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980 lines (654 loc) · 50.8 KB

File metadata and controls

980 lines (654 loc) · 50.8 KB

This short lecture note is used as a material for the "legacy session" which uses IRAF. For basic concepts and ideas (e.g., reason for flat division, etc), please refer to the other lecture note sections.

This time, you will learn very basic tasks of IRAF. This includes

  • Print information of images (IMSTAT, CCDLIST, IMHEADER,HSELECT)
  • Arithmetics on images: copying an image and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing an image with others (IMCOPY,IMARITH)
  • Combining: make master bias, dark, and flat (IMCOMBINE)
  • Preprocessing


  • Primitive photometry (IMEXAM, DAOEDIT)
  • Aperture photometry (PHOT)

I will explain the usage of IRAF/PyRAF in conda environment, so it may slightly differ from normal IRAF, but basically the same.


Data files

There are two sets of data: for photometry (P/2006 HR30 data from SMOKA) and spectroscopy (Vega data from SNU AO2 class of 2016). The contents are

HR30 (Used until section 9):

KCD095628.fits  KCD095629.fits  KCD095630.fits  KCD095631.fits

KCD095601.fits  KCD095603.fits  KCD095605.fits  KCD095607.fits  KCD095609.fits  KCD095626.fits
KCD095602.fits  KCD095604.fits  KCD095606.fits  KCD095608.fits  KCD095610.fits  KCD095627.fits

KCD095734.fits  KCD095736.fits  KCD095738.fits  KCD095740.fits  KCD095742.fits
KCD095735.fits  KCD095737.fits  KCD095739.fits  KCD095741.fits  KCD095743.fits

Vega (Used from section 10):


bias-1.fits  bias-2.fits  bias-3.fits

dark-001_7.fits  dark-002_7.fits

flat_30-001.fits  flat_30-002.fits  flat_30-003.fits

ne_30.fits  ne_60.fits

Because of the size of images, I did not include them in this GitHub repo. If you want, please contact me via ([email protected])! The HR30 data are actully publicly available via SMOKA and the Vega data are obtained in the class.

1. Run PyRAF

You can start IRAF environment (not IRAF itself!) by typing

$ source activate iraf

on the terminal. iraf is the name of conda environment you set when creating the environment, and you may have used iraf27, etc. Then you are now in the IRAF environment run on Python 2.7. At a suitable directory, type

$ mkiraf

and answer the question with xgterm. Typing ls will show you and uparms directory. is the file which saves basic properties: It's a settings file in short. It will be used when you run IRAF in this directory only. You have to run the IRAF in the directory where you have uparms is a directory which will save the changes you make to the default settings of IRAF.

Now, you can run IRAF by typing ​
$ cl

or run PyRAF by typing

$ pyraf

I recommend to use PyRAF, since AstroConda does not fully guarantee the stability of IRAF CL. The IMEXAM, for example, does not correctly work if you use cl. You will see the following on terminal with the prompt "-->":


  • NOTE:

    1. Change all the names to “.fits”, NOT “.fit”

    2. All the images should have header BZERO and BSCALE. If they don't, type the following on the cl terminal:

      --> noao
      --> imred
      --> ccdred
      --> ccdhedit *.fits BZERO 32768
      --> ccdhedit *.fits BSCALE 1

      This might be necessary for images obtained from some personal ccds. The real pixel value should be real_value = pixel * BSCALE + BZERO. People sacrificed the 15th bit of 16-bit system, and used it as a “sign” bit. Usually, BZERO = 2**15 = 32768, and BSCALE=1.0. If you do not add these header keywords to the image header, you will result in many negative values from bias/dark/flat raw images, which eventually lead you to a wrong result. For more information, please see the astropy documentation.

2. Display Image

PyRAF supports few LINUX commands, such as ls or cd without an exclamation mark (!). But to display image, you must use !ds9 or !ginga. You should also use (!) when delete files using rm.

Since IRAF is extremely comfortable when used with SAO ds9, I will use ds9 throughout this note.


Display the image:

  • TIP: It's better to append the ampersand (&) at the end of ds9. Try without it and see what happens.
  • TIP: Always try to use tab key on your keyboard to "autocomplete"!


In the HR30/ directory, you have four images and bias/ and flat/ directories. The four images are the real images. I first will make master bias and flat.


There are many plotting packages in IRAF too, e.g., IMPLOT, for image display, and SPLOT, for spectrum display:

--> implot vega_7s.fits


Click on the Graphics window, and hit : key, then you will see small box at the bottom of the window. The left image is obtained by typing :a 30 and then :l 700 (average over 30 pixels around line (row) 700), and the right image is obtained by :a 30 and then :c 500. On the images, there will be a small T-shaped tick on the right y-axis (red arrows). This indicates which line/column you are looking at.

3. Bias Combine

First, make the list of bias files. Go to the bias directory by "--> cd bias" and type

--> ls *.fits > bias.list

This will make a file bias.list containing the list of all files that are bias.

  • QUESTION: Try what happens when you do ls bias* > bias.list (delete .fits). Open the bias.listfile, and you will find something happened. Why?


--> epar imcombine

epar means "edit parameters. The task IMCOMBINE will do task of combining images using many options.

We will combine all 12 images in the bias/ directory, and make one output named bias.fits using so-called median combine, while all other options left as default:


In IRAF commands, @filename means "open the file named filename, and put the contents here". Since bias.list contains the list of file names of bias images,

@bias.list == KCD095601.fits, KCD095602.fits, ....... , KCD095627.fits

See how efficient it is?

Clicking Execute, you will see that a new file appeared. Check it by

--> !ds9 -zscale bias.fits &

In this tutorial, we will neglect the dark, because it is extremely small compared to that of bias and almost constant over the image in modern CCDs. So regard this master bias as "bias+dark". If you have dark frames and want to make master dark frame, you can just do the same procedure for the dark frame images with identical exposure times (e.g., make dark10s.list, dark100s.list, etc).

4. Flat Combine

To make master flat, you have to subtract master bias from combined flat image. All are identical as that of bias, but subtract master bias from the final combined flat.

--> cd ../flat/
--> ls *.fits > flat.list
--> epar imcombine

I want to make the combined image as flat0.fits first. Then save the result of subtracting bias, i.e., "flat0 - bias", as flat.fits. Do the median combine first:


Now copy the master bias to here and subtract it from the combined flat:

--> cp ../bias/bias.fits .
--> imarith flat0.fits - bias.fits flat.fits
--> !ds9 -zscale flat.fits &

It's very intuitive: "IMARITH image1 operator image2 output" means do the operation (operator can be +, -, *, /) to images (image1, image2) and save the result as "output". IMARITH of course means image arithmetics. You can open the full options window as you did for IMCOMBINE by typing

--> epar imarith

5. Preprocessing

IMUTIL Package

Preprocessing is simply "(raw image - master bias)/(master flat)".

--> cd ..
--> cp bias/bias.fits .
--> cp flat/flat.fits .
--> ls
bias  bias.fits  flat  flat.fits  KCD095628.fits  KCD095629.fits  KCD095630.fits  KCD095631.fits

Conceptually what we have to do is first

--> imarith object_image - bias.fits output1

and then do

--> imarith output1 / flat.fits output2

Because we have 4 images, which is few, you can do this for each of image. However, there is cleverer way to do it.

--> ls KCD*.fits > obj.list
--> cp obj.list output1.list
--> cp obj.list output2.list
--> !perl -pi -e "s/KCD/b_KCD/g" output1.list
--> !perl -pi -e "s/KCD/bf_KCD/g" output2.list
--> imarith @obj.list - bias.fits @output1.list
--> imarith @output1.list / flat.fits @output2.list
--> ls
bf_KCD095628.fits  bias              b_KCD095630.fits  KCD095628.fits  obj.list
bf_KCD095629.fits  bias.fits	     b_KCD095631.fits  KCD095629.fits  output1.list
bf_KCD095630.fits  b_KCD095628.fits  flat              KCD095630.fits  output2.list
bf_KCD095631.fits  b_KCD095629.fits  flat.fits         KCD095631.fits

Here, perl -pi -e command is used for changing all the strings "KCD" to "b_KCD" or "bf_KCD":

perl -pi -e "s/string1/string2/g" filename
             ^ ^       ^          ^

First s means we will change the strings, from "string1" to "string2", within the file filename. I used b for bias corrected, and bf for bias and flat corrected. You can display all the images

--> !ds9 -zscale bf_*.fits -single &
  • TIP: Hit tab key and the next image will be displayed.
  • TIP: When do the flat fielding, I did not normalized it to have average value = 1. See the next section's Question.
  • Question: Hit tab key several times. Can you find something? What do you think it is?

CCDRED package

There are some tasks which are made especially for bias, dark, and flat combine processes. They are called ZEROCOMBINE, DARKCOMBINE, and FLATCOMBINE, which are subtasks of CCDRED. They are all small variants of COMBINE (different from IMCOIMBINE), and run through CCDPROC task.

I usually avoid teaching these because it veils what's happening in IRAF, and thus not very good for educational purpose. But I am showing you how to use these tasks, since it may be necessary for your future work. Manuals are kindly available from STScI: Just google with keywords such as "iraf zerocombine" and you will find the STScI website manuals like this.


For bias (zero) combine, use the following settings:


  • Many students fails to do it because they put something in ccdtype. Let it be blank unless header information is correctly set!
  • Don't bother to much for rdnoise and gain, since they are used only for reject==ccdclip or reject==crreject. See the Zerocombine Manual.


For dark combine, use the following settings:


  • Please let ccdtype blank as before.

  • Don't bother to much for rdnoise and gain, since they are used only for reject==ccdclip or reject==crreject. See the Darkcombine Manual.

  • process means it will do the bias subtraction (zerocor of CCDPROC task). scale means it will scale the dark images to the exposure time, and combine all darks appropriately.

  • The zero-corrected dark may have negative values and the mean is around 0.

If you do DARKCOMBINE, the input dark files may be changed (automatically zero subtracted). If you type --> ccdlist, you can see [Z] to each dark files, which means the zero correction has already been done. This can be avoided by using CCDPROC:

--> epar ccdproc

set: [email protected], (output)=dark.fits, (zerocor)=yes, (zero)=bias.fits. See below:


Or COMBINE or IMCOMBINE to get the median-combined dark, and then subtract bias.fits by IMARITH:

--> combine dark*.fits tmp.fits combine=median --> imarith tmp.fits – Zero.fits Dark.fits

Of course (IM)COMBINE and IMARITH all can be controlled by using epar (epar combine, etc) as before. If you have better ways to do this, please let the TA know T__T


For dark combine, use the following settings:


  • Please let ccdtype blank as before.
  • Don't bother to much for rdnoise and gain, since they are used only for reject==ccdclip or reject==crreject. See the Flatcombine Manual.
  • Now we have to think about subset option. Since flat should be differentiated by filters, slits (spectroscopy), etc, IRAF scans the headers and automatically subdivide the flats into several groups. Sometimes it does not work properly.
  • scale means it will normalize the flat image by its mode, average, etc.

If you use CCDPROC, [email protected], (output)=flat.fits, (zerocor)=yes, (darkcor)=yes (zero)=bias.fits (dark)=dark.fits is required.

6. File Information

You may want to see the brief information, such as statistics or the so-called "header information", of images. You can do this via many ways.

Statistics from IRAF

There is a task named IMSTATISTICS which gives some statistics for each image:

--> imstatistics *.fits
#               IMAGE      NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV       MIN       MAX
       KCD095628.fits   4194304     5590.     2655.     4098.    65354.
       KCD095629.fits   4194304     5599.     2662.     4111.    65349.
       KCD095630.fits   4194304     5582.     2643.     4116.    65361.
       KCD095631.fits   4194304     5574.     2666.     4116.    65358.
     b_KCD095628.fits   4194304     1395.     2307.      -59.    61141.
     b_KCD095629.fits   4194304     1403.     2315.      -46.    61143.
     b_KCD095630.fits   4194304     1386.     2293.     -44.5    61145.
     b_KCD095631.fits   4194304     1378.     2319.      -43.    61141.
    bf_KCD095628.fits   4194304   0.07362    0.1266    -3.118     3.335
    bf_KCD095629.fits   4194304   0.07374    0.1271    -2.826     3.402
    bf_KCD095630.fits   4194304   0.07279    0.1263      -3.6     3.402
    bf_KCD095631.fits   4194304    0.0726    0.1273    -3.118       3.4
            bias.fits   4194304     4196.     1345.     4141.    65275.
            flat.fits   4194304    18973.     1960.       8.5    40058.
  • Question: Why do you think the results bf_*.fits have such low min/max values? Do you have better idea to cope with this issue? This becomes bothersome for IRAF sometimes: see DAOEDIT section below.
  • Question: From file explorer, you can see the sizes of each image. The original KCD*.fits images are about 8.4 MB while the newly generated images are about twice larger. Why do you think this is so?
  • TIP: If you do the flat fielding, etc, by using some tasks for several times, you may see the file size increases. If this happened, you are now not even be able to do basic arithmetics for the images (error message will contain something like FXF~~~). This is because IRAF automatically makes a new "extention" on top of the original file, not overwriting it. You must delete the original file and do the reduction again.

Header from ds9

On ds9, you can click on file -> header to see all the header contents.

Header from IRAF

You can use IMHEADER:

--> imheader *.fits
KCD095628.fits[2048,2048][ushort]: P/2006HR30
KCD095629.fits[2048,2048][ushort]: P/2006HR30
KCD095630.fits[2048,2048][ushort]: P/2006HR30
KCD095631.fits[2048,2048][ushort]: P/2006HR30
b_KCD095628.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
b_KCD095629.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
b_KCD095630.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
b_KCD095631.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
bf_KCD095628.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
bf_KCD095629.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
bf_KCD095630.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
bf_KCD095631.fits[2048,2048][real]: P/2006HR30
bias.fits[2048,2048][real]: bias
flat.fits[2048,2048][real]: flat

The result is slightly different from IRAF, because of the Python nature. If you want to see the full header, you can do:

--> imheader KCD095628.fits lo+

which means "long+". If you want to see only the exposure time, for example, which is EXPTIME in header keyword, you can use "| grep": --> imheader *.fits lo+ | grep 'EXPTIME' EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 120.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 0.0 / [sec] Total integration time EXPTIME = 10.0 / [sec] Total integration time

More flexibility comes with HSELECT which means header select:

--> hselect *.fits "$I, EXPTIME, UT" yes
KCD095628.fits	120.0	11:04:53
KCD095629.fits	120.0	11:09:00
KCD095630.fits	120.0	11:13:15
KCD095631.fits	120.0	11:17:22
b_KCD095628.fits	120.0	11:04:53
b_KCD095629.fits	120.0	11:09:00
b_KCD095630.fits	120.0	11:13:15
b_KCD095631.fits	120.0	11:17:22
bf_KCD095628.fits	120.0	11:04:53
bf_KCD095629.fits	120.0	11:09:00
bf_KCD095630.fits	120.0	11:13:15
bf_KCD095631.fits	120.0	11:17:22
bias.fits	0.0	09:30:25
flat.fits	10.0	19:27:15

You may understand what this task gets and gives. I is for "inputs", and it prints the filenames.


There is another useful tool similar to IMHEADER If you have used ZEROCOMBINE, DARKCOMBINE, and FLATCOMBINE. It will show you which preprocesses have been done for each image. But since we used IMARITH only, this result will be almost identical to that of IMHEADER and no more information will be there. To use CCDLIST, you have to activate some packages:

--> imred
 argus/         ctioslit/       hydra/          kpnocoude/      vtel/
 bias/          dtoi/           iids/           kpnoslit/
 ccdred/        echelle/        irred/          quadred/
 crutil/        generic/        irs/            specred/
--> ccdred
 badpiximage    ccdlist         combine         mkillumcor      setinstrument
 ccdgroups      ccdmask         darkcombine     mkillumflat     zerocombine
 ccdhedit       ccdproc         flatcombine     mkskycor
 ccdinstrument  ccdtest         mkfringecor     mkskyflat
--> ccdlist *.fits

7. Primitive Photometry


For photometry, let's use IMEXAM first. IRAF becomes extremely powerful when you use the interactive mode with the aid of SAO ds9.

--> !ds9 bf_KCD095628.fits &
--> imexam

If you type imexam, your mouse cursor will blink. Put cursor on a star you are interested in, and hit a key. On terminal, you will see the information:

1034.81 1036.09 1034.81 1036.09
   8.36  23.77   3.093 0.06386  0.3435 0.21  -80 4.83     2.34     2.94   2.79

The meaning of the result is explained at STScI manual website (here). The lines starting with # are comment lines, and they correspond to the next lines composed of numbers, which indicate the corresponding parameter. In the above, for example, the sky is estimated to be 0.05386 and the star flux is 3.093, with Moffat-fitted FWHM 2.94.

Hitting r will show you the radial profile of the star from the photocenter. s shows the surface plot. These may be useful if you do the psf photometry in the future using IRAF.

In the interactive mode, you can exit by hitting q key. Hit ? key to see the manual or help on the terminal. You can scroll down with enter key and escape by hitting the q key. The manual here is a short version of the website version.


In DIGIPHOT.DAOPHOT, there are many tasks. Quite many people do use the stand alone version (see here). Since we will not use IRAF intensively throughout this semester, I will just briefly mention the tasks. First type "daophot" and you will see:

--> daophot
 addstar        daotest         nstar           pexamine        psf
 allstar        datapars@       pcalc           pfmerge         psort
 centerpars@    findpars@       pconcat         phot            pstselect
 daoedit        fitskypars@     pconvert        photpars@       seepsf
 daofind        group           pdump           prenumber       setimpars
 daopars@       grpselect       peak            pselect         substar

As an example, I measured few of the stars in the image by hitting a key on the image:

--> !ds9 bf_KCD095628.fits &
--> daoedit bf_KCD095628.fits
Warning: Graphics overlay not available for display device.

  1034.76 1036.13       0.1     0.00    2.99      2.9  -1.138
  1007.33  990.14       0.1     0.00    3.01      0.8   0.199
  1016.51 1004.80       0.1     0.00    2.90      0.2   1.752
  1048.00  942.55       0.1     0.00    3.04      2.0  -0.767
  1074.63  939.88       0.1     0.00    3.02      1.2  -0.221
  1136.91  947.06       0.1     0.00    2.97      4.6  -1.652

Hit r to check whether the star is saturated. Hit ? to see help, as usual.

In the previous Question, I asked you what will happen if the min/max values of the image is too small. Now you see the problem: Due to the default decimal point print of DAOEDIT, SKY and SKYSIGMA (representative sky value and its error) are unrealistic. In reality, this should be something like 0.064 and 0.0011, i.e., roughly about 2% of fluctuation level. So I will assume that we've obtained the following results:

  1034.76 1036.13       0.064     0.0011    2.99      2.9  -1.138
  1007.33  990.14       0.064     0.0011    3.01      0.8   0.199
  1016.51 1004.80       0.064     0.0011    2.90      0.2   1.752
  1048.00  942.55       0.064     0.0011    3.04      2.0  -0.767
  1074.63  939.88       0.064     0.0011    3.02      1.2  -0.221
  1136.91  947.06       0.064     0.0011    2.97      4.6  -1.652
  • Question: When doing photometry (which we'll do in next section), people prefer DAOEDIT over IMEXAM. Why do you think so? Can you see what is the major difference between the outputs of these two?

8. More on Photometry

What you have obtained from IMEXAM and DAOEDIT are very primitive results. In theory, the seeing effect should be nearly identical to all the point sources in the image, so we should have same FWHM for each star. What we do is to accept average of the FWHMs of the stars I got above. You may have now realized that we had to choose stars that are quite isolated! If there is another star near it, then its profile may have been polluted, and thus the FWHM is unreliable.

Let me show you how to get photometry result using FWHM=3 (pixels).


--> epar phot

Then set the parameters as in the figure below.

(You can open up the parameter editor of DATAPARS, etc, by clicking on the PSET datapars OR typing --> epar datapars.)


You can hit Save & Quit after setting all the values. They are explained below:

Parameters in PHOT will be used for the aperture photometry:

  • image: The input image name
  • interactive, radplot: You will see what we can do if you choose interactive mode. It is recommended to check "yes" to both of these.
  • verify: You can easily see what will be shown or hidden if you check yes/no. If yes, it re-asks about the parameters.
  • verbose: The word verbose means "display the results so that I can see what you are doing!" in computer world.

Parameters in DATAPARS will be used for the flux calculation:

  • fwhmpsf: The FWHM we obtained from above (3.0)
  • sigma: The uncertainty in sky estimation (0.0011). This will not be used depending on salgorithm of FITSKYPARS. See below.
  • ccdread, gain, exptime: Put the header keywords, not the actual values.
  • In our case, the image does not contain the header for readout noise, so you may encounter warning from PyRAF when you run the task, but it does not halt the process.
  • If you do not have the value in the header but still want to put, say, ccdgain=5.0, then you can use the parameter readnoise. Same goes true for gain, exposure time, etc.

Parameters in FITSKYPARS will be used for the sky estimation:

  • salgorithm: Quite many IRAF users are unaware of the sky estimation algorithm. You will learn it while using Python, but you can refer to the manual website linked above.
  • annulus, dannulus: To estimate the sky value, IRAF can only use method called "annulus". It means you are going to calculate the sky value and its uncertainty using the ring shaped region around the target (annulus with inner radius of annulus and outer radius of annulus + dannulus).
  • Rule Of Thumb: annulus = 4*FWHM, dannulus = 2*FWHM generally works well.
  • More on sky estimation: IRAF does sigma clipping method to reject unrealistic sky values from the annulus defined by annulus and dannulus, centered at the target. To tune this rejection, you can change other parameters such as sloclip, khist, binsize, etc. You will learn what these do in the near future, and will make your own code to do the same thing.
  • skyvalue: This will be used only when salgorithm=const.

Parameters in PHOTPARS will be used for the photometric magnitude calculation with DATAPARS:

  • apertures: You have to sum the photon number within the aperture to get the stellar flux and thus magnitude. To do so, you have to set the aperture.
  • Rule Of Thumb: apertures = 1.5 * FWHM works well.
  • zmag: The zero-point magnitude. You can set it to any value in theory, but 25 is used in general in practice.

After saving these, you MUST display the image by yourself.

--> !ds9 bf_KCD095628.fits &
--> phot
The input image(s) ('bf_KCD095628.fits'): 
Warning: Graphics overlay not available for display device.
Warning: Image bf_KCD095628.fits  Keyword RONOISE not found.

Hit ? to see the help. Usually you will use f (of space bar if you want to save the result immediately). Some other things, such as c or t may be used.

  • TIP: You MUST open the image on ds9 which is the same as the inputs in the PHOT. It is a known bug and may not be fixed in the future.

If you hit f on a certain star, some kind of radial plot will appear with three vertical lines:


The image shows the plot of pixel values (Intensity) with respect to the radial distance from the calculated photocenter of the star near the cursor. In the lower axis, radial distance is shown in pixel units, and upper axis shows the scale units.

  • Question: Why do you think I used aperture ~1.5 FWHM ?

  • Question: Why do you think I used such annulus? Why can't we use annulus from 4.50 to 12.00, for example in our case?

  • TIP: You may want to see the x-axis in arcsecond unit. Then, if you knew 1 pixel corresponds to 0.5 arcsec, for example, you could have set scale = 0.5 in DATAPARS.

The vertical lines show the aperture and inner/outer edge of the annulus to measure the sky. From the messages shown in the top of the image, you can read centroid result and the sky (depends on salgorithm you selected) statistics:

  • xc, yc: The result from marginalized centroiding
  • xerr, yerr: The error of xc, yc after marginalized centroiding. I just guess these are calculated from Gaussian fitting to the marginalized fluxes (projection onto x and y axes)
  • value: The representatice sky value, such as mode, median, mean, etc, depending on salgorithm.
  • sigma: The sky uncertainty (centered second moment)
  • skew: The centered third moment (so called skewness)
  • nsky: The number of sky pixels used to get value, sigma, skew after sigma clipping
  • nrej: The numver of sky pixels rejected after sigma clipping

Looking at the Results of PHOT

Now you must have a file named filename+.mag.1, and mine is like this:

#N IMAGE               XINIT     YINIT     ID    COORDS                 LID    \
#U imagename           pixels    pixels    ##    filename               ##     \
#F %-23s               %-10.3f   %-10.3f   %-6d  %-23s                  %-6d    
#U pixels     pixels     pixels  pixels  pixels  pixels          ##   cerrors  \
#F %-14.3f    %-11.3f    %-8.3f  %-8.3f  %-8.3f  %-15.3f         %-5d %-9s      
#N MSKY           STDEV          SSKEW          NSKY   NSREJ     SIER SERROR   \
#U counts         counts         counts         npix   npix      ##   serrors  \
#F %-18.7g        %-15.7g        %-15.7g        %-7d   %-9d      %-5d %-9s      
#N ITIME          XAIRMASS       IFILTER                OTIME                  \
#U timeunit       number         name                   timeunit               \
#F %-18.7g        %-15.7g        %-23s                  %-23s                   
#N RAPERT   SUM           AREA       FLUX          MAG    MERR   PIER PERROR   \
#U scale    counts        pixels     counts        mag    mag    ##   perrors  \
#F %-12.2f  %-14.7g       %-11.7g    %-14.7g       %-7.3f %-6.3f %-5d %-9s      
bf_KCD095628.fits      1067.000  998.000   1     nullfile               0      \
   1070.161   998.227    3.161   0.227   0.114   0.116          107  BigShift  \
   0.06422786     0.001279112    7.303506E-4    2118   255      0    NoError   \
   120.           INDEF          INDEF                  INDEF                  \
   4.50     58.87154      63.82666   54.77209      25.852 0.080 0    NoError    

Because it is too long, I extracted only the last part. The commented lines explains the name of the parameters (N), unit (U), and the format (F). What you will use most frequently are XCENTER, YCENTER, RAPERT (aperture radius), MAG (instrumental magnitude), and MERR (uncertainty in instrumental magnitude).

I have obtained $ m_{\rm inst} = 25.852 \pm 0.080$!

  • TIP: Although I have said that the small min/max of preprocessed image caused problem for DAOEDIT, you can see that actually they are saved internally and has proper values in the .mag.1 file.

Saving IRAF Files to Normal Text: TXDUMP

Now, it is difficult to read by a human. So IRAF supports a task called TXDUMP, which dumps texts. For example, let me print XCENTER and YCENTER:

--> txdump bf_KCD095628.fits.mag.2 'xcenter, ycenter' yes
1070.161  998.227

You don't have to use capital letters as you can see. yes is actually the answer to verbose option. You can open up the parameter setting by epar txdump. You can save the output as a file as you did in LINUX:

--> txdump bf_KCD095628.fits.mag.2 'xcenter, ycenter, mag, merr' yes > output.txt

and output.txt contains only the following numbers:

1070.161  998.227  25.852  0.080

  • TIP: You may worry that this kind of IRAF-specific format of output file cannot be read properly from Python. But astropy has built-in function called ascii, which properly reads these output files even faster, more readible, useful, and fancier than TXDUMP.

9. For Your Future... DAOFIND

Although I will not teach more on IRAF than this, you may need to learn using IRAF for photometry (even psf photometry) in the future, because many older generation prefers IRAF due to the legacy. I want to put one more information on PHOT task for your future reference and then the DAOFIND.

In PHOT, you may not want to do all the things interactively since you have 100 images with 2 stars of interest in each image (so that you need 100x2 = 200 interactions for the same xy coordinates). Then what you can do is to save the XY coordinate of the two stars in a file called stars.coo.1 and fill coords of "epar PHOT" with this filename. The file may look like:

1312.3 332.2
132.6 423.6

First and second columns are X, Y coordinate of the stars found from DAOEDIT or PHOT.

What this will do is similar to a mouse-keyboard macro program: load the image, put cursor at the given position, hit certain keys to measure and save magnitudes.

Now, what if you have 100 images but 100 stars in each image!? Doing DAOEDIT to 100 stars itself is exhausting. Then you can do DAOFIND or IRAF's own starfinder algorithm, which is not used widely. FYI: Same algorithms are also implemented in Astropy-Photutils, too.

--> epar daofind
(settings is a simplified version of PHOT, so you can easily understand)

--> daofind
Task daofind is running...

FWHM of features in scale units (3.) (CR or value): 
    New FWHM of features: 3. scale units  3. pixels
Standard deviation of background in counts (0.0011) (CR or value): 
    New standard deviation of background: 0.0011 counts
Detection threshold in sigma (4.) (CR or value): 
    New detection threshold: 4. sigma 0.0044 counts
Minimum good data value (INDEF) (CR or value): 
    New minimum good data value: INDEF counts
Maximum good data value (INDEF) (CR or value): 
    New maximum good data value: INDEF counts

Warning: Image bf_KCD095628.fits  Keyword RONOISE not found.

Here, detection threshold is the most important one. If the peak intensity of the fitted star (NOT the peak pixel value, but the peak value of the fitted function!) is below the |threshold * skysigma|, they are neglected and not considered as stars.

After a while, a file with filename.coo.1 will be generated with following contents:

#U pixels    pixels    #        #           #           #           #          \
#F %-13.3f   %-10.3f   %-9.3f   %-12.3f     %-12.3f     %-12.3f     %-6d       \
   428.683   1.885     -0.704   0.507       -0.730      0.313       1     
   1336.253  2.638     -1.416   0.728       0.581       0.771       2     
   1399.732  1.493     -2.154   0.472       -0.726      0.345       3     

About 20,000 stars are detected in my case.

Here, sharpness, sround, and ground are the parameters used to determine whether the source is a star-like one or not. They are defined in the Stetson 1987 paper for the first time. sharpness is a measure of "how sharp the target is", and is kind of "peak value / sky value", roughly speaking. sround and ground are roundness parameters: sround is to measure the roundness based on the symmetric property of the source, and ground is based on the marginalized Gaussian fit to the object.

10. Spectroscopic Preprocessing

The preprocessing procedures are identical to photometry. One thing to be careful is just flat: flats should have identical filter, slit, grating, etc, with the object of interest.

We then may need one more step, i.e., trimming (cropping the image). Go display the flat.fits file by implot

--> implot flat.fits


  • Left image: typing :a 30 and then :l 700 (average over 30 pixels around line (row) 700)
  • Right image: typing :a 30 and then :c 500 (average over 30 pixels around column 500).

We may say that x (column): 5002100 and y (line): 550850 is reliable, and other pixels are useless. For smaller x values, there seems to be signal, but it is due to the higher order dispersion and/or due to the order sorting filter.

We can trim all the images (including the object) using the trimcor option in CCDPROC. The trim region can be specified at (trim) by [x1:x2,y1:y2], i.e., [500:2100,550:850], in our case. You can do it by

--> imcopy image[500:2100,550:850] image

to overwrite the original image by the trimmed image.

You can do preprocessing identical to the above sections. If you want to use CCDPROC:

Now we turn on zerocor, darkcor, and flatcor with bias.fits, dark.fits, and flat.fits as follows:

--> epar ccdproc


Click on Execute. You may see some results like this (exact values may differ):

--> imstat
List of input images ('*.fits'):
#               IMAGE      NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV       MIN       MAX
            dark.fits    481901   -0.7664     8.627     -33.5     2321.
            flat.fits    481901     1804.     823.4     73.57    24817.
            bias.fits    481901     113.3     5.251       90.      829.
           pvega.fits    481901     168.3     2541.    -2224.   133972.
         vega_7s.fits    481901     220.9     1254.       83.    35427.

--> ccdlist
CCD images to listed ('*.fits'):

The TZDF means it is trimmed, zero-corrected, dark-corrected, and flat-corrected, respectively.


There are two cases for spectroscopic data:

  1. The object is faint, so the sky lines are clearly visible (due to long exposure)
  2. The object is bright, so the sky lines are not visible (due to short exposure)

For the first case, we can do the wavelength identification by sky line, and the second cases requires some reference (calibration) lamp images.

For convenience,

--> !mkdir after_prep
--> cd after_prep/
--> !mv ../pvega.fits .

The dispersion axis should be saved in the header for the IRAF to work properly. We can manually correct this information. First check whether the header containing the information:

--> imhead pvega.fits long+ | grep DISPAXIS

You can edit header:

--> hedit pvega.fits DISPAXIS 1 add+
add vega.fits,DISPAXIS = 1
update vega.fits ? (yes):
vega.fits updated
--> imhead pvega.fits long+ | grep DISPAXIS
DISPAXIS=                    1

Now the image has the DISPAXIS header keyword.

Aperture Extraction

We use APALL task:

--> noao
--> onedspec
--> twodspec
 apextract/     longslit/
--> apextract
 apall          apedit          apflatten       apnormalize     apscatter
 apdefault@     apfind          apmask          aprecenter      apsum
 apdemos/       apfit           apnoise         apresize        aptrace
--> epar apall

Set parameters as in the figure. If you want the IRAF to automatically find aperture (you can modify it later by yourself, but you can get an idea how it finds the aperture), you can just set everything as default with turning the background subtraction on.


--> epar apextract
(Set dispaxis = 1)
--> apall
List of input images ('vega.fits'):
Edit apertures for vega? ('yes'):

If you hit ?, the command will show you the help page. Hit q, and you may be able to get out of the help page. The following images show four basic steps you have to do first:


The screens of yours can be very different from this!

  1. Top left: You will see the plot "original". Hit w for zoom, and e for the lower left and upper right corner to zoom in. Hit w a to get to the default zoom.
    • QUESTION e for lower left and then upper right. How would you then obtain the x-inverted zoomed image?
  2. Top right: Hit m or n after you put the cursor near the peak, and IRAF will automatically find aperture for the profile. Hit d to delete some misplaced ones. Hit y key so that you can define the aperture size as the width at the cursor. Hit l and u to set the aperture lower/upper limit manually.
  3. Bottom left: Hit b to get into the background mode. We now will fit the background. This is needed to subtract background from the source. Hit w a to go to the original zoom. Then do w e e to zoom. It is better to zoom small y range to see the background fluctuation as indicated in the figure (red marks).
  4. Bottom right: The dashed line is the fitted sky (background). Sometimes the sky fit is very unrealistic, and you need to change the sky sampling region. Delete the original one by hitting z near the ticks (I-beam shaped ones). Hit s at the lower/upper for both sides (usually more than total 4 hits). Hit f to fit the sky. Type :func cheb, and :ord 3, and then f again to see the 3rd order Chebyshev fit.
  5. Hit q to get out from the background mode. Hit q again. On the terminal, you will see some questions. Type “yes” to the GRAPHICS, NOT THE TERMINAL!

You may have to answer for few times, depending on the APALL epar setting. Type return again and again until you see the following left figure:


This is the aperture trace. The fitting does not look good, but if you see closely, the error is only few pixels order. But you may still want better fit.

Type :order n to fit the n-th order fitting line to the + signs. :order 2 to 5 will be enough for most of the cases. Hit f to see newly fitted dashed line. You can delete some points by d and redo it by u.

  • Moving along columns, the center of the aperture should move, due to the imperfection of instruments. This “shift” is called the trace. The above image shows this “trace” value along the columns(x-axis).

On the right, the extracted Vega spectrum is shown.

What is remaining? We have to change the x value to wavelength.

Wavelength Identification (Bright Object)

You may have the trimmed reference (calibration) lamp image.

--> epar identify


  • Set coordlist to appropriate line profile text files. If you are not provided any files such as ne.dat, leave it as default.
  • section is usually set as middle column or middle line. It will show you the middle column/line cut (1-D plot).
  • nsum is to sum certain number of pixels (lines or columns) to eliminate unwanted features (cosmic ray, etc). Just use ~ 10.
  • fwidth is the initial guess of the full width of the lines. If it is very different from the real line width, the interactive line finding may not work properly.
  • function is to fit the pixel-wavelength relation. Usually it is safe to use Chebyshev polynomial.

The "desired" line spectrum of the lamp should be provided by the observatory. Since our observations does not, let me draw one figure from a public website:

(If the image is low resolution, you may find “low resolution lamp spectrum” more similar to your image, such as that in this link)

Now we have to let IRAF know what the wavelengths of about some peaks in the graphics. IRAF then automatically use the “peaks” data file to find all other peaks. Let’s see how it works:


  1. Left: Use w e e and w a to zoom the spectrum. Put the cursor near one of the peaks (e.g., the largest peak at 5852.49 Angstrom). Then type m (for mark). At the bottom of the graphics, type the rough wavelength value (e.g., “5852”). Hit return. At the bottom, there will be the found wavelength value. It is found from the Ne.dat file, using your input value.

    Do the same thing few times more. We will let IRAF's AID (Auto Identification) algorithm to find all other peaks based on the pre-defined database.

    • In some cases when you are not provided with line profiles (.dat file) and it contains lines from un-cataloged data, you cann]ot use AID.
    • Hit l if you have provided line profiles. IRAF will automatically read appropriate .dat file (containing all possible line centers) and find all peak values.
  2. Right: After hitting l, you may see a lot of identified lines as in the figure. The lines, however, are not always the real ones, since very small emission peaks may be in the line data file, too. So this process is not always accurate, so you have to edit them.

  3. Delete some marks by d where no peak is visible.

  4. If you feel satisfied, hit f to see the residual plot. If there is any point with significant residual, hit d near it to delete it (X mark will appear). Hit f again and you will fit again. Hit q twice to quit identify.

Some shortcuts are summarized below (from Documentation):

d    (D)elete the feature nearest the cursor.
n    Move the cursor or zoom window to the (n)ext feature (same as +).
p    (P)an to the original window after (z)ooming on a feature.
z    (Z)oom on the feature nearest the cursor. The width of the zoom window is determined by the parameter zwidth .

The ne_30.fits now include the information of our calibration. We now have to implement the object image file that the image fits file has reference spectrum data as this neon fits file! To do so:

--> hedit REFSPEC1 "ne_30.fits" add+
add,REFSPEC1 = ne_30.fits
update ? (yes): updated

For check:

--> imhead long+ | grep REFSPEC1
REFSPEC1= 'ne_30.fits'

So the IRAF now will be able to change the x-pixels into wavelengths based on this Ne lamp fits data. This can be done by dispersion correction:

--> dispcor vega_final

Then plot:

--> splot vega_final


  • Left: Hit space. You will see x, y, z values. y is the cursor’s y-value and z is the actual y value (flux) of the plot.
  • Right: See below.

To study about a line (absorption, in our case), zoom into a certain region using w e e. We will fit the continuum, and fit the absorption line. At the left- and right-most positions you want to fit the continuum, hit d at each edges.

At the bottom of the graphics, you will be asked about “Lines”. This means with which profile you want to fit the absorption. I will select Gaussian. Put the cursor near the absorption line, and hit g. There will appear a small vertical tick which indicates the center you selected.

After you selected all the lines you want to calculate within the zoomed window, hit q. Another question is Fit positions: just type a. The next is Fit Gaussian width question, just type a. Fit background? Oh yes: type y. Then you will see a green continuum fitting line and red fitting line (absorption fitting line).

You can see the center, flux, equivalent width, and gaussian FWHM value at the bottom of the graphics. +/- will show you the results at next/previous peaks. r will show you the RMS of the background after fitting.

Hit q to exit. The same question will be asked for if you have other things to fit. Just hit q to quit completely. You will see “Deblending Done” message. The process we’ve done is called deblending, since we “deblended” line from the continuum.

12. Flux Calibration

We need to have standard star spectrum to do the flux calibration. The standard star data is saved in somewhere like ${ANACONDA3}/envs/iraf/iraf/noao/lib/onedstds/. I haven't yet made lecture note for this, but you can easily find simple example from FOCAS Cookbook. See section 5.7 of the cookbook.

A. IRAF Trouble Shooting

Errors: Messages That You Cannot Change uparm something

Check that you ran pyraf at the directory where you have"!

Many of the students ran pyraf where you didn't do mkiraf. In such case, you can "run" pyraf, but nothing will work correctly. Even ls will not work. If you had to put ! in front of ls, that means you made some mistake.

Errors: "FXF" or "Not an Image or a Number"

The following error messages may be popped up if the image reduction had some problem:

FXF: must specify which FITS extenstion
(filename) is not an image or a number

For check, do imstat *.fits and see whether the results are printed normally.

Possible reason for wrong image processing:

  1. I found many students wrongly did ls *.fits > ~~~~.list. Please open the ~~~~.list file and check whether it contains only the desired fits files. These should not contain bias.fits or flat.fits, etc.

  2. In other cases, students didn't remove the pre-existing bias or flat files. You must remove the pre existing files via !rm bias.fits, etc, before median combining. If not, IRAF automatically adds one more extension on top of the original file, which then doubles, triples, ... the size of the image.