFourTeddyBears" and "threeForOneOfferWithEightTeddyBears".
However, since we are refactoring, we want to keep the behavior as is, even if it is bugged.
So we disable these failing tests and we add a "Parking-lot" item to the Mikado graph to take care of the bug fixing after we finish the refactoring.

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers.
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case
  • In handleOffers, add if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) { computeXForYDiscount(2,1, ...) } else { existing implementation }
    • 👍Refactor the existing code to use the X for Y discount computation method with the Three for two discount
  • Parking-Lot:
    • Fix the bug in X for Y discount computation method

It's time now to tackle the second sub-goal "Implement the Two for one discount computation": We start by adding the new TWO_FOR_ONE offer type in

Then we add a new test for this new discount type in

void twoForOne() {
  SantamarketCatalog catalog = new FakeCatalog();

  Product teddyBear = new Product("teddyBear", ProductUnit.EACH);
  double teddyBearPrice = 1;
  catalog.addProduct(teddyBear, teddyBearPrice);

  ChristmasElf christmasElf = new ChristmasElf(catalog);
  christmasElf.addSpecialOffer(SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE, teddyBear, 0.);

  ShoppingSleigh sleigh = new ShoppingSleigh();
  int numberOfTeddyBears = 4;
  sleigh.addItemQuantity(teddyBear, numberOfTeddyBears);

  // ACT
  Receipt receipt = christmasElf.checksOutArticlesFrom(sleigh);

  double expectedNonDiscountedPrice = numberOfTeddyBears*teddyBearPrice;
  double expectedTotalPrice = 2*teddyBearPrice;
  ReceiptItem expectedReceiptItem = new ReceiptItem(teddyBear, numberOfTeddyBears, teddyBearPrice, expectedNonDiscountedPrice);
  Discount expectedDiscount = new Discount(teddyBear, "2 for 1", expectedTotalPrice-expectedNonDiscountedPrice);
  ReceiptMatcher matcher = matches(expectedTotalPrice, List.of(expectedReceiptItem), List.of(expectedDiscount));
  assertThat(receipt, matcher);

Last, we implement the relevant code in handleOffers method:

if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE){
  discount=computeXForYDiscount(new XForYOffer(2,1),p,(int)quantity,catalog.getUnitPrice(p));

Our Mikado graph looks like this now:

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers.
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case
      • In handleOffers, add if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) { computeXForYDiscount(2,1, ...) } else { existing implementation }
    • 👍Refactor the existing code to use the X for Y discount computation method with the Three for two discount
  • Parking-Lot:
    • Fix the bug in X for Y discount computation method

It's time now to tackle the third sub-goal "Refactor the existing code to use the X for Y discount computation method with the Three for two discount": This is quite easy, we start by adding this if in handleOffers method:

else if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.THREE_FOR_TWO) {
discount = computeXForYDiscount(new XForYOffer(3, 2), p, (int) quantity, catalog.getUnitPrice(p));

Then we can rely on the IDE to clean the useless remaining code. Our Mikado graph looks like this now:

  • 👍Deploy a generic method to compute the X for Y discount offers, covering Three for two and Two for one offers.
    • 👍Prepare the code for an easy addition of the X for Y discount type family
      • Create an X for Y discount computation method
        • Add an implementation based on the Three for two scratch
        • Unit test the method
    • 👍Implement the Two for one discount computation
      • Add test case
      • In handleOffers, add if (offer.offerType == SpecialOfferType.TWO_FOR_ONE) { computeXForYDiscount(2,1, ...) } else { existing implementation }
    • 👍Refactor the existing code to use the X for Y discount computation method with the Three for two discount
  • Parking-Lot:
    • Fix the bug in X for Y discount computation method

Fix the bug in X for Y discount computation method

This can be done now since we are done with the main goal. We change the computeXForYDiscount code to make threeForOneOfferWithFourTeddyBears and threeForOneOfferWithEightTeddyBears tests pass.


  • How did using the Mikado method impact your understanding of the code structure?
  • In what ways did the scratch refactoring approach help your discovery of parameters and structures for the generic discount method?
  • What similar areas of complex logic in your own codebase could benefit from a Mikado approach to refactoring?