The cleary defined website
A good way to learn more about an app service is to look at the configuration (if you are looking at the app service in Azure portal, it's under the "Settings" heading in the left hand menu). These are exposed as environmental variables for access by the application at runtime.
For the clearlydefined-dev App Service, these environmental variables include:
As you can see, most of them are related to the container image and registry.
Legacy env var. Was used when Azure devops was deploying the service, to react to a container registry webhook. Now GitHub actions explicity deploys the service
When this is set to "true", anytime a new new version of the Docker image is pushed to the registry, the app service will automatically re-deploy.
When this setting is enabled, the App Service adds a Container registry webhook to your Azure resource group. In the case of the ClearlyDefined website, this is the webappclearlydefineddev container registry webhook. When a new version of the clearlydefined/website Docker image is pushed to the clearlydefineddev2 Azure Container registry, the webappclearlydefineddev webhook will POST to a /docker/hook on the clearlydefined-dev App Service, which will trigger a re-deploy of the service.
More information about enabling Docker CI in an Azure App Service